Agenda and Minutes for 14th March 2019
Agenda Johnstone Community Council 14th March 7pm Johnstone Town Hall
1) Apologies
2) Minutes of Meeting 14/2/19
3) Matters Arising
4) Police Crime Statistics
5) Chairperson s Report
6) Secretary s Report/Liaison Meeting /Council Boards
7) Treasurers Report
8) Community Council Forum
10) Date of Next Meeting 11/4/19
Johnstone Community Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held
on Thursday 14th March 2019 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.
Members: Marie Corbett, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel
Graham, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, lain McMillan,
Geraldine McNeaIey, Valerie Reilly and Arlene Scarff.
Also in attendance:
Councillors (Ward 8) — Jacqueline Cameron, John Hood, Alistair Mackay,
Andy Steel.
(Ward 9) —Bill Binks, Emma Rodden.
8 members of the public were also present.
Chris Gilmour, Thomas Wallace and Councillors Derek Bibby and Andy Doig.
In the absence of Thomas Wallace, lain McMillan took the chair.
2. Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
Proposed by Catherine Johnstone
Seconded by Dennis Lavery
3. Matters Arising
The Secretary reported that he had been asked to write to local supermarkets
to ask whether they would be willing to sponsor flower baskets around the
town. He had hand-delivered the letters three weeks previously but so far
there had been no response.
4. Police Crime Statistics Report
The two police officers presented the latest crime statistics report covering the
period from 14th February to 14th March.
Johnstone Town Centre
A total of 43 crimes were reported including 5 common assaults, 23 thefts and
attempted thefts, 3 drug offences, 6 anti-social offences and 6 road traffic
offences. 16 of these crimes had been detected.
West Johnstone
A total of 16 crimes were reported including 4 thefts and attempted thefts, 1
common assault, 1 drug offence, 4 anti-social offences and 3 road traffic
offences. 9 of these crimes had been detected.
Spateston and Corseford
A total of 10 crimes were reported including 3 thefts and attempted thefts, 3
common assaults, 1 anti-social offence and 1 road traffic offence. 5 of these
crimes had been detected.
Johnstone Castle
A total of 14 crimes were reported including 6 thefts or attempted thefts, 1
anti-social offence and 2 road traffic offences. 3 of these crimes had been
Cllr Steel asked if the officers had seen social media reports regarding
suspicious behaviour. The officers responded that they don’t monitor social
media and suggested that people should be encouraged to report such
IMcM said that in light of increased attempts to enter houses might it not be
an idea to get a feel for what is going on in social media. The officers replied
that Facebook groups are often closed and the police don’t get invited in.
Additionally, any attempts to watch social media could be construed as covert
CJ noted that she had reported some property damage several days earlier
and no-one had yet got back to her.
Danny McKay said that there had been three housebreaking attempts in his
area and asked if any extra help had been brought in. He was told that there
has been a spike of such offences in Renfrewshire and a special initiative has
been set up.
Cllr Hood reported that in his area a white van had been noted checking back
gardens and taking away scrap metal without asking. The officers said that
this would be looked at as part of the special initiative.
Margaret Lavery said that her area has a neighbourhood watch scheme which
seems to help and that if people get together, they can help each other.
IMcM stated that the whole town was concerned about the amount of
break-ins and hoped that the initiative would go well, but he went on to stress
that all crimes should be reported so that the police were aware of the full
picture. He added that it was particularly worrying that these crimes reportedly
include weapons. The officers said that such crimes are rare but tend to
attract more media attention.
There being no further questions, IMcM thanked the officers who left at
5. Chairman’s Report
TW had submitted a written report which was read out by IMcM.
The report complained that despite increases in the Council Budget for
Council Tax payers there seemed to be very little in it for the benefit of
Johnstone. Cllr C Replied that some money was earmarked for Johnstone
projects such as an external refurbishment at St Anthony's, an upgrade at
West Lane Gardens and supporting the Active Communities’ bid for the asset
transfer of the old police station.
TW noted that an open day in respect of the Barbush Farm development has
been set for April 11"‘. Additionally, if development was to take place on the
former school sites off Beith Road the Council needed to upgrade or replace
the shops.
IMcM stated that when the schools were demolished the shops had been
supposed to be demolished too. He added new houses need new shops.
TW stated that a meeting of the Gala Committee would be convened soon but
there was a worry about the state of the paths and their safety. There was a
possibility the Gala might need to be moved to the Town Centre.
Wilma Dean reported that Renfrewshire Council have received quotes for the
upgrading of the paths and that work should be taking place soon. Cllr H
noted that someone had broken their ankle on one of the paths within the
previous week.
The Chairman had invited representatives from Johnstone Phoenix Theatre
Company to address the meeting. They related how JPTC puts on 2 shows
per year in the Town Hall. They are self-funded and putting on a panto costs
about £25,000. They have in the past had some grants from community
funds, but their current application to the Leadership Board has been rejected.
They asked JCC to support future bids for funding pointing out that each
production brings about 3,000 people into the town. The down-sizing of the
Town Hall had exacerbated their problems. It could be difficult to secure
permission from rights holders to stage the best shows as there will not be
enough potential revenue from a small venue. Additionally, the company
incurred extra costs now, as costume and scenery could no longer be stored
and had to be hired in for each performance.
Cllr Cameron stated that she had been at the Leadership Board meeting and
invited JPTC to speak to herself and Cllr Rodden about how their application
could meet the funding criteria.
IMcM said that the Company should talk to all eight of the Johnstone
Councillors and said that JCC could write to Cllr Nicholson.
WD asked if the Company had approached Creative Scotland. They replied
that they had, but that they had not got on well. WD said that she was willing
to help with future applications helping to angle the wording to fit criteria such
as inclusion and social isolation.
6. Secretary’s Report
IMcM referred to the reports which had been emailed to all JCC members in
advance of the meeting.
There had been a liaison meeting with Chris Dalrymple and Dorothy Kerr of
Renfrewshire Council on 19th of February at which a number of issues had
been raised including various aspects of the litter problems about the town;
overgrown bushes and dangerous trees; street lights being out; overflowing
drains and vermin (rats and pigeons) around the town.
Elizabeth Forrest raised concerns about fly tipping in Collier Street.
There was a report on the full Council meeting held on 28th February which
referred to the budget; a review of polling places and polling districts; a motion
calling for the re-regulation of bus services and a query about whether there
were to be charges for the uplift of the brown bins.
Cllr R confirmed that there were no plans for charging for rubbish collection
other than for special uplifts. She went on to state that bin problems are often
mentioned on social media with blame being put on the new schedules.
Geraldine McNealey reported that she had checked through the Leadership
Board papers with particular reference to the budget. This had shown, among
other items, £5 million to focus on low-income families; £30,000 to the
Foodbank and support for the Citizens Advice Bureau. Other topics covered
included weekly meeting with the Scottish Government looking at the impact
of Brexit; investment in the Glasgow Airport area to encourage businesses to
the area and heritage funding which revealed that 17 applications had been
received and 9 of them were set to receive funds. Those organisations whose
applications had been rejected can reapply.
7. Treasurer’s Report
Linda Flint reported that following the March meeting the money from the
Scouts for the Gala programme advert has now been paid.
Other income included the Council grant to JCC of £1105 - the same sum as
last year. There is an insurance bill due but it has not yet been received.
LF apologised for the situation which had arisen with the Scouts, she had not
known that they had been promised a free advert in return for assistance on
the day. She asked whether we could return half the money to them. IMcM
replied that it would be more appropriate for the Gala Committee to consider
the idea.
8. Community Council Forum
CJ reported that Fraser Carlin had spoken about the plans for the Airport area
and he had been questioned on various aspects of the new Planning Bill.
There had been discussion on the problems with the new Georgetown
development and why legal obligations were seemingly not being met. It was
commented that JCC needs to keep on top of the developments at Barbush
Farm and the school sites, in light of the perception that promises to
Bishopton were not being kept.
IMcM commented that the money being spent on the Airport would be good
for Johnstone, bringing job opportunities. Cllr R added that the development
will create a centre of excellence attracting a minimum of 4,000 jobs.
Margaret Lavery commented that there should be more care for the welfare of
those living under the flightpaths and the environmental impacts. There
should be insulation and triple glazing offered to local houses.
LF stated that she had taken photos of road cleaning operations in her part of
town. For the previous week there had been a mechanical cleaner in John
Lang Street cleaning out compacted drains of accumulated sanitary towels
and wet wipes etc, which had led to raw sewage running down the street. She
asked for help from the Councillors over this to get John Lang Street properly
cleaned up. She added that housing managers need to inform tenants of what
material can and cannot be flushed down the toilet.
IMcM agreed to contact the relevant managers on behalf of JCC.
Cllr R agreed to take up the sewage issue and stated that she has asked
about getting resurfacing work done in the area.
Valerie Reilly asked what was happening about the proliferation of adverts
around Johnstone’s streets. IMcM said that he would check on it.
WD confirmed that Lord Rowallen has now signed the documents concerning
the transfer of land at Shanks Park. The project is now awaiting work by
Renfrewshire Council's legal team.
GMcN reported issues at Peockland Gardens. IMcM revealed that the area
has been signposted as a priority.
Cllr S noted that street lights, put in on the urging of the previous incarnation
of JCC 20 years ago, were now being claimed to be the responsibility of JCC
by Renfrewshire Council.
IMcM replied that this was definitely not JCC’s responsibility and he would
take the matter on board.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town
Hall on Thursday 11th April 2019 at 7.00pm.