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Agenda and Minutes 11th January 2018


Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite Thursday 11th January 2018 at 7.00 p.m.

1) Apologies

2) Minutes

3) Matters Arising

4) Police Crime Statistics

5) Consultation Statement of Licensing Policy

6) Consultation Airports Airspace Consultation 2018

7) Chairperson s Report

8) Secretary s Report

9) Treasurers Report

10) Cllr's Report – Derek Bibby

11) Joint Sub Group Report

12) Event and Funding Sub Group Report

13) AOCB

Date of next Meeting 8th February 2018

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 11th January 2018 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Malcolm Hill, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, Valerie Reilly and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron, John Hood, Alistair Mackay.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Andy Doig, Emma Rodden.

2 members of the public were also present.


Iain McMillan, Cllr Andy Steel.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Wilma Dean

Seconded by Catherine Johnstone

3. Matters Arising

It was pointed out that several names were erroneously recorded in the December minutes. Valerie Reilly agreed to amend them.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 34 crimes were reported including 5 common assaults, 11 thefts and attempted thefts, 5 anti-social offences, 5 drug offences and 3 road traffic offences. 23 of these crimes had been detected.

Crime trends showed that town centre thefts continued to dominate and a plain clothes initiative had been conducted over the festive period.

West Johnstone

A total of 12 crimes were reported including 1 theft and 10 anti-social offences. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 11 crimes were reported including 4 common assaults, 4 anti-social offences, and 1 road traffic offence. 6 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 13 crimes were reported including 1 theft, 1 common assault, 6 anti-social offences and 1 road traffic offence. 7 of these crimes had been detected.

A question was raised about bogus workmen reported to be operating in the Corseford area. PC Armstrong replied that he had no update, but that this was something that happened fairly regularly.

Another question concerned the traffic camera on Beith Road. Cllr Hood replied that it was now working and was capable of checking both sides of the road. Linda Flint asked if there were any figures on speeding as she had been overtaken by the camera when doing 30mph. PC A responded that the camera was operated by the Safety Camera Partnership and we would need to check with them for information.

Dennis and Margaret Lavery reported on a recent phone call purporting to come from HMRC telling them that they were being taken to court. This had originated from a Manchester number. PC A said that the police were aware of a spate of these calls which seemed to be targeting Johnstone and they have posted information about it on social media. LF and VR also reported similar calls. Elizabeth Forrest reported that she calls on her mobile rather than her landline. Cllr Doig said that this scam seems to be happening on an industrial scale and he had heard of about seven over the previous four days. He asked that JCC should write to Mhari Black’s office about it. Cllr Cameron offered to bring updates on new scams to JCC. PC A pointed out that there was an Action Fraud website which looks at large scale scams and will warn of new ones. Additionally, both Virgin and BT can put a system in place where family and friends can be routed through and other calls blocked.

Cllr H asked about a housebreaking in Elderslie but there was no update.

Thomas Wallace thanked the officers who then left the meeting.

5. Consultation – Statement of Licensing Policy

TW noted that this consultation was looking at licensing hours, extensions to hours and children in licensed premises.

Cllr H said he sat on the Licensing Board and that the policies were reviewed every three years. They also set such items as hours for Christmas and other special events to allow the police plenty of time to set their strategy. He also said the Health Board was getting increasingly involved and were objecting to most new applications.

Cllr D added that the review looks at licensing policy in the round and takes into account any new legislation, as well as giving the public chance to object.

LF said that she personally objects to some aspects of licensing policy – when those who use alcohol responsibly are penalised because of those who don’t. CJ said she thought we should go back to the “good old days” when the pubs shut at 10pm.

WD asked about how the policy affects restaurants where young people can currently drink at 14 if with a meal. Cllr D said that restaurants were very different from public houses.

DL said that part of the problem was the easy sale of alcohol – in the old days there were no such things as licenced grocers – only pubs and off licences.

TW remarked that it was odd that we have a policy for no cigarette ads but we allow many alcohol ads.

Cllr Bibby said that politicians pontificate about alcohol and then go to civic receptions were copious quantities were served.

TW asked if the meeting wanted JCC to write to the licensing Board or should we write individual comments.

DL asked would it make any difference.

Cllr D responded that some CCs are very active in this field, stating their cases to the Board, and that it did make a difference.

DL asked if we should look at provision per head of population.

Cllr H replied that the Board does look at this.

WD stated that some people buy alcohol to provide to their children at home, but that this is actually illegal.

Cllr Bibby commented that perhaps we should also be thinking about the health problems caused by fast food outlets.

6. Consultation – Airport’s Airspace Consultation 2018

TW reported that this consultation had been brought up at the CC Forum recently. It may be that we need to get someone who is more expert in the field to come along and explain this to us at a future meeting.

There was general agreement to this.

7. Chairman’s Report

TW reported that there had not been much going on over the festive period, though he noted that, due to the meetings being moved from Mondays to Tuesdays, EF has decided to step down as JCC representative to the CC Forum, leaving CJ as our sole rep. He asked if anyone else wanted to take it on.

EF noted that the RCCF meetings give an insight into what’s happening in other areas and what other CCs are doing.

WD offered to go along to meetings if CJ was not available

TW reported that he had tried to contact Families First but that he had not yet had a reply.

TW asked whether there had yet been a Council meeting to consider the potential changes to parking. Cllr C replied that our comments had been passed on but that there had been no response yet as the consultation was not yet complete. Cllr D reported that there had been some slight movement in that the Council have agreed to a ‘full consultation’ rather than just an ‘impact assessment’.

TW noted that he had been contacted by East Renfrewshire Council re. a joint Renfrewshire/East Renfrewshire Holocaust Memorial event on 23rd January at 7.30pm in St Ninian’s High School. It was agreed that CJ would attend along with WD. TW added that it was important that we remember these historic events.

8. Secretary’s Report

IMcM had sent a report in his absence noting that he had contacted various people as requested at the December meeting, but because of the holiday season he had had few responses.

It was reported that Malcolm Hill had agreed to join the group monitoring the various Council Boards.

Matters raised at previous meetings had been passed to Chris Dalrymple

Re. the requested visit to the Camera Safety Hub – there seems to be some hesitation over whether this can happen, but IMcM will keep chasing this.

The Gala Committee were to be contacted over the next couple of weeks to start work.

It was noted that documentation that should have been submitted to the Council had also not been directed to other places such as Mhari Black’s office

IMcM had contacted Scotrail’s Station Lifeshare Scheme. There will be a meeting and he will report back.

9. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that there had not been much movement.

The previous balance had been £5,704, but since then the bill for two room lets had been paid. As there was still no chequebook in place LF has paid this herself and is owed the money.

The current balance is £5,608.

10. Elected Member’s Report

TW announced that this was the start of a new item on the agenda, in line with the practise of some other CCs. Cllr Bibby was the first to take this on.

Clr Bibby reported that there had been a reasonably quiet full Council meeting on 21st December.

Issues covered included

-Funding has been agreed for looked-after children to give them opportunities - £100,000

-A discussion had taken place on the Boundary Commission’s proposals for changes to Westminster constituency areas. There had been a general view that the proposals had no historical precedent and that the size and diversity of the area would not be in the best interests of the communities.

-There was a proposal to create a Renfrewshire Machar to promote poetry in the area. The Council agreed that it would be a good idea to continue the 2021 bid impetus.

-The Culture, Heritage and Events Fund (CHEF) was to be continued to allow local communities to apply for funds to hold Culture and Heritage events.

-The LAC consultation was about to begin and it was stressed that it was important that JCC should express a view.

-The future of Westland Gardens was still being discussed.

-New roadworks had been scheduled to begin near to Deafhillock Roundabout on 4th January in order to widen access to the A737. Councillors had expressed concern about continuing disruption in the area with the result that the work has now been put back to the three months beginning on 2nd April.

-The Scottish Budget was announced on 14th December – but there will be further discussion at Holyrood. The Renfrewshire Budget is due in February.

- On winter weather, much of the comment from communities has been about the gritting of roads and pavements. Thankfully the cold snaps have been brief. A case could be made to look at longer term plans in case of continuing cold snaps

-On disruption to bin collections, the Council had responded quickly.

-There had been a problem of an accumulation of dog poo bags in Quarry Street. From the floor ML reported that there had been no repetition of this. But she also raised the question of “stuff” lying on the pavements around Colliers Bar. Cllr Bibby agreed to contact them.

-Re. pigeon droppings in Houston Square. The Council have jet-washed the area, but if there is a more long-term problem it will need to be put to the Bield Housing Association.

Finally, Cllr Bibby asked if JCC could take up the question of the annual rise in bus and train fares with Scotrail and McGills.

LF commented that the state of the streets in Johnstone was an absolute disgrace and after the Sunday when there was no bin uplift due to snow there had been no attempt to come out and lift the rubbish that had been tipped out of bins.

Cllr Bibby said he was calling for a public consultation on bin uplifts and the Council has said it will take forward concerns raised by the local community.

DL enquired what a Renfrewshire Machar would cost. Cllr MacKay replied that no figure had been mentioned. DL said he didn’t agree with throwing away public money on vanity projects when the roads were full of potholes. Cllr C said the Machar would be an unpaid position. Cllr D added that the Machar idea had been put forward by one of his constituents and that the Council has only said it would investigate the possibility. He commented that the arts should be supported.

Cllr D said the pigeon issue was long-standing and that people were still feeding the birds. He suggested a synthetic bird of prey should be set above the bandstand.

ML said she had emailed the town manager about spilled bins – she added that the Council needs to wake up to the situation. Flooding is also a major problem in Howwood Road about which nothing is being done.

From the floor a member of the public mentioned rubbish dropped at the take-aways by the station. Cllr Bibby noted that 75% of JCC discussion on his report was on bin issues. He strongly advised JCC to write to the Convenor of the relevant board to demand a consultation.

Cllr H said he agreed with ML’s points. He had done a walkabout in the Howwood Road area with Fraser Carlin and it is reckoned that the area will cost some £2 million to sort.

ML said that Foxbar has been awarded funding of £17,000 to combat ‘deprivation’. But where is more deprived than Howwood Road.

LF raised the issue of a promise made in October to place a grit bin in John Lang Street which has never been provided, saying that she was making the point that JCC was raising these issues.

TW thanked Cllr Bibby and indicated that Cllr Binks will report to the February meeting.

11. Joint Sub-Group Report

TW noted that the first meeting of this group had been held and that all members would be notified of the next by IMcM.

TW reported that there would be a walk-round with Chris Dalrymple and that it was good that JCC had this direct contact, meaning that we can tackle the issues.

LF said that the sub-group would collect information on issues and these would be channelled through IMcM. She added that she had received a reply to IMcM’s email on the issue of the missing lights in Rannoch Road – and that the Council Officials should use the system they are wanting us to use!

TW reported on a telephone junction box which is covered in pigeon droppings – Cllr D offered to take this up.

WD commented that she had met the Gazette photographer in Johnstone snapping potholes. They are going to be running the story in the near future.

VR complained about the huge potholes in the major roads and asked why the Council was wasting resources on completely resurfacing residential cul-de-sacs that only benefitted a handful of people.

TW recapped and asked if JCC wanted to write asking for a consultation on bin issues. This was agreed.

12. Event and Funding Sub Group Report

There had been no meeting as yet.

13. AOCB

WD noted that caretakers had been reinstated in the Corseford estate.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 8th February 2018 at 7.00pm.

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