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Agenda and Minutes 10th August 2017


Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite Thursday 10th August 2017 at 7.00 p.m.

1. Apologies.

2. Minutes.

3. Matters arising

4. Police crime statistics for Johnstone

5. Chairman’s Report

6. Secretary

7. Treasurer

8. -

Sub Committee Reports

9. Friends of Thomas Shanks Park/Gala Day

10. Safety Committee

11. Planning

12. Environmental

13. Roads

14. Internet, Social Media, Suggestions

15. A.O.C.B.

Date and time of next meeting. 14Th September 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.

To be confirmed at meeting.

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 10th August 2017 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Wilma Dean, Carol Ewing, Ron Ewing, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Malcolm Hill, Catherine Johnstone, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Valerie Reilly, Mary Tennant and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 8) – John Hood, Alistair Mackay, Andy Steel.

(Ward 9) – Derek Bibby, Bill Binks, Andy Doig, Emma Rodden.

Officer Andy Taylor of Police Scotland

2 members of the public were also present.


Ronnie Carlin, Christina Leon, Cllr Jacqueline Cameron.

2. Minutes

It was pointed out that the name of Elizabeth Forrest had been omitted from the sederunt list. It was agreed that this would be amended.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Linda Flint

Seconded by Mary Tennant

3. Matters Arising

Dennis Lavery referred to the traffic light sequence problem asking if there was any update. Ron Ewing replied that JCC had twice invited the Chief Executive to a meeting but had received no response. DL asked whether the councillors could bring any pressure to bear. Officer Taylor noted that he has been looking at the records of that set of lights, and has received the information that there is a recurring fault which can be reset, but the results are only temporary before the fault occurs again. Cllr Hood noted that he had also reported the fault. Cllr Rodden said that now she knew there was a fault she would take the matter up.

Cllr Doig had three matters to raise. He noted that he was dealing with the matter that Christina Leon had raised.

Cllr D agreed that Drew McNab should be invited back to a JCC meeting with particular respect to the bus stops and shelters

He also commented on the matter raised re. the use of schools as polling stations and stated that it was standing policy not to use any school if an alternative could be found, and that the policy had not changed.

LF replied that it was the parents at the Thorn School who were upset at the loss of education and suggested that the Council should look at placing portacabins on the station car park or at Lidl instead.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

Officer Taylor presented the monthly crime report

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 22 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 4 thefts and attempted thefts, 6 breaches of the peace, 3 road traffic offences, 2 drink-related offences and 3 instances of vandalism. 11 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 12 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 2 thefts or attempted thefts, 1 breach of the peace, 1 drug driving offence, 3 instances of vandalism, 2 RTAs, 1 wilful fireraising and 1 breach of bail. 7 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 7 crimes were reported including 2 common assaults, 1 road traffic offence, 2 instances of vandalism and 1 wilful fireraising. 1 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 8 crimes were reported including 2 attempted thefts, 1 breach of the peace, 1 fraud, 1 RTA, 1 instance of vandalism and 1 breach of bail. 4 of these crimes had been detected.

Over the whole of Johnstone this added up to 49 crimes reported, with 23 of them having been detected.

Off.T reported that three officers had been booked to work on the Gala Day and that they would bring the Public Order vehicle.

RE asked if anything had been heard from the dog branch. Off.T replied that so far nothing had been heard, but that a visit was unlikely as there were so few in the unit.

Wilma Dean asked if PC Shiny Buttons, or the schools’ mascot, could come along. Off.T noted that Smelly Pete the Penguin had appeared at Erskine and he would try for him.

It was also noted that Chris Forbes, from the TV programme ‘Scot Squad’ was opening the Gala and would be in “uniform”.

Sheila King commented that there had been a noticeable drop in crime numbers since the previous month and asked whether this was due to the new community policing beats.

Off.T replied that he was surprised how much the figures had dropped but that he felt the successful action plan on shoplifting had helped.

Cllr D said that there had previously been a lot of illegal activity at Patons Mill. Off.T replied that the Mill was on their tasking list and that regular foot patrols were undertaken.

Cllr Steel remarked that it was an eye-opener to hear how much work was being done and asked Off.T to pass on our thanks.

Cllr H passed on some information about youths attempting to get into the back of flats in Elm Drive.

RE thanked Off.T who then left the meeting.

5. Chairman’s Report

RE welcomed Cllr MacKay on his first visit to a JCC meeting.

Referring to the July meeting, RE reminded the members that DL had reported he had attended a Community Planning Event but had had no time to give details. DL was invited to expand and reported that it had been a chance for voluntary groups and Council officials to exchange information on the quality of life and access to services in Renfrewshire. No conclusions had been reached but DL got the impression that the whole subject would be revisited.

SK noted that she had sent on an email with a survey asked for by the Community Planning Partnership.

6. Secretary’s Report

SK reported that, as usual, all emails had been forwarded.

SK then gave notice that she would be standing down as Secretary at the October AGM, commenting that she was involved in so many other things that she felt she was not able to give as much to JCC as it deserves.

RE replied that we do appreciate all that SK had been doing.

7. Treasurer’s Report

Carol Ewing reported that there had been no expenditure since the last meeting so the balance remained at £3,533.34.

8. Sub-Group Reports

Friends of Thomas Shanks Park

LF was asked to give a report on the Gala Day preparations. It emerged that RE will do the Health and Safety assessment for the event. Hi-vis vests will be acquired for those volunteering to act as stewards including CE; CL; Catherine Johnstone; LF and WD. These will be marked ‘GALA STAFF’.

Dorothy Kerr will be asked if personnel can come along to do the clearing up of litter. Youth Services will be asked to provide first aiders.

Fiona Hamilton has asked for details of the food stalls and these have been supplied.

Committee members are canvassing business around the town for donations.

For entertainment CL has a list that includes dancers; zorbing; tae-kwando; stage acts; clubbercise; a dog show; football and judo. CL has also organised the stalls and portaloos have been booked. Tables and chairs will be borrowed from St Margarets.

£3,629.18 of the £4,111.76 grant has been spent so far.

The organising committee has been having weekly meetings – things have been a bit rushed but seem to be coming together.

Cllr MacK enquired whether the air cadets have been asked to attend and was told they have been contacted but have yet to respond.

Cllr Binks mentioned that two large marquees will be provided so there will be a fall-back position if the weather is bad.

CJ asked if Laura Forsyth could include the names of donors in any Gazette article.

RE mentioned a query raised about the finances. It has been clarified with David Lowe that as long as the money is spent on the Gala, it doesn’t matter on what in particular. Any money left over should be returned to the LAC. Some savings have been made eg. by extending the JCC insurance, the cost has come down from an estimated £400 to just £70.

CE is managing the funding and any new spending is decided by Gala sub-committee.

RE reported that as far as the risk assessment goes, every stall holder will get a copy that they must comply with and will have to sign to say that they agree. The stewards will monitor compliance throughout the day.

RE said that there was a need to determine the routes of vehicular access to the park.

WD noted she had received an email about the amount of litter and boggy ground at present, but all this will be included on the information sheet.

RE said that the list of stewards needs to be determined beforehand as they will need to be briefed.

RE asked about the stage. WD replied that it will be built up on the morning and will only hold a maximum of 6 dancers.

RE asked Laura Forsyth if The Gazette could do publicity in advance of the Gala Day, and also send along a photographer on the day.

RE asked about the football match. From the floor, Iain McMillan replied that it will be a one-off contest between Thorn Athletic and Langcraigs, and he would donate a trophy. There will be a 3pm kick-off and the match will be 30 minutes each way, although it was not as yet confirmed which pitch would be used. The match will bring plenty of people to the park, and it was hoped that in future years a tournament might be arranged.

RE stated that the official times for the Gala would be 12 noon until 4pm, but the insurance covers us from 8am until 6pm

The Dog Show trophy was shown to the JCC members, it has been donated by Stella McAteer. Dogs placed second and third will receive medals. Thanks were recorded to CE for organising this.

RE asked when the posters would be available, LF replied that they would be ready the next day.

CJ noted that 2 banners need to be organised and that there was £350 in the budget for this.

Cllr R asked if the schools had been asked to promote the event. WD replied that they had been asked in the past but had always been unable to because it took place during the summer holidays. Cllr H added that there had been some school involvement in the past, with a different competition each year. We could try this again in the future.

Iain McMillan said that at this stage we can only ask them to publicise it and that the Primary schools will probably be very responsive.

Cllr H noted that in the past St Vincents ran a tea room in one of the marquees.

LF commented that all these suggestions were great, but that the committee were running out of time for this year. However, they could be taken on board in the future.

EF suggested phone calls to the various church ministers for publicity. LF replied that this was already being done.

Cllr D wanted to record formal thanks of JCC to the Gala sub-committee, saying that many individuals had been putting their hearts and souls into this event.

Safety Committee

RE said that there was nothing to report on other than the traffic light problem. JCC still wants to get the Chief Executive down for a meeting as we are still waiting for yellow boxes to be repainted as well as the promised new signage. He added that Marie Weatherall-Beers has been working on traffic light sequencing.

EF commented that the new bus stop on McDowall Street is a nightmare.

RE responded that significant works need to be done on the whole High Street/McDowall Street/Collier Street area.

SK remarked that this was what we wanted the Chief Exec. here for. RE also suggested that we should invite the McGill’s bus garage manager to come along and ask the questions of him. Cllr H added that McGills do come along to meetings if invited.

Cllr D commented that he had been told in the past that the bendy busses were being phased out, but that now they seemed to be reappearing. He suggested we need a meeting of JCC, the Tenants and Residents Associations and the Johnstone Business Consortium with Gordon McNeil, the Head of Roads, to ask about timescales for the works etc.


DL asked about the drilling which had taken place at the cycle track and the clearing of a field at Nether Johnstone. Cllr D responded that he presumed it was part of preliminary works for the Patons development site, but he would try and find out a definitive answer.

LF asked whether anyone had found out what was happening at the Malcolm’s site, as mentioned at the last meeting. Cllr H replied that they had said they were clearing their boundary lines

LF mentioned the problem of seagulls at John Lang Street – they were making a horrendous noise. And another noise problem was planes coming in at 3am – she had thought there was a cut-off time.

LF also mentioned that she had been in Ireland over the weekend where she had seen no litter and beautiful flowers, and that in contrast Johnstone looked like a tip. Additionally she had recently attended a funeral at the Broomward cemetery which was also looking disgraceful – there was rubbish, kerbs turned over and nothing is tidy. CJ asked whether there were any gardeners working in Johnstone anymore.

RE commented that nothing is being done for Johnstone which was another reason why we want to speak to the Chief Exec.

Cllr S agreed with the points about cleanliness and that the bins were not being emptied properly.

DL commented that the newly installed speed camera on Beith Road was prevented from doing its job properly, as it was screened by trees. Cllr H said that he reported this and it transpired that the contractors had installed the camera incorrectly as it should have been at the edge of the pavement, but that the trees would be attended to shortly. The delay in installation had occurred as a result of a delay in the electricity company providing the wiring for it.


Cllr D wished to record a vote of thanks to the Chair for efficiently and timeously chairing the meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 14th September 2017 at 7.00pm.

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