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Agenda and Minutes for for 9th January 2020

Agenda for the meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on

Thursday 9th January 2020 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of Previous Meeting

3) Matters Arising

4) Police Report

5) Lewis Nesbit from the Spateston T&RA

6) Chairpersons Report

7) Secretary s Report

8) Treasurers Report

9) 2018/2019 Accounts – Transparency

10) Elected Members Report: Cllr Andy Steel

11) AOCB

12) Date of Next Meeting 13th February 2020

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 9th January 2020 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Marie Corbett, Elizabeth Forrest, Catherine Johnstone, Iain McMillan, Emily Parker, Geoffrey Prior, Valerie Reilly, Arlene Scarff, Alan Stevenson and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance: -

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig and Emma Rodden.

4 members of the public were also present.


Chris Gilmour and Councillors John Hood, Andy Steel and Bill Binks.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Elizabeth Forrest

Seconded by Arlene Scarff

3. Matters Arising

Thomas Wallace welcomed those present to the first meeting of 2020 and expressed high hopes for the new decade.

Iain McMillan reported that he had collated views about the bins in the Houston Court car park and that the consensus had been that the situation should be monitored but that people did not want to lose the facility.

EF mentioned that the Collier Street bin issue had still not improved. TW added that the bins are cleared when JCC raises the issue, but a couple of days later are as bad again. Cllr Rodden commented that it was sad that people did not have enough pride in their own area.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 56 crimes were reported including 24 thefts and/or attempted thefts, 1 serious assault, 6 common assaults, 12 anti-social offences and 6 road traffic offences. 18 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 21 crimes were reported including 4 thefts and/or attempted thefts, 3 drug offences, 10 anti-social offences and 3 road traffic offences. 6 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 17 crimes were reported including 4 thefts and/or attempted thefts, 2 common assaults, 4 anti-social offences and 2 road traffic offence. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 31 crimes were reported including 4 thefts and/or attempted thefts, 6 common assaults, 4 drug offences and 10 anti-social offences. 12 of these crimes had been detected.

Cllr Doig asked whether there was a pre-Christmas spike in the number of crimes because there is a knowledge that people are storing high-value goods.

Office Taylor agreed – both shop-lifting and house thefts.

Catherine Johnstone commented that when Inspector Cast arrived, he had stated that he would come down hard on drugs and asked the officers how they felt it was going. Off. Taylor answered that it was a question better directed to Insp. Cast. TW added that Insp. Cast had always intended to come along to a JCC meeting, but the opportunity had not yet presented itself. IMcM suggested that perhaps we could meet with him at a time of his convenience if that would help.

There being no other questions for the officers TW thanked them and they left the meeting at 7.15pm.

5. Spateston Tenants and Residents Association

Lewis Nesbitt, the Spateston TARA Chair, addressed the meeting.

He spoke about the plans they had and about meeting with the Planning Dept. to look at the results of the Charette held a few years ago. It was discovered that it only covered housing developments and had no provision for recreational facilities. He felt that people wouldn’t have pride in their area if there was nowhere to come together. Therefore, the TARA have formulated a

‘Place Plan’ which they hope will make a better Spateston. They would like it to be an ‘Independent Spateston’ while still very much a part of Johnstone. They have identified central concerns and future projects. He said that Spateston Park was in a wonderful situation but the play equipment is about 40 years old.

They have been talking to businesses and looking for social investment from builders. They are looking at the old Nursey Building as a possibility to become a community hub.

TW remarked that he had read the plan and found it very comprehensive. LN said that they had asked the Osprey developers for help, however, they have discovered asbestos and that is taking up their budget.

IMcM said that he knows Spateston very well and the plan is really good. But he said that the paly equipment was only about 10 years old – which didn’t mean that it couldn’t be improved, especially as the new Nursery will be even closer. He thought that what they were trying to achieve was a good thing. Over the years Spateston has lost two community assets the Library and then the Community Centre. With a little investment the old Nursery could be good for the community. Spateston is changing with new houses, shops and a nursery. JCC is interested in the whole of Johnstone and so will give any help and support it can.

LN said they were also working well with Corseford TARA.

CJ asked what plans they have for fundraising.

LN replied that they have not yet set up any fundraising social events as the Osprey is closed and Spateston Bowling Club charges £100/event booking. EF asked whether builders creating more than a certain number of houses should be compelled to provide community facilities. LN said that they had talked to developers, but there had been no progress so far.

Cllr D commented that they were doing an excellent job and congratulated them. He added that ‘Place Making’ was an excellent idea and as Johnstone is a town of individual areas so perhaps JCC should talk to the various TARAs to encourage them to do their own Place Making. The Council can use section 75 to compel developers to include community facilities, but they don’t always. CJ commented that the people of Bishopton were promised things which have never materialised.

TW remarked that in some ways it was easier for TARAs to do this than CCs. Cllr Cameron said that she admired Spatestone’s drive and positivity and offered future support. LN said that they have a fantastic group of people who are diversely talented.

TW remarked that we were glad he had come along and asked that he keep us informed. He would be happy to go along to Spateston meetings, and he invited LN to come along to out Liaison Group.

6. Chairman’s Report

TW reported that he had received a nice card from the Business Consortium thanking JCC for our support.

He commented that he was glad that the West Lane Garden situation was now satisfactorily resolved and the place has been renamed ‘Patons Resource Centre’. Cllr C agreed, but added that it was frustrating that it had taken so long.

TW asked JCC members for comments about the way the organisation is currently being run. Any answers received would probably be considered at the March meeting.

At the Local Partnership meeting in November JCC had handed back over

£600 from the Gala Day. This was re-allocated to help the local sports hub.

Linwood CC now has a new Chairman James MacLeod who attends the Partnership meetings. One group has stepped down from membership, meaning that there is a now a vacancy.

Lewis Nesbitt expressed an interest and Cllr C agreed to pass on information about what was involved.

IMcM commented that there seemed to be a lack of partnership bodies coming along to inform on issues such as drugs and health. Cllr C said that such bodies used to be invited along to LAC meetings. Cllr bibby added that there had been a problem in that some had never bothered to attend. The current organisation should ensure that such issues are concentrated on for most of the year (after the annual money distribution).

LN commented on the Drug and Alcohol Partnership. The number of young deaths at the moment seems high – he knew of 5 drug deaths in the last couple of years. Cllr C said that she had recently given an overview of the

Commission’s review of addiction services.

Alan Stevenson commented that we are teaching schoolchildren not to take drugs and the they go home to families who are addicts – they can’t escape it.

TW asked for JCC permission to go ahead with organising the 2020 Gala Day. Members voted in Favour.

Members were reminded that JCC is holding a public meeting on behalf of the Dementia Group on 20th February. Karen McShane has reported a very successful year with positive support from many organisations. They have formed a group which organises monthly outings. They have exercise sessions with Scottish Ballet at The Tramway twice a month. They are not concentrating on Johnstone alone but on surrounding areas where there are only a few sufferers. They have a established a Facebook page and have been in touch with another local charity that deals with isolated over 60s and hope to work with them in the future.

TW said that we will contact other CCs and TARAs as well as local politicians about the meeting. Posters will start to go up around the town and we will also promote the meeting on social media.

Cllr B said that there are a number of specific issues affecting sufferers and there is intense interest in the issue among Renfrewshire communities.

TW attend a meeting with Johnstone Business Consortium on 20th Nov at which the Christmas lights and the Activities Hub were discussed.

On 29th November he had visited the St Anthony’s St. Andrew’s Day assembly where he saw the huge amount of work put in by the children and our cheque for £300 has been presented.

TW reported that he had been concerned by the article in the local press about the Christmas lights in which an official stated that the Council stores, maintains and erects the lights. But over the past two years it has been evident to Johnstone residents that some of the lights are not working correctly.

Cllr D commented that Johnstone gets core funding for lights and the current administration doesn’t intend to change that. This year Renfrew had asked for extra funding from the Local Partnership for extra funding. JCC should write to Cllr Nicholson for assurance that the core funding will be kept and then ask for the same deal as Renfrew.

Cllr B agreed that Johnstone needs to be treated equally with Paisley and Renfrew.

IMcM remarked that there was a general feeling of disappointment at the Christmas lights switch-on. Johnstone should be treated better, but at the same time we wouldn’t want the Gala funding to suffer. He agreed to write to Cllr Nicholson – we need as a CC to be seen to be doing something Cllr C remarked that the Town Centre Strategy money has a remit to look at heritage lighting in Houston Square which will help.

LN reported that Corseford TARA got £2,000 for lights but then had a battle to get them put up, Johnstone should think beyond the town centre and ask for lights to be extended to Beith Road, the Thorn and Kilbarchan Road.

AS commented the town centre was an embarrassment at Christmas and hoped that our councillors will help us with getting something better. Cllr D said that if we did apply for money, as suggested by the Council, then it shouldn’t refuse.

7. Secretary’s Report/Liaison Group/Board Reports

IMcM reported that the Liaison Group is due to meet at the end of the month. From Planning matters it was noted that there was a pre-plan application in existence for housing at Corseford which will go for public consultation. There will be a public consultation held at Spateston Bowling Club on 15th January regarding the Auchengreoch housing plan.

A bus shelter is proposed for the stop at Lidl, which is a particularly busy one.

Since the last JCC meeting there had been sessions of the Leadership Board and the full Council.

At Council approval was given for the moving of the polling station from High Parish Church to the Town Hall, but no suitable alternative had been found for Fordbank School which will continue to be used.

It was noted that Cllr Steel now sits on the Clyde Muirshiel Park committee.

8. Treasurer’s Report

CJ reported that the Events Account contained £3404.32.

The balance in the JCC Account was £5472.86.

She also reported that over the last two months £250.00 had been sent to

Johnstone Business Consortium and £300.00 to St. Anthony’s Primary. There were still a couple of bills outstanding.

9. 2018/19 Accounts

TW reminded JCC that at the AGM the passing of the accounts had been deferred as they had contained an estimated figure and it was felt that a report containing an estimated figure should not be submitted to Renfrewshire Council. Additionally, a cheque for an incorrect amount of money in respect of the Gala grant had to be returned to JCC for correction. These had been amended and now JCC voted to pass the 2018/2019 accounts.

10. Elected Member’s Report – Councillor Andy Steel

Cllr S had submitted a lengthy written report in his absence, as he was attending an important meeting on climate change.

The report covered a number of issues which the Council had been dealing with in regard to Johnstone. These included: -

Drainage particularly at the junction of Quarrelton Road and Beith Road and the junction of Fraser Avenue and Beith Road.

Lights in Shanks Park – Cllr Steel will continue to get improvements done.

Drainage in residential areas such as Gibson Crescent.

Ground maintenance around Gibson Crescent, Park Road and North Road.

Rubbish removal and grit bin provision for Howwood Road.

Housing development on Elm Drive approaching completion.

Road surface issues in Overton Crescent.

Work on Spateston Nursery and the redevelopment of the Osprey.

TW commented that this was a good report from Cllr S and that some of his issues are ones that JCC has also pursued.

CJ wanted to thank Cllr S for prompt action when a massive pothole appeared on Beith Road and about 10 cars were damaged. Cllr S was phoned and by 11.30pm a crew was out putting in a temporary repair. She asked that Cllr S should follow this up, and Cllr C said she would also take it on.

Cllr B said there were three specific flooding areas that still needed attention – Ludovic Square, Janefield Road and outside Smith and McLaurin. It would help if JCC were to raise this issue.

ASc mentioned the dip in the road at the start of the A737 flyover. Cllr R said these came under the remit of Transerve.

Geoffrey Prior said that after the last meeting he had submitted photos of blocked drains. IMcM agreed to raise this at the Liaison Group

ASt commented that some bits of road have been flooding for 50 years.

Cllr C reported that flooding is being widely discussed among the Councillors.

11. A.O.C.B

There were no other matters raised.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 13th February 2020 at 7.00pm.

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