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Agenda and Minutes for 14th February 2019

Agenda JCC meeting 14th February 7 pm Johnstone Town Hall

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of meeting 13th December

3) Matters Arising

4) Police Crime Statistics

5) Presentation Karen Anderson Environmental Services Renfrewshire Council

6) Chairperson s Report

7) Secretary s Report/Council Boards/Liaison Meeting

8) Treasurers Report

9) Elected Members Report: Councillor Jacqueline Cameron

10) AOCB

11) Date of Next Meeting 14th March

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 14th February 2019 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Marie Corbett, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Chris Gilmour, Daniel Graham, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, lain McMillan, Geraldine McNeaIey, Valerie Reilly, Arlene Scarff and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:

Councillors (Ward 8) — Jacqueline Cameron, John Hood, Alistair Mackay and Andy Steel.

(Ward 9) — Derek Bibby, Andy Doig, Emma Rodden.

3 members of the public were also present.


Wilma Dean

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Geraldine McNealey

Seconded by Elizabeth Forrest

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

The statistics presented at the meeting represented the period from 10th January to 14th February. The officers promised to send on the statistics for 13th December to 10th January. These were duly passed to Thomas Wallace and are incorporated here.

Johnstone Town Centre (January)

A total of 55 crimes were reported including 3 common assaults, 26 thefts and attempted thefts, 3 drug offences, 17 anti-social offences and 3 road traffic offences. 23 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Town Centre (February)

A total of 54 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 21 thefts and attempted thefts, 3 drug offences, 16 anti-social offences and 6 road traffic offences. 19 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone (January)

A total of 23 crimes were reported including 8 thefts and attempted thefts, 2 common assaults, 1 drug offence, 7 anti-social offences and 1 road trafficoffence. 5 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone (February)

A total of 19 crimes were reported including 5 thefts and attempted thefts, 2 serious assaults, 1 common assault, 1 drug offence and 7 anti-social offences. 6 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford (January)

A total of 12 crimes were reported including 4 thefts, 4 common assaults and 3 anti-social offences. 5 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford (February)

A total of 12 crimes were reported including 2 thefts, 2 common assaults, 4 anti-social offences and 1 road traffic offence. 3 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle (January)

A total of 6 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 3 thefts or

attempted thefts, 1 anti-social offence and 1 road traffic offence. 1 of these

crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle (February)

A total of 16 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 2 thefts or attempted thefts, 4 drug offences and 6 anti-social offences. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

5. Presentation by Karen Anderson of Environmental Services,

Renfrewshire Council

TW explained that KA had been invited because of the changes to bin uplifts.

KA reported that the changes had come into effect on 5th December and up to that point some 70,000 new green bins had been delivered to households. The department had then dealt with around 5,000 enquiries in the first few weeks. There had been some issues - Env. Services had been inundated with requests for changes to alternative bin sizes as well as requests for brown bins and food caddies. Additional provision could be made for special circumstances and struggling families could be helped to sort things out. They are trying to resolve problems and are currently receiving about 100 enquiries/day the norm should be about 30/day. The service was now beginning to settle down and was running about 90% to plan. There had been some challenges including “difficult to service” areas, and the service to about 1600 premises had had to be altered, in Johnstone Floorsburn Crescent had proved particularly problematical. New housing schemes are also a challenge.

There have been a lot of bags left beside bins, and the dept. has been working on getting people to take their bins in after emptying. KA reported that the men had in some instances actually put the bins away after uplift, but they had just appeared out on the street again. There is legislation that can be used in instances of bin problems but, in reality, it is unlikely that procurator fiscals will go to prosecution. So far ‘contaminated’ bins have been uplifted,

but there will be a cut-off on this.

KA also advised that if you forget to put your bin out, they will come back and

uplift. The uplift schedule can be down loaded from the website. Cllr McKay said that he had noticed bin lorries having problems because of parked cars, adding that this would also be a problem for emergency service vehicles and this is something that needs looking at.

lain McMillan commented that the changes had caused confusion and that he had encountered two issues. He seemed to be spending more time taking grey bin rubbish to the household waste disposal sites, and he had difficulty filling the brown bin at this time of year, though he recognised this would change according to the time of year. KA responded that if households only got one bin correct it was best if it was the brown bin.

Linda Flint commented that she had heard of an instance where a brown bin had been stolen and the householder had just been told to put the material into the grey bin. KA responded that this advice was incorrect.

KA commented on persistent rumours that a fifth, purple, bin was about to be introduced stating that there were no plans at present to issue a separate bin for glass, but that it may have to come if legislation changes.

Catherine Johnstone complained that no brown bins had been issued at Thorn Court, even though an Env. Services representative had visited. KA said she would sort it out.

Cllr Steel thanked KA and her staff for their work through this period of change and asked if there were any indications of an increase in recycling. KA replied that it had made a massive difference.

GMcN noted that at the entrance to the John Lang Street play park there were blue and grey bins full to overflowing which had not been uplifted despite being reported at least twice. KA said that she would get someone out to it the next day. GMcN then asked if recycling was being done properly as she had seen grey and brown bins being emptied into the same lorry. KA replied that this shouldn't happen and would only be authorised if the bins were grossly

contaminated. GMcN responded that on being challenged, the bin men had replied that all the rubbish went to one place! Cllr Doig said that there was a persistence of rumours that all the rubbish went to the same place, but KA reassured everyone that this would only happen in the most extreme of circumstances.

GMcN asked whether joining with four other councils to send rubbish to Dunbar for incineration was environmentally friendly and/or cost effective. KA responded that Dunbar is the only energy from waste plant at the moment.

Glasgow is building one but it will be for the city’s use only. From the floor there was a comment about bins sitting at the pedestrian crossing point by the taxi office in the High street. They had been inspected by operatives in hi-viz gear but were still sitting unemptied.

Cllr Hood reported that he had been told of householders burning rubbish in their gardens and asked what the legal position on this was. KA replied that it was not recommended as many plastics give off toxic chemicals.

TW thanked KA for attending, commenting that there had obviously been many problems with the rollout of the new system, but hopefully these were now being solved. KA left the meeting at 7.55pm.

6. Chairman’s Report

TW reported he and IMcM had been in a meeting with Jamie Mackie on 9th January regarding the Town Centre strategy. Many of the usual issues had been discussed including flowerbeds, dog mess and parking. It was pointed out that the current state of Ludovic Square, often used for wedding photos does not sell the town well.

On 29th January TW had attended a preliminary meeting of the new Local Partnership. There were nine spaces available for representatives from community groups and, as only eight had applied all were accepted. Agendas will be issued for the first meeting proper.

Also, on 29th January, TW and IMcM had had a meeting at the Paton’s Mill development regarding the pavement issue. It had been agreed that a pavement would be put in at the town centre side of the entranceway with a pedestrian crossing away from the main road.

The local papers have reported that the old school sites on the Beith Road had been sold for over £5 million. It was to be hoped that this money would be used for the benefit of Johnstone.

On the subject of West Lane Gardens it is hoped that a new hub for Johnstone may be sited there.

TW has recently talked with Cllr Bibby about a pop-up cinema. It was proposed that JCC should write to Renfrewshire Leisure to ask for this.

7. Secretary’s Report

IMcM advised that there would be a liaison meeting on 19th February. If anyone has any issues they should email them to IMcM. The local Tenants and Residents Associations and the Business Consortium have been invited to attend. A new group has been established in Spateston aiming for a community transfer of the nursery.

There was nothing relative to Johnstone at the Licensing Board.

IMcM had attended a Bus. Cons. Meeting, much of the discussion had been about the issue of bins and also the success of the Christmas charitable efforts.

IMcM reported on the various Council Boards (though it was noted that some meetings were still pending). Items relative to Johnstone were:

Housing - the transfer of land for the new nursery was moving along. the application for industrial units at the Benston has been refused. the application for 140 houses at the site of the old ID Hospital has been approved.

Education - the Primary 2 class maximum numbers have been increased from 25 to 30 pupils.

£14 million has been allocated for infrastructure to do with nursery provision.

Finance - £500,000 has been secured to assist those suffering from cancer.

Environment - The sale of the old school sites will be welcomed by most because of the blot on the landscape they currently are.

8. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that a mistake in the Gala Day accounts had been identified. The quote for the portable toilets had come in at £895 but the invoice received was for £958.50. This has been dealt with and JCC will have to pay only the £895. There was also a difference of £16 which ought to be paid back, but the Council have waived this as it would cost much more to process it.

The current balance of JCC funds stood at £6,11 1.99. Outgoings had been £100 to the Bus. Cons. (unclaimed Gala Day programme prize); £250 to the Bus. Cons. as a contribution to the Christmas Meal and £895 to Renfrewshire Council. The money from the scouts had still not been received.

9. Elected Member's Report

Presented by Cllr Cameron.

Constituents had been mostly been making queries about the new bin changes and unsafe parking around schools - perhaps Renfrewshire Council should consider following Glasgow with a scheme for parking-free zones around schools.

There is a new set of criteria for the placing of grit bins - it is hoped this will be


A new Commission has been set up — with Cllr C as Chair— to look at alcohol

and drug related deaths in the area.

Cllr C is involved with Kairos and outlined their ambitious plans for the community asset transfer of the old police building in Quarry Street.

The IJB review of services and Capability Day services were also reported on.

Dennis Lavery raised the problem of vegetation overhanging and obscuring road signs.

CG asked if it was known what type of housing was being considered for the old school site, and if it was known when we might get more detail. He also asked if the community would be allowed an overview of the plans.

Cllr C replied that she did not, as yet, have any more detail, but she would look into it.

CJ stated that after two years Thorn Court was still waiting for a grit bin.

Cllr Doig congratulated Cllr C on the Chairship and added that there needs to be a look at residential facilities to address drug and alcohol problems.

IMcM commented that he was glad the Council was doing this as drugs and alcohol are endemic in the area and it will be interesting to see how this develops.

TW thanked Cllr C and added that he looked forward to further news on the school sites.

10. AOCB

LF noted that 8th March was International Women’s Day and asked if the Town Hall light could be purple for the day.

LF advised that there would be a WASPl’s march from Govan on 23th February.

LF also commented that road sweepers had been sent to John Lang Street and Ellerslie Street, but due to the congestion caused by the closure of the station car park no sweeping could be done. Could they be sent out at a quiet time in order to do the job properly?

GMcN reported that a notice in Spiers Road said that vegetation and rubbish was to be cleared from the railway embankments.

It was queried how much the Council Tax was going to be, but it was pointed out that it would not be settled until the Council meeting on 28th February.

On the subject of Ludovic Square, Margaret Lavery asked if JCC could contact local businesses to see if they would consider contributing to flower baskets and then ask Renfrewshire Council to take on the watering of them.

It was asked if Renfrewshire Leisure could move the Railway Modellers Exhibition could be moved away from Armistice Sunday. Cllr MacKay commented that it had already been moved to late October.

Arlene Scarff mentioned guttering at lock ups, and other issues, which have been ongoing for around four years.

From the floor it was reported that the £50 from the scouts had been paid that day, but that it had been their understanding that they had been offered a free ad in return for assistance. The matter having been dealt with TW said that he would check the minutes of Gala Day meetings to see if he could clarify the situation.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone TownHall on Thursday14th March 2019 at 7.00pm.

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