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Agenda and Minutes for 9th May 2019

Johnstone Community Council

Agenda Thursday 9th May 7 pm Johnstone Town Hall

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of Meeting 11/4/2019

3) Matters Arising

4) Police Crime Statistics

5) Presentation Karen McShane: Johnstone Dementia Friendly Group

6) Chairman’s Report

7) Secretary’s Report/Council Boards /Liaison Group

8) Treasurer’s Report

9) Events

10) AOCB

11) Date of next meeting 13th June


Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council

held on Thursday 9th May. 2019 in Johnstone Town Hall.

Present: Marie Corbett, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Catherine Johnston, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, lain McMillan, Geraldine McNealey, Arlene Scarff, T. Wallace.

Councillors: Ward 8: J. Cameron, J. Hood, A. McKay, A. Steel

Ward 9: - B. Binks, A. Day

P.C. A. Taylor - Police Scotland

5 Members of the Public

Apologies: C. Gilmour, V, Reilly, Cllrs Bibby and Rodden.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting were read and agreed

Proposed by C. Johnston, Seconded by G. McNealey

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

The report was presented by P.C. Taylor and covered the period from 11th April to 9th May

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 40 crimes were reported with 21 detected

Johnstone Castle

A total of 12 crimes were reported with 5 detected

Spateston, Corseford & Fordbank

A total of 7 crimes reported with 4 detected

West Johnstone

A total of 18 crimes were reported with 8 detected

5. Presentation Karen McShane - Johnstone Dementia Friendly Group

Karen spoke about the aims of the group she had recently set up. She had both a professional and personal knowledge of the affect dementia had on people and society in general. This was early days but she believed good progress was being made and had already set up several events. Karen then took questions from both members and the public.Tom offered to facilitate a meeting for the group which would involve people from the neighbouring villages.

Tom thanked Karen for her excellent presentation.

6. Chairperson's Report

Tom raised the following issues: the local partnership meeting was to be held on the lath June, told members of a meeting held to discuss the idea of a pop-up cinema, a pre-planning event had been organised to discuss the idea of houses to be built in Rannoch Road on the site of the existing Golf Range.

Tom also gave details of a meeting held to discuss future investment in Thomas Shanks Park. A meeting was to be organised with Council Officers which was to include the CC. As well as the Johnstone Community Sports Complex, The Friends of Thomas Shanks Park and the Quarrelton Tenants Association. He also gave an update on the work of the Johnstone Gala Sub group.

Secretary's Report / Council Boards/Liaison Group

Copies of the Liaison Group had been distributed.

Council Boards - lain spoke of two items:

One: Councillors Pay and membership of boards

Two: Some gala day applications for funding to be determined by officers.

Also a few motions on the full council

1) Roadside Litter

2) Carers Passport

3) Strathclyde Pensions

4) Charging for use of TAM's

Main Secretary's Report

1) Nothing of note in terms of processions

2) Consultations - Short-Term lets

Local Plan

Unconventional Oil and Gas addendum

3) Comments sent to Council re Gryffe Taxi Office

4) Letter sent reflecting Cc's views on Polling Places

5) Comments asked for Alpha Taxi Office

Geraldine gave a report on the Council's leadership board - including the following issues

Coats Church funding

Investment Area - Airport

Wallace Day - Improvements

Treasurer's Report

Linda reported a balance of £6,621.13

AOCB: Members reported on the following area around the High Parish Church and the graveyard were in a mess.

Trees and bushes overgrown at Railway Line at the Thorn.

Investment needed in road signs with a particular point being overgrown bushes/trees obscuring them.

Peockland Place is still looking poor.

Next Meeting 13th June 2019

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