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Minutes 12th October 2017


Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 12th October 2017 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Wilma Dean, Carol Ewing, Ron Ewing, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Malcolm Hill, Catherine Johnstone, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, Iain McMillan, Valerie Reilly, Mary Tennant and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:

Councillors (Ward 8) – Jacqueline Cameron.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Andy Doig.

Police officers Taylor and Armstrong.


Councillors John Hood, Andy Steel and Emma Rodden.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Iain McMillan

Seconded by Ron Ewing

3. Matters Arising

No matters were raised.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

The crime statistics report was presented by officers Taylor and Armstrong.

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 36 crimes were reported including 2 serious and 5 common assaults, 11 thefts and attempted thefts, 2 breaches of the peace, 4 drug offences, 2 road traffic offences and 2 instances of vandalism. 15 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 13 crimes were reported including 2 common assaults, 5 thefts or attempted thefts, 2 breaches of the peace, 1 instance of vandalism and 2 road traffic offences. 6 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 8 crimes were reported including 1 serious and 2 common assaults, 1 breach of the peace, 1 wilful fire-raising and 1 breach of bail. 2 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 10 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 1 theft, 2 breaches of the peace and 1 instance of vandalism. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Thomas Wallace asked if there had been another incident at the Benston. The officers indicated that they were not aware of one.

Catherine Johnstone asked whether there had been an increase in crime in the Town Centre and whether there was any truth in the rumour that a police officer had been attacked. The officers replied that there had not been much of an increase and that no officer had been seriously hurt – the assault had been in the course of arresting someone.

Councillor Doig asked if incidents in connection with licenced premises are reported to the Licensing Board. He was assured that such incidents are reported to the Licensing Board. Officers look for patterns of repeated incidents at the same premises and if these are noted officers may make increased visits.

Sheila King asked whether there are more break-ins as the nights get dark earlier. The officers replied that there hadn’t really been an increase – recent publicity had been flagged up to emphasise the need for people to look to their security. Wilma Dean said that break-ins were being noted on Facebook. The officers replied that they did not know whether these instances had been reported to the police.

There being no further questions the two officers left the meeting.

5. Chairman’s Report

The former Chairman intimated that he had made his report at the AGM and there was nothing further to report.

6. Secretary’s Report

IMcM reported on items passed over by the former Secretary. The suggestions box had contained a complaint about lack of hedge maintenance on the footpaths connecting Houston to Johnstone and Linwood to Brookfield. He would contact the complainant to clarify this as the stretches may well be outwith our area.

Councillor Cameron mentioned a letter regarding the Provost’s Community Awards. Nominations are being sought in six areas. Cllr D added that Johnstone tends to be underrepresented at the awards and asked that possibilities be discussed at the November meeting.

7. Treasurer’s Report

The accounts had been presented at the AGM.

Linda Flint indicated that she would liaise with Carol Ewing to see how the systems work. CE reminded the meeting that there would be a need to change the signatories on the bank account.

8. Community Council Forum

CJ gave a report about the recent Renfrewshire Community Council Forum meeting. A report had been presented on the new community policing plan – feedback was required on our perceptions of how the new system was working.

The forums were also being asked to raise problems of people with mental health issues. It was suggested that it might be advantageous for JCC to invite Gerry Burns of RAMH to address one of our meetings. IMcM agreed to contact RAMH. RCCF had been given an update on the 2021 bid, reporting that the judges were due to visit Paisley during October.

The next RCCF meeting – on 27th November will be the AGM and will feature speakers from Glasgow Airport. Any questions we might have could be raised with the representative.

Cllr D commented that the increase in mental health problems might, as recent reports have suggested, be due to the effects of stronger drugs appearing on the streets.

9. Feedback from the Extraordinary Meeting

It was noted that Sandra Black was waiting to hear from JCC about a liaison sub-group to set up a meeting with Dorothy Kerr and Chris Dalrymple. It is requested that there should be one email link to report back rather than individual members all getting in touch

TW noted that we would organise a JCC sub-group and nominate a spokesperson. RE commented that the Council wants to move ahead as soon as the new JCC Committee was in place and that we should take advantage of their enthusiasm.

CJ reported that she had already had a visit from Council officers and the police in regard to the issue of drugs that had been raised, and that things were looking hopeful.

10. Arrangements for Remembrance Day

Dennis Lavery indicated that he would be happy to lay the wreath on behalf of JCC at the ceremony taking place on 12th November. DL asked about an advance meeting and was told that it had already taken place. RE noted that he had a copy of the minutes from that meeting and would forward them to DL.

11. Sub-Group Reports

Friends of Thomas Shanks Park

WD reported that the group had £7,500 to spend on playpark equipment.

It was agreed to discuss the 2018 Gala at the next JCC meeting.

Safety Committee

Issues on this topic had been covered at the extraordinary meeting.


No issues.


LF reported that she had sent photos of problem areas to the appropriate Council officials.


No issues.

Internet, Social Media, Suggestions

Neither Daniel Graham nor Christina Leon were present to give a report.

It was noted that the JCC Notice Board had been moved and may, in fact, be broken.

SK passed on the key to the suggestions box.

It was reiterated that the email system would be up and running again as soon as possible.

12. AOCB

CJ reported that there were some unclaimed raffle prizes remaining from the Gala Day. RE suggested donating them to St. Vincent’s Hospice. It was agreed that CJ would take them there.

TW asked Councillor Binks about the paths in the park. Cllr Binks agreed to investigate.

Cllr D noted that a new scout group was opening to cover West Johnstone including Sandyflats and Cartside.

LF asked that JCC should thank the Renfrewshire Gazette for coverage of the Gala and for printing the ‘Thank-you’ advert.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 9th November 2017 at 7.00pm.

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