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Agenda and Minutes 8th February 2018


Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite Thursday 8th February 2018 at 7.00 p.m.

1) Apologies

2) Minutes

3) Matters Arising

4)Police Crime Statistics

5) Active Communities

6) Chairperson s Report

7) Secretary s Report

8) Treasurers Report

9) Cllr's Report: Bill Binks

10) Joint Sub Group Report: Renfrewshire Council

11) Events and Funding Sub Group

12) AOCB

Date of next Meeting 8th March 2018

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 8th February 2018 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Wilma Dean, Ron Ewing, Linda Flint, Catherine Johnstone, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, Iain McMillan, Valerie Reilly, Mary Tennant and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron and Andy Steel.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Andy Doig.

5 members of the public were also present.


Elizabeth Forrest, Malcolm Hill, Chris Gilmour, and Councillors John Hood, Alistair Mackay and Emma Rodden.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Daniel McKay

Seconded by Dennis Lavery

3. Matters Arising

It was announced that Chris Gilmour has now re-joined JCC, although he was unable to attend this meeting.

Iain McMillan reported that late apologies for the January meeting had been received from Carole and Ron Ewing. Valerie Reilly agreed to add this information to the January minutes.

Cllr Binks noted that he had received a report on the traffic camera on Beith Road which shows a significant improvement in driver behaviour in the area, with the number speeding down from 72% to 11% and a reduction in average speed from 33mph to 28mph. Additionally, no-one had been recorded doing more than 50mph.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 25 crimes were reported including 5 common assaults, 7 thefts and attempted thefts, 9 anti-social offences and 2 road traffic offences. 9 of these crimes had been detected.

The Community Policing focus had been around high visibility patrols with extra attention on retail premises along the High Street.

West Johnstone

A total of 16 crimes were reported including 3 thefts, 5 common assaults and 5 anti-social offences. 9 of these crimes had been detected.

A crime trend towards the vandalisation of vehicles in the Howwood Road area had been noted, leading to extra foot patrols in the area.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 2 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault and 1 hoax call to emergency services. 1 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 7 crimes were reported including 1 theft and 3 anti-social offences. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Cllr Cameron commented that the assault on a child in Johnstone Castle had been dealt with in a joint police and social work operation.

Cllr Bibby raised an issue of speeding in the area of Sandyflats from Longmeadow to Arran Drive.

5. Presentation on behalf of Active Communities.

Susan McDonald and Karen Kyle spoke to JCC about the Active Communities initiative. They described the charity and its two bases one in Ferguslie Park and the more recently-opened unit in Quarry Street. Their aim is twofold - to get people physically active and active in their communities. Their involvement in Physical activities began with ‘Jogging Buddies’ and they now target everyone from babies and prams to 90-year-olds. They are trying to make fitness fun. They are community-led and listen to what the community want.

Currently ‘Feel Good Johnstone’ and ‘Feel Good Johnstone Castle’ projects are being re-launched.

On Mondays a walking group operates from the Community Flat in Maple Drive.

On Tuesdays a walking group operates from Quarry Street.

On Fridays there is a ‘Feel Good Friday’ drop-in at Quarry Street where people can find out about opportunities and information on all sorts of groups.

Also on Fridays there is a ‘Feel Good’ fitness session of gentle exercise in Johnstone Town Hall at 10.00am.

A ‘Couch to 5K’ programme runs from Johnstone Castle.

There are opportunities for families to get together at Johnstone Castle Community Centre on Thursday afternoons.

A ‘Cookery Club’ is run with themes such as ‘Feed a family of five on £5’

There are ‘Clubbercise’ sessions which take place in darkened rooms with glowsticks so no-one needs to be embarrassed.

Costs for sessions are kept as low as possible, with the most expensive costing only £3.50.

They work with young people in schools on health projects and there is a Youth Health Club in Quarry Street on Wednesday afternoons.

They have a parkour class with a huge waiting list which attracts a lot of boys who are not normally interested in any sports.

They are training local people to take on these projects and so far have trained some 50 volunteers.

Community activities look at loneliness and isolation and the charity supports various events. They are really keen to get involved in the Gala Day.

They also indulge in random acts of kindness – on International Kindness Day they handed out 100 red roses and 200 tealights.

Their next big project is one of only two in Scotland. They have been appointed by the Robertson Trust to look at a women’s initiative under the name of ‘Kiros’, which gets people together in a safe welcoming place and empowering them. They are currently looking for premises and have been doing craft activities.

There will be a big event on International Women’s Day – 8th March – a recycling fashion show in Johnstone Town Hall.

It is hoped that Active Communities will eventually build into a social enterprise.

Catherine Johnstone suggested the Clydesdale Bank building as potential premise and the ladies said they were already looking at it.

Thomas Wallace thanked the ladies for coming along and for any input they might be able to put into the 2018 Gala Day.

6. Presentation on behalf of Forestry Enterprises Scotland

Derek Shannon gave an update on works at Rannoch Woods. Operations had commenced in November and will take place in two phases of felling work.

Phase 1 would last for another two weeks then Phase 2 would be underway for three weeks. Big machinery would be going in to bring the felled trees out. He reported that people have been interfering with the temporary fencing and this is a cause for concern.

Once the thinning is finished they will be looking to upgrade the footpaths and signage.

FES have encouraged nursery schools with woodland learning areas to learn what is being done to the woods.

There will be a Community Clean-up, probably on 21st February. ‘Team-Up, Clean-Up’ will include children from Auchenlodment Primary.

TW thanked him for coming along with the update.

7. Chairman’s Report

TW has sent out a couple of forms to people who might wish to join JCC – this may trigger an interim election. He has spoken to Anne McNaughton about this and we can do it at any time.

There are ongoing complaints about the roads.

DL commented that part of Quarrelton Road was resurfaced only a couple of years ago but is already needing pothole repairs. He asked whether it was the materials or the workmanship that was defective.

Cllr Doig reported that at the December Council meeting there had been an agreement to investigate a plasticised infill.

DMcK recalled former Councillor Bruce McFee telling us about a new method which was going to ‘solve the problem’, yet we still have all the problems.

Cllr C noted that the potholes should be filled then resurfaced over – this doesn’t seem to be being done. She asked if there were any particular roads that have problems. The members responded with a long list including Thornside Road, McDowall Street, the Thorn traffic lights area and Beith Road.

Cllr Bibby commented that McDowall Street had been scheduled for September 2017 and this has not been done.

It was suggested that the system of multi-member wards might be making it more difficult for the Roads Dept, making it difficult for officials to prioritise among their many requests.

From the floor Margaret Lavery said that the Quarrelton Tennants and Residents Association has been writing about some issues for 25 years. She added that it seems pot holes are not being filled correctly and asked why the workmen were not being supervised.

Cllr D added that things are half done and no-one seems to go out and inspect the completed work. He went on to say that if 3 or 4 callers complain about the same street it should have more impact.

Cllr Bibby commented that the cost of repairing every road in Renfrewshire would be in the region of £68million.

Linda Flint commented that resurfacing was currently ongoing in Miller Street along with drain clearing, and they seemed to be doing a good job.

TW said he would consult with Chris Dalrymple.

Cllr C gave an update on the parking charge situation. The Impact Assessment is due to be completed by the end of March and Community Councils will be consulted

Cllr D said that he had met the Leader of the Council and made clear Johnstone’s feelings against the charges.

TW said that hopefully the Council will listen.

TW asked if the Families First funding had been confirmed for another year. The meeting was informed that it had been unofficially announced at a public meeting, but that it still had to go through the Council’s Budget Meeting due to take place on 1st March.

TW reported that he had attended a meeting on 23rd January at Johnstone Castle Learning Centre which is under threat despite all the good work done there for the youth of the area. It would be a great loss to the community and he asked that the Councillors do whatever they can to help.

Cllr C replied that the rent invoice has been held back to help them out and they are awaiting grant income.

IMcM added that they are feeling a lot better about their situation and are optimistic the service will continue.

TW reported that he had been at a model railway show in the Town Hall – it had been packed and there had been a fantastic atmosphere.

8. Secretary’s Report

IMcM reported that he had been emailing out items as they were received.

He had brought along two leaflets for distribution one on a car share set up by Network rail and one on a 10 or 5K walk on behalf of St Vincent’s Hospice.

With regard to changes to the bin services, it transpired that Council officials were not yet ready to come along to our meeting to explain, but he would keep in touch with them.

The requested visit to the Safety Hub will not be taking place – they don’t want CCs there due to confidentiality issues.

IMcM asked that Cllrs be good enough to do their monthly reports in written form.

On flightpath changes, there had been no response to a request for a visit to the JCC meeting, but there would be a drop-in consultation event at Johnstone Town Hall on 27th February.

Margaret Lavery asked that JCC request a noise monitoring system be installed in Johnstone and urged JCC members to go along to the consultation.

IMcM said that he would pursue them to come along to our next meeting.

Cllr Steele commented that it was a decision for the Transport Minister in London and that we need to get our MP involved.

The footpath being built between Beith Road and St Vincent’s will be wheelchair friendly.

The Integrated Joint Board discussed the west Lane Gardens – Capability Scotland have not come up with any plans. The council have been speaking to the parents – the situation is ongoing.

9. Treasurer’s Report

LF reported that there had been no bills since the last meeting and the balance stood at £5608.

The Bank of Scotland had sent out a 23 page document which has been sent to every business customer. It was not really relevant to us but LF has returned it.

Ron Ewing asked why JCC has changed banks.

LF replied that she had been advised to by Anne McNaughton because she did not have the audited books to work with.

RE said that the decision had caused all sorts of problems and he had spoken to AMcN himself to be told that she had only advised JCC could change banks if it wanted to.

TW commented that AMcN had advised us and we had taken her advice based on the fact that we did not have the books.

RE said that the JCC financial year ends in September with audited accounts to be presented to the AGM. Unsigned copies of the year end accounts had been given to JCC at the AGM, but the accountant had still to check them as he was very busy at that time of year.

TW concluded that discussion by saying that we had followed advice but that did not mean that we were besmirching the previous Treasurer or doubting her handling of monies.

At the conclusion of this discussion RE left the meeting.

10. Elected Member’s Report

Cllr Binks presented the February report on updates from various Council Boards.

There had been consideration of the Bishopton Ordnance site development which may eventually extend to over 4,000 houses. It is hoped there will be spin-off benefits with increased footfall in Johnstone town centre.

Cllr Binks reported that he hoped to obtain larger scale maps of the Vacant and Derelict Land survey to show JCC.

The Planning (Scotland) bill going through the Scottish Parliament seeks to empower communities to get more involved in and influence future developments.

2018 is the Scottish Year of Young People and will be promoted by Renfrewshire Youth Services.

The Education (Scotland) Bill will give decision making powers to head teachers in four key areas Curriculum, Improvement, Staffing and Funding and the changes will have significant financial implication for the local authority.

There has been a review of fly tipping and its implications for the Council.

For 2016-7 94.8% of Housing repairs had been completed correctly first time and with a satisfaction rate of 91.4%.

96% of street lights have now been converted to LED and they are showing a saving of £750,000/annum.

As a result of the Glasgow bin lorry crash enhanced medical checks for Council HGV and PSV drivers have been introduced and all vehicles will have immobilisers fitted to stop vehicles if the driver falls ill.

11. Joint Sub-Group Report

IMcM reported that the next meeting was not due until 22nd February and he was trying to convince all the local Tennants and Residents associations to attend.

CJ asked for grit bin issues to be raised. Margaret Lavery asked if it would be appropriate to bring photos along.

12. Event and Funding Sub Group Report

TW reported that he had been talking to various different organisations about the Gala Day and Linstone had indicated they want to get involved. Renfrewshire Leisure are also very positive.

The provisional date for the event is 26th August, but this has still to be confirmed.

IMcM will contact those interested in the Gala sub-group and get a meeting set up before the end of February.

Wilma Dean noted that there had been messages on the Johnstone Facebook page offering a stage.

TW reported that Daniel Graham may be leaving JCC which will mean we will lose IT capacity.

13. AOCB

TW asked CJ and WD to report on the Holocaust Memorial Event they had attended. WD said it had been very moving. CJ said it was a lovely evening. It had been opened by the East Renfrewshire Provost followed by schoolchildren talking about their visit to Auschwitz. There had been a speaker from Glasgow University talking about current genocides around the world, a joint schools string orchestra, a talk by girls from Linwood High and a closing Vote of Thanks from the Renfrewshire Provost.

TW thanked the two for representing us

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.57pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 8th March 2018 at 7.00pm.

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