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Agenda and Minutes 9th November 2017


Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite Thursday 9th November 2017 at 7.00 p.m.

1) Apologies


3)Matters arising

4)Police Crime Statistics

5) Stephen McClellan RAMH

6) Derek Shannon Forestry Commission

7) Provost Awards

8) Chairman's Report

9)Secretary s Report

10) Treasurers Report

Sub Committee Reports

11) Safety

12) Planning

13) Environmental

14) Roads

15) Internet Social Media Suggestions

16) AOCB

Next Meeting 14th December 2017

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 9th November 2017 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Daniel Graham, Catherine Johnstone, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Christina Leon, Daniel McKay, Iain McMillan, Valerie Reilly and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron, John Hood, Alistair Mackay, Andy Steel.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Andy Doig.

6 members of the public were also present.


Elizabeth Forrest, Malcolm Hill, Carol Ewing, Ron Ewing and Cllr Emma Rodden.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Dennis Lavery

Seconded by Daniel McKay

3. Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 41 crimes were reported including 3 common assaults, 18 thefts and attempted thefts, 7 anti-social offences, 4 drug offences and 3 road traffic offences. 19 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 19 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 4 thefts or attempted thefts, 5 anti-social offences, and 1 road traffic offence. 7 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 10 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 2 anti-social offences, 1 drug offence and 3 road traffic offences. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 11 crimes were reported including 3 common assaults, 5 thefts or attempted thefts, 1 anti-social offence and 1 drug offence. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Officer Armstrong outlined the changes in the format of the crime statistics forms.

Thomas Wallace asked whether anyone had been caught for the fire to the skateboard ramp. The officers replied that it was not on their beat and they did not have the information.

DL enquired about a car that has been abandoned in the Collier Street car park. Cllr Steel agreed to look into it. Cllr Hood informed the meeting that if a car was road taxed nothing could be done, but that when the tax runs out the car would be clamped for 28 days before being removed.

Iain McMillan spoke about a number of cars being targeted in the Spateston area. Officer Armstrong replied that this was happening all over – it was not specific to Johnstone.

A member of the public complained that Central Garage were parking commercial vehicles on Council parking areas and that Renfrewshire Council vehicles had been seen parked in disabled spaces. Cllr Doig agreed to take this up.

5) Stephen McClellan, RAMH

SMcC gave a history of RAMH which was set up 40 years ago. The organisation supports people in their own homes and runs a 24/7 crisis service. They are now also running a furniture store in Johnstone.

RAMH supported 495 people in Johnstone over the last year (which equates to about 12% of those supported across Renfrewshire).

The top five reasons for needing support were

Anxiety and stress


Housing issues

Suicidal ideas

Relationship issues

There are link workers seconded to GP practices to help GPs deal with the underlying issues behind depression and anxiety. RAMH tries to divert people away from the GPs into something that will engage them and try to get them involved in their communities. People are more resilient if they know there is someone they can go and talk to.

They also work with young people – especially with respect to 2018 being designated ‘The Year of the Young’, as well as co-ordinating with the 2021 bid.

SMcC left leaflets etc. with JCC which included contact details and he reminded everyone that RAMH is open 7 days a week and that enquirers do not need to be referred.

Cllr H mentioned an article in the Herald about social isolation at Christmas and asked if RAMH had anything in place to cover it. SMcC replied that RAMH is also open on Christmas Day.

Catherine Johnstone asked whether there was anything that JCC could do to help. SMcC asked if we could make people aware of the existence of RAMH and other organisations that offer assistance.

Cllr Bibby commented that he often meets constituents whose problem is social isolation and felt that it was better to refer them to a community organisation rather than the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit. He also mentioned that Renfrewshire has a higher than average rate of train station suicides asking if RAMH was involved with this problem. SMcC replied that there was a local ‘Choose Life’ program aiming to reduce death by suicide and said that a possible reason for the increase of station suicides was the work done to prevent suicides at the Erskine Bridge.

Cllr D said that he was a great supporter of work on mental health issues and mentioned that Active Communities had just opened a base in Johnstone’s Quarry Street and was doing good work. He asked why the incidence of suicide was so high amongst young men.

SMcC answered that it was possibly linked to perceptions of lack of self-worth and their place in the world. He went on to say that there is a local football tournament to highlight the issue which regularly attracts 600 to 1,000 people.

TW concluded the discussion had been very informative and thanked SMcC.

6) Derek Shannon, Forestry Commission

DS reported that the FC was currently undertaking a lot of engagement with local schools with regard to Rannoch Woods. There have been posters around the town about work to be done in the woods – this will only be dangerous if people disregard the signposting.

Leaflets were available at the Town Hall desk and all the houses that back onto the woods have been leafletted. The work may start mid-November and may last up to two months.

DS also asked the public to be vigilant and report any thefts of equipment.

Cllr H asked about the spur road. DS replied that the work had been delayed from last autumn, but a contractor was now in place. After the felling is complete the road will be reinstated and there may also be some work on the paths.

Cllr H asked if there was still a fly-tipping problem. DS replied that it does happen now and again, but that vigilance would help.

Cllr S commented that he loved Windy Hill and asked if there was a plan to re-tree it. DS replied that a small area was planted up around 2010 and a 5-year plan was just coming to an end which had involved the deer fence, some planting and replacement of dead trees.

TW thanked DS for coming along.

7) Provost’s Awards

IMcM reported that he had received a letter outlining the process of nominations (nominations close on 1st December)

There are various categories – Art and Culture, Carers, Community Groups, Community Volunteers, Business and Sport.

Cllr D commented that some other CCs are more active in nominating, but that there are people in Johnstone who deserve recognition.

IMcM asked if anyone had suggestions to forward them to himself or TW so that they could be put through.

8. Chairman’s Report

TW reported that there were still legacy issues from the changeover of office bearers but it was hoped they would be sorted by December.

He had received a phone call from the Gazette about the proposed changes to parking and bin uplifts.

He said that he had watched Johnstone town centre over the years and it is one of the better towns in Scotland. He felt that the introduction of parking charges would undo all the good work that has been done in the past.

Alan Henderson of Johnstone Business Consortium commented that he could not believe Renfrewshire Council was even considering this action which he thought would kill the businesses of the town.

The information is that all Renfrewshire-owned car parks will be metered which will mean that drivers wanting an all-day park will just move out into the side street and Johnstone already has enough problems with this.

Johnstone will receive no benefits from this scheme.

Linda Flint agreed, her street already suffered from people parking for the station and meters in the town centre would only make this worse.

Cllr H noted that he had voted against the proposal and felt that car parking charges in Johnstone would just send even more people to shop at Braehead. It was a disastrous idea.

DL commented that the scheme would only drive people away and that any financial gain would be counteracted by the loss of business rates as businesses closed down.

CJ commented that instead the Council should be looking at upgrading existing parking enforcement. Johnstone needs more parking wardens.

Cllr D said that he was completely appalled and wondered how this proposal had appeared fully formed with no warning. He also said that it went against the Town Centre Strategy passed as recently as November 2016.

Cllr Bibby added that this was now Council policy having been passed by a single vote. He asked how this was done so quickly with no public consultation. He believed that the policy was not in the best interests of Johnstone. He recommended that JCC should hold a public meeting to assess how the people of the town feel.

Cllr Cameron agreed that there should be a public consultation. This was not a fait accompli. She would go back to the group leader and report our views.

Christina Leon asked if there was any way this decision could be reversed.

Valerie Reilly commented that public outcry had been enough to reverse the decision about closure of the Household Waste Recycling Centres.

Cllr S expressed concerns about the lack of detail in the paper and said that any plan needed to be tailored to Johnstone’s needs.

Cllr Binks commented that he couldn’t understand how this was a consultancy period and why an amendment for a public enquiry had not been accepted.

TW asked if any members of the public wished to comment and one lady said that if parking charges were instituted occupants of all the new housing at Brookfield would not come into Johnstone.

TW suggested a joint public meeting with the assistance of the Business Consortium. Wilma Dean suggested that we should also invite representatives from Renfrew CC.

9. Secretary’s Report

IMcM reported that he had received a cheque for £1105 – the yearly grant from Renfrewshire Council.

The surplus prizes have now been passed to St Vincent’s Hospice and a letter of thanks has been received.

A letter has come from Lambert, Smith and Hampton for Storage Vault who want to build a car park for Glasgow Airport A consultation meeting will take place at the Tweedie Hall on 15th November. IMcM will report back.

IMcM had been asked to contact the Tenants and Residents Association about Johnstone environmental issues. He had heard back from 4 out of 5 of them who had been supportive. There was a need to organise a meeting of the sub-group.

10. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that she still had not seen the accounts which were still with the auditor. However, she has been to the bank to get to get the forms to change signatories.

11. Sub-Group Reports

Safety Committee

DL noted that he had continually asked about this committee, but he will liaise with LF.


No issues were raised.


The new proposal was to change the grey bin to a 3 weekly collection with a 4th bin being introduced to split the recycled materials.

Cllr Bibby suggested putting this to our public meeting.

It was asked if the new system would see weeks when all the bins had to be out at the same time. Cllr S replied that the new system would be a logistical challenge, but the alternative was to send more material to landfill costing Renfrewshire more in fines.

Cllr D commented that RC loves to tinker about with bins and felt that this would descend into chaos.

It was felt that the public would be confused and just give up on recycling.

Daniel Graham commented that if people use the bins properly the system will work. VR added that East Renfrewshire already operates a four bin system so it shouldn’t be beyond the capabilities of Renfrewshire residents.

LF commented that we would need an extra bin from all the cardboard we will generate from online shopping because we can no longer park in the town centre!

Cllr H commented that there may even be an extra container for glass.

CL asked for clarification on the use of the small food bin and asked if RC could be clearer in the information it gave out.

Cllr Bibby noted that this was now Council policy – without public consultation. WD said that it needs to be raised at our public meeting.

Cllr C said that she would take forward all our views.

Daniel McKay commented that bins are already left out on the streets because people don’t have room for three bins – the situation is only going to get worse.

Alan Henderson of JBC said that he had attended the meeting at which these proposals had been passed and had been bamboozled by the decisions. He asked why we don’t go back to the convenor (whose casting vote had passed the proposals) and tell her that nobody wants the scheme.


IMcM said that we need volunteers from JCC to go through Council papers so that we don’t get surprises like the parking charges and bins in the future.

He added that TW quite properly had not commented when approached by the press, but now no-one knows what JCC thinks. We need to be more proactive.

WD asked if JCC members could be emailed for views when issues like this arose. IMcM agreed.

16. AOCB

TW spoke to the members of the public who had attended saying that they were obviously interested in the town’s future and asked them to consider becoming JCC members.

DMcK noted that a question about the state of Broomward Cemetery, raised at the August JCC meeting, had been taken on by Cllr D, who had received a response.

DL mentioned that we had been told that the Council had set aside £30,000 to repair the par paths – the work was supposed to be done in September. Was there any update. Cllr H reported that he was now being told that it would be done ‘at some time in the future’.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 14th December 2017 at 7.00pm.

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