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Agenda and Minutes for 11th October 2018

Agenda Johnstone Community Council 11/10/18

Johnstone Town Hall Following AGM 7pm

1 Apologies

2 Minutes of meeting 13th September

3 Matters Arising

4 Police Crime Statistics

5 Chairperson’s Report

6 Secretary’s Report - Council Board Papers - Liaison Group

7 Treasurers Report

8 Elected Members Report - Derek Bibby

9 Events


11 Date of next meeting 8th November

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council

Thursday 11th October 2018 at 7.30pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Marie Corbett, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, lain McMillan, Geraldine McNealey, Valerie Reilly, Arlene Scarff and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:

Councillors (Ward 8) — Jacqueline Cameron, John Hood, Alistair Mackay.

(Ward 9) - Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Emma Rodden.

11 members of the public were also present.


Chris Gilmour, Daniel McKay and Councillors Doig and Steel.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Linda Flint

Seconded by Geraldine McNealey

3. Matters Arising

Councillor Rodden pointed out that she had been missed from the list of those present at the September meeting. Valerie Reilly asked that those attending Community Council meetings should please make sure they signed the sederunt sheet to ensure they were correctly listed in the minutes.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

The Crime Statistics report was presented by Officers Armstrong and Taylor.

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 34 crimes were reported including 1 serious and 2 common assaults, 16 thefts and attempted thefts, 1 drug offence, 5 anti-social offences and 3 road traffic offences. 13 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 9 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 1 drug offence and 7 anti-social offences. 4 of these crimes had been detected. Spateston and Corseford

A total of 8 crimes were reported including 2 common assaults, 3 anti-social offences and 1 road traffic offence. 1 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 9 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 1 theft or attempted theft, 1 drug offence, 2 anti-social offences and 1 road traffic offence. 3 of these crimes had been detected.

Cllr R asked whether the police or traffic wardens had received a lot of complaints about dangerous parking in the area around the railway station.

Off. A responded that the police only deal with cases of dangerous parking or obstruction. Off. T added that perhaps the Council should look at parking restrictions. Linda Flint noted that the situation had persisted for years. She had even seen a recent incident when a lorry had had to reverse back down John Lang Street, as people were now parking on the white lines at the corners.

Off. A pointed out that, legislatively, the police couldn’t do anything about parking on white lines. Councillor Hood noted that the same situation had existed in Fraser Avenue and it had taken three years to get yellow lines instituted. A member of the public asked what was the point of the lines as children were having difficulty getting across the road to the swing park

because of the cars. Off. A replied that the lines were meant only to deter.

Dennis Lavery suggested the Council should paint ‘KEEP CLEAR’ on the

road - as it might be more of a deterrent.

Valerie Reilly pointed out that yellow lines painted on the play park side of the road should not bring objections from local residents. Cllr R wondered where the cars would be parked instead would it just move the problem.

GMcN noted that there is also parking on pavements, though this may be made illegal if current proposals are pursued. She also complained that the traffic wardens never patrol the area at school leaving time and Off. A replied that they only deal with marked bays and

yellow lines.

Arlene Scarff asked about the tipper lorry parked at the corner of Ludovic


Off. A responded that the vehicle was broken down and would be

moved soon.

The police officers left at 8.57pm

5. Chairman's Report

Thomas Wallace reported that the JCC representatives at the Remembrance Service are to be Valerie Reilly and Chris Gilmour.

DL noted that in 2014 there had been a special service held in St Mirin’s Cathedral - and asked if the Council had anything in place to mark the centenary of the Armistice. The Councillors replied in the negative and Councillor Bibby expressed the opinion that there should be something extra to mark the Centenary. Councillor Cameron said that she would look into it.

Cllr Bibby thought it was now probably too late to organise anything.

lain McMillan reported that JCC’s invitation to the meeting about arrangements for the Remembrance Service had been sent to the previous Chairman and not passed on. It was embarrassing that we had not been represented.

6. Secretary’s Report

lMcM reported that the Remembrance Service will be held at St Margaret's and then in the Square.

Councillor Mackay’s question at the last meeting about the percentage of crimes that the police detected which then actually proceeded to prosecution has been referred to the Procurator Fiscal's Office, but there had been no reply as yet.

lMcM noted that he had received an email saying that CC queries about environmental matters would be now dealt with by Dorothy Kerr and there would be an officer nominated for planning issues. lMcM wants to get Chris Dalrymple’s feedback on the last liaison meeting.

GMcN has offered to monitor future Board papers.

McGill’s have now responded to us and will come to our next meeting. It was suggested that we invite representatives of the T&RAs to be present.

Councillors Steel and Cameron have put down a motion about Wallace Day and trying to improve tourist facilities. TW commented that JCC should be included in any motions as the procession leaves from Johnstone.

Cllr H responded that this has now been amended.

7. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that some Gala Day programme advert money has still to come in.

The balance at 15th October was £8,646.86.

8. Elected Member’s Report

Cllr Bibby tabled a report covering financial matters, the new Local Partnership Boards, new flags for Houston Square, the Assisted Bin Collection scheme, adverts at the George Street/Millbrae junction, West Lane Gardens and cultural regeneration.

In addition, he noted that the provision of extra disabled parking spaces at the corner of Houston Square was now out to contractors.

DL asked how the Council could consider spending so much on the refurbishment of monuments and Cllr Bibby responded that there needs to be debate on the protection of services.

There was comment on the proposed changes to the Parliamentary boundaries and it was considered that the huge areas will be very difficult for an MP to cover. Constituents will find that their MPs become even more remote.

There was discussion around the opening of the new Starbucks at the Paton’s Mill development. It was agreed that it could turn into a traffic nightmare at the exit. People may get impatient, take chances and perhaps cause an accident.

It was commented that once a development is completed there should be a Council site visit to see if there are any unplanned consequences.

LF said that people won’t go to the new development if they can’t get out again. It was noted that there are now 10 sets of traffic lights between the A737 and the Thorn.

Catherine Johnston asked had it not been intended that there should be traffic lights at Patons Mill?

Cllr R replied that there were to be no lights at the exit but a reconfiguration of the old lights to make them work more smoothly.

On the subject of the Millbrae advertising boards it was stated that the advertisers have been given a time limit to remove them and the question was raised if there was a fine if they didn’t comply.

Cllr H replied that in cases of non-removal, the Council will take them down and charge for the work. A new

sign has appeared on the gable wall of The Tassie and it was queried whether this would have needed planning permission. Cllr H commented that it probably did require permission.

GMcN reported that congestion has been caused by McGills changing their route to run up Church Street. She had spoken to the SPT asking who had authorised this change. They told her that were no controls over the specifics of a route. She then spoke to McGil|s who said that they would send out an inspector to check on it.

Cllr Bibby said that he understood that the provision of bus stops — and therefore their placing - was an SPT responsibility. He added that McGills should use McDowall Street as that is where the bus stop is currently situated.

GMcN commented that now the trackside trees at Thornside Road had been cut it had left the rubbish highly visible.

TW thanked Cllr Bibby and announced that the December report would be

presented by Councillor Binks.

9. Council Liaison Group

A report of the meeting held on 25th September was tabled. Eighteen issues raised by members of the community were put to Council representative Chris Dalrymple who said that he would get back to us on all of them.

10. Event and Funding Sub Group Report

TW noted that the Model Railway Society's annual exhibition would take place in the Town Hall on November 10th and 11th. He added that last year it had been packed.

Cllr H pointed out that the remembrance Service would also be in the Town Hall on the 11th if the weather was inclement.

TW reported that he had spoken to all this year’s Gala Day participants and all had expressed a keenness to take part again. He formally asked JCC for permission to start organising the 2019 event.

TW also reported that a small sub-group of the Business Consortium had been set up to promote events in Houston Square and he asked for JCC permission to work with them.

11. AOCB

GMcN proposed that members of the public attending JCC meetings should sign in for fire safety reasons.

TW agreed and said that it would be instituted.

Cllr Bibby announced that the new Renfrewshire Leisure CEO is to be Victoria Hollows and suggested that JCC might want to make contact sooner rather than later.

LF reported a rat problem in Miller Street — they seem to be living in a huge pile of grass cuttings.

DG commented that the Spree Festival would be starting on 12th October and all sorts of events would be staged, including a Samba Workshop at The Hazel to be followed by live music.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town

Hall on Thursday 8th November 2018 at 7.00pm.

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