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Agenda and Minutes for 8th August 2019

Agenda Johnstone Community Council

Thursday 8th August 7pm Johnstone Town Hall

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of Previous meeting 11th July

3) Matters Arising

4) Police Report

5) Presentation Lindsey Hepburn: Renfrewshire Council Environmental Services

6) Chairpersons Report

7) Secretary s Report

8)Treasurers Report

9) Elected Members report Cllr MacKay

10) AOCB

10) Date of Next Meeting 12th September

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 8th August 2019 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Marie Corbett, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Chris Gilmour, Catherine Johnstone, Iain McMillan, Valerie Reilly, Arlene Scarff and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron and Andy Steel. (Ward 9) – Andy Doig and Emma Rodden

4 members of the public were also present.


Wilma Dean, Daniel McKay and Geraldine McNealey.

Councillors Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, John Hood and Alistair Mackay.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Linda Flint

Seconded by Elizabeth Forrest

3. Matters Arising

Thomas Wallace began the meeting by recording the sudden death of former chairman of JCC, Ron Ewing and extending sympathy to his family. TW announced that Dennis Lavery had decided to step down from JCC. He paid tribute to this former chairman who had been a great help to him when taking up his present position. He wished him well for the future.

With reference to the point about Dawn Homes on page 3 of the July minutes, it was pointed out that the Council was not allowed to give money to a private developer. The Council was not doing Dawn Homes work for them, but would work to promote the area.

It was noted that Geraldine McNealey had offered to help on the Gala Day rather than with requesting prizes.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 36 crimes were reported including 3 common assaults, 14 thefts and attempted thefts, 2 drugs offences, 9 anti-social offences and 3 road traffic offences. 13 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 14 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 2 common assaults, 3 thefts and attempted thefts, 1 drug offence and 4 anti-social offences. 3 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 9 crimes were reported including 4 common assaults, 2 thefts and 3 anti-social offences. 3 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 13 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 3 thefts or attempted thefts, 1 road traffic offence and 4 anti-social offences. 6 of these crimes had been detected.

It was reported that the officers had drawn up an action plan to deal with parking close to Thorn Primary and will have a presence there at the start of the new term.

Cllr Steel said that he had been inundated with complaints about quad bikes – particularly between Spateston and Howwood – it seems very prevalent this summer. The officers will have to draw up an action plan which will need to be authorised – it may include officers on scrambler bikes.

Cllr S added that there had always been a noise nuisance but this year the main problem has been that they have been riding on the pavements rather than in the fields.

Iain McMillan commented that this had been going on for 10 years or more in the fields, but riding on the pavements was new.

Margaret Lavery asked if they needed a licence to ride a quad bike. The officers answered it was necessary only if they were riding on the road – they could legally push the machine to private land with a licence.

Valerie Reilly asked about the ‘firearms’ offence recorded in Johnstone Castle. The officers replied this was an item found during a search warrant for a drug offence and sounded worse than it actually was.

TW asked if the officers would be present at the Gala Day and was told that they did not know as yet – but would definitely be policing the Fire Engine rally on 10th August.

There being no other questions for the officers they left the meeting at 7.25pm.

5. Presentation by Linda Hepburn of Renfrewshire Council Environmental Services Department

LH introduced herself and told the meeting that she was new to the Council having been with them for four months and she was keen to meet local groups. She reported that the new system seemed to be working well, but was aware that there were still issues. The dept. was steadily working through them.

Cllr Doig brought up what he called a repetitive issue – that businesses were having hard time as the space behind premises was often limited – some have permission to use sacks – but these are not being uplifted and it is a real issue in the town centre. He added that there are also issues with assisted uplifts.

LH replied that assisted uplifts should always be taken – even if the bins are ‘contaminated’. She will check with the crews that they correctly follow process, ticking them off on the route sheets. She added that they are looking to introduce digital in-cab route checks, but that this was still a few months away. She also related that the shift patterns mean that it is not always the same crew on the same route each week and that this could cause problems.

EF asked who dealt with commercial services as she had been given the run-around on the phone when trying to report issues at Colliers Pub where bins lie out permanently – on the other side of the road from the pub. LH replied that bins should sit behind premises and that this can be enforced. EF said that something needed to be done but she had never had any response to her complaints. EF and ML showed photos of the situation to LH.

LF had pictures of the houses at the corner of John Lang Street and the Thorn and said that there needed to be liaison with Housing and the tenants needed to be told.

Arlene Scarff reported that there were the same problems on William Street – with some bins being left out permanently.

It was pointed out that in Erskine the grey bins are emptied every two weeks rather than every three – why can’t Johnstone have this?

Another issue was that the bin men do not pick up any spillages – LH replied that they do have brushes and shovels.

IMcM asked about problems with the large recycling bins in the William Street car park. He also told of bin men lying sleeping in their cabs – this is not a good image – everyone accepts they need their breaks, but they shouldn’t make it so obvious. LH asked if the recycling bins were well used – the dept. does not have the resources to empty them with greater regularity.

Cllr Cameron said that there had been much talk about picking up rubbish dropped during the uplift. What was needed was a change of the ‘culture’ of the workers – they needed to have pride in their job. LH said she would feed this back.

Cllr C said that she had understood that the change to the digital check system had already been introduced but LH replied that the system needed to go through various checks and processes.

Chris Gilmour asked what the % efficiency of uplifts was. LH answered that they were running at 99.7%, but that about 200 properties are missed each week. CG asked whether the increase in efficiency would be worth the cost of introduction of the system. LH replied that the software also worked out the most fuel efficient route and could detect when particular crews were struggling and send out back-up.

ML commented that the problems in Johnstone were terrible – she knew of 4 instances of fly-tipping on Park Road but that no action is taken against the perpetrators. LH said that she would feed this back.

TW asked what the standard number in a bin crew was. LH said that it was three men. TW replied that in Corseford the day before there had been a lorry with only two operatives and that the driver had left his cab door open in a serious breach of Health and Safety. LH answered that private companies send out bin lorries single-manned and that Council ‘Special Uplifts’ have only 2 men.

TW brought the discussion to a conclusion and thanked Ms Hepburn for her attendance.

6. Chairman’s Report

TW noted that there had been an email circulated re. the consultation on sex entertainment and the response had been against it. Those with strong feelings were asked to respond individually as each response counted. He asked whether JCC should make a response.

EF added that there is already a lap-dancing place in Paisley.

TW asked why we are being consulted now.

Cllr S replied that the licensing system had changed and as a result each Council needs to decide its position.

LF commented that such places should be licensed for the safety of all IMcM said that most of us don’t want such places but they do exist. However, the chances of one being set up in Johnstone are low. But they should be licensed rather being driven underground.

CG asked whether there had been such places licensed before and Cllr S replied that licences had previously not been needed.

TW asked whether JCC want such premises and the majority voted against – so JCC will put in its opposition.

TW reported that the Gala Day preparations were going well.

It was pointed out that forms for re-nomination to the Community Council have been issued and should be returned before 13th September.

The Renfrewshire Community Council Forum meeting on 28th August will deal with the issue of self-nomination to CCs. Catherine Johnstone will attend.

7. Secretary’s Report

IMcM reported that it had been a quiet month with the Council in recess.

The procession of the Society of William Wallace is set to take place on 24th August.

He reported on the consultation about the possibility of money for Shanks

Park. JCC is unhappy that Johnstone is having to apply for money when Paisley and Renfrew didn’t have to. A recent meeting on 7th August came to the consensus that there should be a letter to the Chief Executive, not ruling out co-operation, but pointing out that the other two parks were upgraded without local commitment. We consider that Shanks Park is a major park and should receive equal treatment. We are willing to work with the Council but we shouldn’t have to do it all.

Cllr C said that the idea was to give the community ‘empowerment’.

TW commented that recent administrations have ignored Shanks Park – it is Johnstone’s turn to be treated properly.

CG commented that Shanks Park should get investment and that he felt the Council was using ‘community empowerment’ as a way of hiving-off non-statutory duties.

Cllr Rodden didn’t think it was an either/or – going for funding didn’t mean that the Council wouldn’t invest – Kilbarchan got both and that Parks and Green Spaces funding can come much more quickly that waiting for money through Council budgets.

Cllr D said he agreed with much of Cllr R’s point and he would like to see Johnstone get money from both funding streams.

LF commented that she thought the Parks and Green Spaces fund was for small green spaces. We are asking for a big lump sum for Shanks Park. IMcM noted that we are not closing the door on the small funds, but more volunteers were needed to work on the bids. Historically Shanks Park has been ignored and now needs more infrastructure investment.

8. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that the balance of funds stood at £6,438.13.

The Funding account stood at £480.

Gala Day advert money is now coming in and stallholders are also sending money in.


TW reported that there could be no members of the public in attendance at the September meeting which will be tidying up loose ends before the members step down.

JCC currently stands at 13 members and one is stepping down – more, and younger, members are needed.

IMcM added that representation from area like Cartside and Howwood Road.

TW noted that the proposed meeting with the Dementia Group will go ahead after the JCC elections. From the floor it was commented that Howwood, Brookfield and Linwood etc. should be informed about the meeting with the Dementia Group. TW replied that he would ask Anne McNaughton to email all the CCs.

TW thanked the members for their attendance.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7.00pm.

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