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Agenda and Minutes 12th July 2018

Johnstone Community Council

Agenda for ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite

on Thursday July 12th 2018

1) Apologies

2) Minutes June Meeting

3) Matters Arising

4) Police Crime Statistics

5) Chairperson s Report

6) Secretary s Report /Council Liaison Group / Council Board Papers

7) Treasurers Report

8) Events


Date of Next Meeting 9th August

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 12th July 2018 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Marie Corbett, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, Geraldine McNealey, Valerie Reilly, Arlene Scarff and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron, Alistair Mackay.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig, Emma Rodden.

4 members of the public were also present.


Chris Gilmour, Iain McMillan and Councillors Steel and Binks

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Linda Flint

Seconded by Daniel McKay

3. Matters Arising

No matters were raised.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

The report was presented by Officers Andy Taylor and Ian Armstrong.

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 30 crimes were reported including 1 serious and 3 common assaults, 10 thefts and attempted thefts, 3 drug offences, 8 anti-social offences and 1 road traffic offence. 14 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 13 crimes were reported including 1 theft, 2 common assaults, 2 drug offences, 4 anti-social offences and 2 road traffic offences. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 11 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 2 thefts, 2 anti-social offences and 2 road traffic offences. 3 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 8 crimes were reported including 2 thefts and attempted thefts and 3 anti-social offences. 2 of these crimes had been detected.

Cllr Rodden asked if there could be a police presence at Sandyflats where it seems there have been a series of minor incident. Officer A asked if these had been reported to the police. Cllr R was aware that at least one had been. Officer A said he would certainly ask about it but asked Cllr R to encourage people to report crimes.

Dennis Lavery commented on the commendable way in which the police had dealt with the recent Orange Parade in the town. Officer A said that he would pass the comment on.

Catherine Johnstone commented on an increase in people in her area having their cars scratched. Officer A said he would look out for it.

Thomas Wallace thanked the officers for their input and they left the meeting at 7.10pm.

5. Chairman’s Report

TW reported that on 23rd June some of the JCC members had been out in Johnstone gathering signatures for the petition against the introduction of parking charges. To date this petition has gained some 8,000 signatures – more than the total of people who voted in Johnstone in the last election.

The ‘Open Conversation’ on 25th June had been a shambles the stock answer to most questions given by the two Council Officers was “I don’t know the answer to that”.

LF commented that she had attended and had asked how far out the parking meters would extend. She was told as far as John Lang Street and North Iverton Road – supposedly to prevent all-day station parking. She was also told that there will only be one permit issued per household meaning that visitors would need to pay to park.

Elizabeth Forrest commented that she had asked much the same question later on – to be told that it was not yet known where the meters would be sited! How can we have confidence in the process if they can’t even give the same answer twice in one night?

TW said that the organisation of the event had not been good enough – perhaps because the Council did not expect people to turn up. He added that he was disappointed that the whole Council had been denied the opportunity to vote on the matter. Councillors Bibby and Doig said that they were continuing to fight the matter.

Cllr Cameron noted that this document had not come from the administration – it was a report that had been put forward by officers – it had a lot of elements to it and parking was only one of them. She took on board that the event had been poorly organised and would feed that back.

Geraldine McNealey commented on a newspaper article linking store closures and high parking charges in Ayr and another article contending that parking charges were merely a cash cow for councils.

It was noted that the money for installing electric car charging points was coming from a Westminster allocation and therefore the idea that parking charges would finance it was wide of the mark.

DL commented that a group of people had decided that this was a good way of making money and the people of Johnstone had not been consulted on the matter.

Cllr D agreed that the residents of Renfrew and Johnstone had not voted for this at the last Council election.

Cllr MacKay said that local communities in the UK had not been designed for the volume of cars seen today and wondered how we might limit the amount of traffic. Parking charges have been proposed

Cllr Bibby commented that parking charges will send people elsewhere. The idea had come from a financial paper – not from any planning consideration. The proposal should have been taken off the table months ago and if it wasn’t it was a disastrous proposal that would destroy Johnstone.

Daniel Graham commented that this was not a black/white situation – the idea may or may not have benefits. He added that Partick had had similar problems to Johnstone but they had introduced meters and permits (as many as the household required) and it had solved the problems there.

Arlene Scarff said that the Council should listen to the people of Johnstone who don’t want this. A car park for the Town Hall staff was required and another solution might be a park and ride system for the station

TW noted that nobody thought there was any easy answer – but a major criticism was that the proposal had gone to the Board before the people of Johnstone had been asked about it. The next Board meeting was due to consider the proposal on 29th August.

ML reported that the site of the former Floorsburn House had been promised as parking for the Town Hall.

Cllr R commented that both Town Hall parking and a park and ride idea had been included in the report and the reason nobody knows about the other recommendations was that the media had chosen only to focus on parking meters.

TW reported that he had attended a meeting on 26th June with other CC members about disciplinary procedures which were generally thought to be very heavy handed.

There was said to be no plan to change the amount of money received by the CCs.

At the Renfrewshire Community Council Forum a number of ideas had been put forward. Houston CC had put a number of ideas which a number of other people had agreed with. A meeting will be held with Ian Nicholson and Sandra Black. We are being asked for questions to put forward. Can these be submitted at the next JCC meeting so that CJ and Wilma Dean can take them to the Forum.

DL commented that the idea that the Council should charge a levy on each house built in the area would only serve to put house prices up. TW added that the was a suggestion that any money so generated should be spent according to CC wishes.

TW noted that one of Houston’s ideas had already been considered – that of a quicker response to CC queries.

TW reported that he had attended a meeting about Active Communities bid for an asset transfer of the old Police Station. He felt that JCC should back this – it would not cost us anything they only require support and ideas. He added that it would be good for Johnstone to have a charity hub for its organisations and that the building has 25 parking spaces and some portacabins.

WD commented that Active Communities do a lot for Johnstone. TW said that they hope in future to register with the SQA so that they can give certificated courses. WD offered to assist with the paperwork.

Cllr R noted that she and Cllrs c and S have been heavily involved with Active Communities and they do a lot of good work.

TW reported that the cash collection point in the Town Hall is earmarked for closure – to be replaced by an automated pay point. He felt that people do not want a machine – they want a person they can deal with. JCC will be writing to clarify this situation.

6. Secretary’s Report

In his absence the Secretary’s report had been emailed in advance to all JCC members.


1. Karen Anderson from Environmental Services has agreed to come to our August meeting to

discuss the changes to bin collections services in Renfrewshire.

2. Allan Russell the councils Finance Director of Renfrewshire Council has acknowledged our

Email concerning the issue of paying facilities possibly being removed from the town hall. He

will give us a full answer in due course.

3. Fraser Carlin, the Council’s Planning Director has got back to us after we contacted him raising

concerns over the Macdowall/High Street area of the town. He said the following, “The impact

of the new retail development will be assessed in the coming months but at this point it is too

early to determine any impact.

With regard to the wider Macdowall Street. Area the Council are proceeding towards formal action

against the proliferation of adverts on the two gap sites but this can take some time as the due

process has to be followed.

He is aware of the poor condition of several buildings on the west side of the Mill Brae but notes

that none of these are dangerous.

They are in private ownership so they are not able to take any formal action but would be

interested to hear any proposals from the owners.

He is now on annual leave but would be happy to discuss these issues further.


1. Karen Anderson from Environmental Services has agreed to come to our August meeting to

discuss the changes to bin collections services in Renfrewshire.

2. Allan Russell the councils Finance Director of Renfrewshire Council has acknowledged our

Email concerning the issue of paying facilities possibly being removed from the town hall. He

will give us a full answer in due course.

3. Fraser Carlin, the Council’s Planning Director has got back to us after we contacted him raising

concerns over the Macdowall/High Street area of the town. He said the following, “The impact

of the new retail development will be assessed in the coming months but at this point it is too

early to determine any impact.

With regard to the wider Macdowall Street. Area the Council are proceeding towards formal action

against the proliferation of adverts on the two gap sites but this can take some time as the due

process has to be followed.

He is aware of the poor condition of several buildings on the west side of the Mill Brae but notes

that none of these are dangerous.

They are in private ownership so they are not able to take any formal action but would be

interested to hear any proposals from the owners.

He is now on annual leave but would be happy to discuss these issues further.

Karen Anderson from Environmental Services has agreed to come to our August meeting to discuss the changes to bin collections services in Renfrewshire. TW commented that JCC members should get their grievances ready.

Allan Russell the Finance Director of Renfrewshire Council has acknowledged our Email concerning the issue of paying facilities possibly being removed from the Town Hall. He will give us a full answer in due course.

Fraser Carlin, the Council’s Planning Director has got back to us after we contacted him raising concerns over the Macdowall/High Street area of the town. He said the following, “The impact of the new retail development will be assessed in the coming months but at this point it is too early to determine any impact. With regard to the wider Macdowall Street. Area the Council are proceeding towards formal action against the proliferation of adverts on the two gap sites but this can take some time as the due process has to be followed. He is aware of the poor condition of several buildings on the west side of the Mill Brae but notes that none of these are dangerous. They are in private ownership so they are not able to take any formal action but would be interested to hear any proposals from the owners. He is now on annual leave but would be happy to discuss these issues further.

He continued to monitor the Council Board Papers.


Motion asking chief executive to contact Network Rail on issue of pigeon droppings under bridges was passed

Motion congratulating Johnstone Pipe Band on recent success in Piping World Championship was passed.

Motion asking for car parking charges decision to go to full Council was defeated.

Motion concerning speeding up response times to CC Members was moved and passed.


Nothing particularly relevant to Johnstone.


West Lane Gardens staff continue to work with service users - funding secure for 2018/2019 no word about future years. Work undergoing to direct people to self-directed support (SDS) as service is changing. Currently 42 users.

Cllr C commented that the learning disability review was currently underway and the carers were anxious about it.

From the floor there was a comment that there were not a lot of facilities the disabled can attend and that we should give all the help we can.

DMcK noted that we had raised this back in February.

It was asked whether these centres would be earmarked for closure. East Renfrewshire and Ayrshire have closed theirs and we need to keep an eye on the situation.

Cllr Bibby commented that the unification of social care services was a money-saving exercise. He added that one of the concerns of the carers is that West Lane and Whitehaugh are not included in the review and they think this means the centres will be closing.

ML commented that this scheme was all about money and would put pressure elsewhere.

7. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that the Gala Day money is coming in. One problem that has occurred is that people are paying money in but not specifying what they are paying for. So far she has received some stall rents two £100 donations and payment for three quarter page adverts. We still have not received the £5,000 grant money from LAC – she will chase it up.

JCC funds currently stand at £4,328.98

LF reported that this year’s Poppy wreath has been purchased.

8. Council Liaison Group


Present: T. Wallace, M. Lavery, G. MacDonald (Corseford Tenants & Residents’ Association), I. McMillan, Chris Dalrymple, Wilma Dean. Apologies: Dorothy Kerr, L. Flint.

Issues raised at June meeting of Community Council: Amount of Dog Dirt particularly in Johnstone Town Centre. The idea of covering bins to avoid animals getting into bins. Drainage and Pigeon droppings at bridges.

Chris gave updates on the above as follows:- increase in Council activity on dog fouling as well as more fines being issued. Would look into idea of covering bins.

Advised Chief Executive had been instructed by full Council to speak to Network Rail to find solution to problem under bridge. Chris advised children under 16 cannot be fined for letting dogs foul without it being picked up or for dropping litter.

Margaret advised that drainage problems at the Campbell Street had still to be addressed.

George MacDonald of Corseford T&RA raised the following:

1. Condition of wall to rear of Ettrick Terrace

2. Concerns over changes to bin collections.

3. Said the grass needed cut back on Ettrick Terrace.

4. The trees on Corseford Avenue parallel to the railway line need cutting back.

Chris would feedback on these issues.

Margaret Lavery raised the issue of the solar powered speed sign not working. Chris would speak to Elaine Lorimer about this.

Wilma Dean told us about the rubbish dumped at Craigbog Avenue.

A general discussion then took place about the general condition of the Howwood Road scheme particularly around the former school sites.

Tom Wallace raised the following:

Rubbish falling from skips whilst being taken away from Miller Street Depot. Poor state of road at Walkinshaw Street and William Street.

Ongoing problem with blocked drains.

Wilma asked for trees to be cut back to rear of Joint Campus.

Chris gave an update on the following issues raised at previous meetings. Making good progress with Morrisons over rubbish close to bridge.

Excessive advertising - passed to Fraser Carlin, Council Officer, for enforcement. The Council has written to the advertisers and will take action if nothing is done.

Dog fouling - working on information from public higher number of fines issued.

Pot Holes - North Road – Fixed. Hallhilll Road - Fixed

Bollard and The Bar - introduced at Ludovic Square

Yellow Box at Macdowall Street - work complete.

A general discussion took place concerning the Orange March that had taken place at the weekend. Members raised particular concern about the amount of rubbish left in side streets.

Members thanked Chris for his support of this group.

TW commented that many of the issues raised at these meetings are recurring issues.

LF reported that she had seen the Council’s own lorries dropping material collected from Miller Street because they are not securing the back flaps of the vehicles correctly. This had happened on 27th May. The Council are looking into it but there had been no response as yet.

Cllr R said that in instances such as this we should contact a Councillor directly who could take action more quickly than the Liaison Group can.

TW raised the state of the road surface in Walkinshaw Street.

9. Event and Funding Sub Group Report

The Gala Day now has an operator’s licence and we are awaiting the entertainment licence. We are monitoring the situation regarding inflatable attractions due to tragedies that have occurred in recent years. We have to err on the side of caution.

Cllr Bibby agreed, adding that the Council also has a duty of care.

Preparations are going well and there have been very positive meeting with various organisations.

10. AOCB

CJ reported that people at Thorn Court have been billed for work they are not liable for.

Cllr C agreed to take this up.

Cllr R tendered her apologies for the August meeting.

Daniel Graham talked about events such as the Gala Day and The Spree as well as Lochwinnoch Arts Festival. These were events that would bring local people out and about.

He went on to say that those of his own age group he had spoken to had felt that the Orange Parade should not have taken place as it was seen as borderline sectarianism. He added that he had not felt comfortable in his own town on that day. We need positive events – not things that discourage people from visiting the town centre.

TW noted that we have discussed holding events in Houston Square and that we were hoping to do something next summer.

Cllr D reported that there had been a number of constituents in touch with him about the Orange Parade asking why the Town Centre had been closed for them and why it was happening.

This was a much larger event that the normal Orange Parades through Johnstone – it was a regional event that only comes to Johnstone every 12 years. Any kind of curb on such events would be a licencing issue. CCs have a statutory right to see planning applications so why shouldn’t we see licence applications too.

It was agreed that the JCC Secretary should write to the Licencing Board and ask for us to be opted in to applications.

Cllr Bibby said any issues around the management of the marches were the responsibility of the Lodges. Any behavioural problems should be reported to the police and that it was appalling that people would be intimidated for wearing green.

Cllr Bibby mentioned the Culture Fund money. All previous bids have been Paisley-centric. There will be two more tranches of money later this year. If anyone has any ideas for cultural events in Johnstone they should put an application in.

Cllr D mentioned The Spree which achieves reasonable success but we need to get the benefits spread further. There is a possibility that Spree events might come to Johnstone next year.

WD reported that three Johnstone boys had rescued a man from drowning in Irvine. She wondered if JCC might give them some sort of recognition.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 9th August 2018 at 7.00pm.

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