Agenda and Minutes 8th March 2018
Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite
Thursday 8th March 2018 at 7.00 p.m.
1) Apologies
2) Minutes
3) Matters Arising
4) Police Crime Statistics
5) Airspace Consultation
6) Community Council Forum: Kay Johnston
7) Chairperson s Report
8) Secretary s Report
9) Treasurers Report
10) Cllr's Report: Jacqueline Cameron
11) Joint Sub Group Report
12) Events and Funding Sub Group Report
13) AOCB
14) Date of Next Meeting: 12th April 2018
Johnstone Community Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 8th March 2018 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.
Members: Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Chris Gilmour, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, Iain McMillan, Valerie Reilly and Thomas Wallace.
Also in attendance:-
Councillors (Ward 8) – John Hood, Alistair Mackay.
(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Bill Binks.
Brian McLean and Mark Johnson of Glasgow Airport and two officers from Police Scotland.
4 members of the public were also present.
Wilma Dean, Malcolm Hill and Councillors Doig and Rodden.
2. Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
Proposed by Linda Flint
Seconded by Daniel McKay
3. Matters Arising
No matters were raised.
4. Police Crime Statistics Report
Johnstone Town Centre
A total of 25 crimes were reported including 4 common assaults, 4 thefts and attempted thefts, 10 anti-social offences and 4 road traffic offences. 11 of these crimes had been detected.
West Johnstone
A total of 15 crimes were reported including 2 thefts, 1 common assault, 7 anti-social offences and 2 road traffic offences. 3 of these crimes had been detected.
Johnstone Castle
A total of 14 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 7 thefts and attempted thefts, 1 anti-social offence and 3 road traffic offences. 3 of these crimes had been detected.
Spateston and Corseford
A total of 4 crimes were reported including 1 common assault and 2 anti-social offences. 3 of these crimes had been detected.
Cllr Mackay asked about the theft of wheelie bins. The police officer had no information on whether these were included in the reported figures.
LF said that she had been asked by one of the guides looking after children being picked up from Thorn Primary to go to aftercare to raise the issue of parents parking irresponsibly at the school gate. Could the police make themselves visible to deal with the matter? The officer replied that this was not the first time it had been reported to police and they would pay it attention. Chris Gilmour added that he was also concerned about parking at the school, particularly a recent instance where a badly parked car had obstructed the bus route. The officer replied that this had been reported to them, but by the time police had attended the car had gone. CG was also concerned about cars being parked up on the pavements compromising the safety of children attempting to cross the road. Cllr Hood said this had been a particular problem during a recent time of replacement busses.
Catherine Johnstone asked how accurate the social media information about fire raising in Johnstone Castle was. The officer replied that someone had been arrested for it.
Cllr Hood has had a constituent who reported that they had twice caught their school-age son with alcohol. They were asking if there could be a programme of test purchasing. The officer replied that there could be no action unless these instances were reported to the police.
5. Airspace Consultation
The two representatives from Glasgow Airport attended the JCC meeting as part of the public consultation process. Brian McLean noted that a meeting in Johnstone Town Hall had been attended by over 60 people. At the end of the 13 week consultation period GA will present their case to the Civil Aviation Authority. The timetable aimed to put the new plan in place by March 2019. The changes were being made because old equipment was being decommissioned to be replaced by satellite navigation. Standard instrument departures need different spacing, meaning the old flight paths would no longer be fit for purpose. Currently, about 80% of departures fly to the south and the new plan looks to create two new departure routes to the south. These should make little or no difference to noise levels over Johnstone (and the same would apply for Clydebank). Most of the increases would affect Bearsden and Uplawmoor. GA will take all feedback on board before submitting their plans to the CAA.
Iain McMillan reported that he had attended the Town Hall drop-in event and said that he was relieved about the situation for Johnstone, as noise and air pollution were big issues in the town. There has to be a balance between environmental issues versus employment at the airport and our ability to travel. However, there was concern that if we submit our views in the affirmative and then another area objects vociferously, there might be a plan change.
Mark Johnson replied that take off direction is dictated by the wind direction and that the planes cannot turn any earlier than they already do.
LF said that she had also attended the drop-in. She said that many years ago there had been a cut-off time for flights at night which no longer seems to operate. BMcL replied that there was no shut down now, to suit the needs of other countries. MJ added that they did ‘encourage’ airlines not to fly in after 11pm. LF was of the opinion that it would be nice if we could get a bit of relief – but she also wanted to congratulate GA on its safety record. MJ replied that safety was the number 1 priority and that they also consult on a noise action plan and feed into it.
From the floor Margaret Lavery said that there used to be maximum noise levels which no longer seem to apply, adding that noise does affect people’s lives.
Cllr M noted that there are noise monitoring points at the schools around the airport.
A member of the public enquired if there were less emissions due to fewer flights. BMcL replied that it was more due to moving to more efficient routes.
Dennis Lavery commented that it was inevitable that flight numbers would increase and enquired whether the airport would provide money for the triple-glazing of homes. BMcL answered that GA has been getting busier, but that the withdrawal of Ryanair meant there would be a drop in flights next year. He added that the noise action plan would regulate what the airport can do to reduce noise, but they have put in for a noise insulation scheme.
CG asked whether Johnstone could get more money from the Flightpath Fund. BMcL said they would be happy to provide more money for appropriate projects and added that Cllr Binks sits on the awarding committee.
Cllr H asked if air traffic does increase, how the new routes would cope. MJ answered that GA should not need to do any remodelling for at least 10 years – possibly up to 30.
Thomas Wallace thanked the representatives for their informative presentation.
6. Secretary’s Report
IMcM reported that there had been few emails recently but pertinent ones had been passed on to CC members.
During the coming week he, TW and LF were to meet with Council inspectors to be asked what we do. This will be fed back to members.
IMcM reported that he had sent letters to Malcolms about the seagull problem and to McGills about the withdrawal of bus services into Johnstone. On the bus situation Cllr Bibby noted that there was an agreement among all the Councillors to contact the Scottish Government about the regulation of buses.
Copies of our minutes are now being sent to local MP Mhairi Black who has asked if a representative may attend our meetings.
IMcM noted that there was nothing particularly relevant to Johnstone on the Council papers.
7. Joint Sub-Group Report
IMcM reported that the group had met with Chris Dalrymple and the Council Officers when various issues had been discussed including the lack of gritting outwith the town centre.
On parking charges we have not yet had any contact with those running the consultation.
The Environmental Services Department are not yet in a position to report on changes to the bin systems.
The group had discussed pot holes, traffic lights at Morrisons and grit bins.
Concern was expressed that while money had been allocated to Barshaw and Robertson Parks, the Thomas Shanks Park money had still to be decided. However, this was currently being looked at. Cllr H noted that he had written to the Chief Executive about the park money and had received a reply indicating that all parks are currently being looked at. However, it should be noted that some parks have been downgraded from ‘parks’ to ‘green spaces’, meaning that they may not get so much attention in future.
8. Community Council Forum
CJ presented the report held over from the previous month’s JCC meeting. There had been speakers from the Economic Development Team on how to apply for external funding. Dates were given for sessions to take place at InCube.
The consultation on the LAC changes had been discussed.
Anne McNaughton had spoken about the CC complaints procedure being considered. She was now awaiting documents from Glasgow and Moray Councils about their complaints procedures.
9. Chairman’s Report
TW offered congratulations to the North Road Tenants Association on reaching their 25th anniversary and to St Anthony’s Primary on becoming the first school in Scotland to be given the ‘Literacy School of the Year’ award.
He commented on the Impact Assessment being conducted by Peter Brett Associates – only the Council wants this project to go ahead, so why waste the money?
TW noted that the Council’s Budget has now been passed.
On LACs, he reported that the changes proposed would mean an increase from 5 to 7 LACs and that under the new proposals we would fall into a Johnstone, Elderslie and Linwood LAC. They also want to investigate whether representatives from community groups should have the same voting powers as elected representatives.
CG commented that the LAC presentation was very professional, but the problem of LAC decisions having to be submitted to a Council committee for approval will certainly delay matters. Additionally multi-area awards and the Youth Challenge Fund might be placed in the hands of a delegated Council official which might be a problem. Also the changes might mean the LACs having less money to give out.
DL said that the current arrangement works well so why must it change? And why is Renfrew not lumped in with other areas, as Johnstone is?
CJ replied that they had asked for the demographics and the new areas each had about 25,000 inhabitants.
ML noted that Johnstone with 17,000, Linwood with 10,000 and Elderslie with 6,000 adds up to more than the 25,000 figure.
Cllr H commented that the accountability that goes with the handing out of grants may mean no community representatives wanting to do the job.
TW concluded by saying that he is now the LAC representative for JCC (with CG as a deputy) as he felt it was a duty that should fall to the Chairman.
10. Treasurer’s Report
LF reported that the balance stood at £4,907.34.
She noted that she had previously reported from figures given to the accountant in September and that some deposits and payments had not been up-to-date then. The Bank of Scotland statement now includes money from the old TSB account. The accounts are now all paid and deposits have been made – the money is safe and well looked after.
TW added that he had the fullest confidence in the office bearers adding that the work on the changeover had been difficult.
11. Elected Member’s Report
In Cllr Cameron’s absence, a written report was presented. This gave highlights of the recently passed Budget. These included:
Families First funding for next five years
Capability Scotland day centres funded for a further year
A Village Investment Fund established
£7.2 million for roads and footpaths
£1.5 million for green spaces and playparks
An increase in school clothing grants from £55 to £70
Concessionary swimming for Mums and Dads on maternity/paternity leave accompanying children up to 1 year.
Other topics covered included housing issues such as overcrowding, potential homelessness and anti-social behaviour; gritting and grit bins; liaison with the MP to sort out benefit issues and an update on the parking charges consultation.
Cllr Bibby commented that the 3% Council Tax rise along with 1% rises in Council rents and Council charges had not been mentioned.
The Families First funding was welcome, along with support for parents of visually and aurally impaired children. The campaign by carers had kept Westland Gardens open for another year, but while the battle has been won, the war is not over and we may have to address this issue again in the coming year.
TW commented that he was a bit disappointed by the poor attendance at JCC meetings of some of the Councillors and found it particularly bad that none of the Administration’s Councillors had attended this meeting.
LF asked if anything could be done about this.
TW said that the only possible redress would be to go to the Standards Commission but that would be a very severe action.
Cllr M noted that most Councillors have many meetings to attend.
TW agreed that this had been pointed out but still there was no representative from the Administration at the JCC meeting after the Budget settlement
Cllr H said that it could be difficult to juggle the various calls on a Cllrs time.
CG commented on the Budget figures saying that it was good to see the increase in roads money, but it was not enough.
Cllr Bibby commented on the lack of detail presented on the Leadership Board, saying that the case for the bridge at Renfrew was to be reviewed and it may be cancelled. He added that a quarter of the roads in Renfrewshire were in desperate need of repair and that £13 million would be needed to bring them up to standard, and that the effects of the severe winter weather may negate this year’s increase.
12. Event and Funding Sub Group Report
It was noted that the first Gala Planning meeting would take place on 14th March. It is known that four external organisations are to send representatives and that others will be contacted.
13. AOCB
Cllr Binks had brought along maps of land designated vacant and derelict in Ward 9. He appealed to residents to notify the Planning Department of any sites they know to be derelict but which do not appear on the maps.
DL raised a point about developers who own land yet don’t build on it.
Cllr H reported that WRC are currently emptying their site in Floors Street and the land is up for sale.
It was noted that the Spateston Post Office is to close. CG commented that the Lochwinnoch PO has also closed – adding that sub-postmasters seem to be being forced out of business.
There was a request that JCC should look into the provision of defibrillators for Johnstone town centre
It was noted that the street cleaners seem not to be appearing when they are scheduled to do so.
Cllr Bibby reported that Lochwinnoch is developing a Village Dementia Friendly project which launches in April and wondered if Johnstone could have something similar.
Cllr Binks noted the launch of the website as a follow-on from Paisley 2021.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 12th April 2018 at 7.00pm.