Agenda and Minutes 11th May 2017
Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite
Thursday 11th May 2017 at 7.00 p.m.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes.
3. Matters arising
4. Police crime statistics for Johnstone
5. Yvonne Farquar - RCCF
6. Isaac Wilkie – Licensing & Legal requirements for Gala day
7. Chairperson report
8. Secretary
9. Treasurer's report
Sub Committee Reports
10. Friends of Thomas Shanks Park
11. Safety Committee
12. Planning
13. Environmental
14. Roads
15. Internet, Social Media, Suggestions
16. A.O.C.B.
Date and time of next meeting to be confirmed at meeting.
Johnstone Community Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 11th May 2017 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.
Members: Ronnie Carlin, Wilma Dean, Carol Ewing, Ron Ewing, Elizabeth Forrest, Malcolm Hill, Catherine Johnstone, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Christina Leon, Daniel McKay and Mary Tennant
Also in attendance:-
Councillors (Ward 7) – Andy Steele (beginning of meeting only), Andy Doig, Bill Binks.
2 representatives of Police Scotland
Stuart Graham – Renfrewshire council chief exec.
Isaac Wilkie – re licensing.
There were 8 members of the public including representatives of Erskine Music & Media Studio.
Laura Forsyth – Gazette reporter
Apologies Thomas Wallace, Valerie Reilly, Linda Flint and Councillor Derek Bibby.
2. Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
Proposed by Christina Leon
Seconded by Elizabeth Forrest
3. Matters Arising
Valerie has asked that on the last minutes her name had not been correct and asked for this to be amended to Valerie Reilly. Councillor Andy Doig mentioned, under secretary's report regarding, litter at Morrison's still ongoing issue. Liz Forrest suggested a dog bin is required. It was agreed that other bins be required throughout the town. Roads issues raised to be discussed later.
RE welcomed new and old councillors recently elected.
4. Police Crime Statistics Report
The latest crime statistics for Johnstone.
Johnstone Town Centre
A total of 39 crimes were reported. Including 1 common assault, 1 theft, 12 shoplifting, 2 breach of the peace, 6 drug offences, 3 road traffic offences, 2 drinking offenses and 1 licensing offence. 20 of these crimes had been detected
West Johnstone
A total of 27 crimes were reported including 2 serious assault, 1 common assault, 4 housebreaking, 3 theft, 1 shoplifting, 1 theft of motor vehicle, 3 breaches of the peace, 3 drug offences, 3 RTA offences and 6 vandalism offences. 12 of these crimes had been detected.
Johnstone Castle
A total of 13 crimes were reported including 1 domestic assault, 1 housebreaking, 1 theft, 3 breach of the peace, 1 drug offence, 1 fraud, 2 vandalism, 2 breach of bail and 1 other. 5 of these crimes had been detected.
Spateston and Corseford
A total of 9 crimes were reported including, 7 theft, 1 domestic threat and 1 other, 4 of these crimes had been detected.
The Chairman introduced Stuart Graham from Renfrewshire Council chief Executives Department, standing in for Yvonne Farquar from the Community Council Forum. Talking on the Local Outcome Improvement Plan and Locality Plans. This is a 10 year plan replacing the Community Plan 2013 – 2023 and Single Outcome Agreement. It is Renfrewshire wide, focusing on improving outcomes and inequalities and is to be published by October 2017. The key task is to understand local needs e.g. role for LACs and individual community organisations. The Locality Plan identifies communities where the outcome(e.g. life expectancy, health, unemployment, crime etc.) are significantly poorer than elsewhere in Scotland/Renfrewshire. The focus is on reducing inequalities in a specific local area by improving outcomes.
The greatest inequality of outcomes in Renfrewshire includes populations in Paisley North – c7,000; Paisley North West/Ferguslie – c10,000; Johnstone/Linwood – c10,000; Gallowhill – c3000; Renfrew West/North – c2000.
Health is identified as the key driver of deprivation in Renfrewshire. Local communities are being asked to identify outcomes that need to be improved on, are there any other local factors needed to be considered, how do organisations want to be involved in the plans, what are the most important things and what is the vision or hope for Renfrewshire in 10 years.
Stuart was asked about funding for this. Stuart replied that there would be no additional funding, but to try and use the monies available in the best ways. Stuart suggest if any specific issues for our area are identified to contact the Community Planning Team. They can provide feedback, arrange a visit or supply further information.
There being no further questions for him, Stuart left the meeting.
6. Isaac Wilkie – Licensing for gala day
Isaac introduced himself as being from the Council Youth Services Department. Isaac advised that there are really strict deadlines that have to be met when applying for licensing. Licenses are required to cover Street Traders License; entertainment license; PIS; insurance and staging. Stuart explained about each license and insurance. He advised that Erskine Music and Media Studios were experienced in handling staging and different acts for entertainment and if the community council agreed would be happy to be involved in the Johnstone gala day. Isaac then handed over to a representative from EM&MS called Mark Waters.
Mark advised they were a community interest company and had been involved in previous Johnstone gala days and various gala days in other areas. Marked described the licenses required for the use of staging and for using music and performance. They have great expertise on erecting the stage, lights, music and PA systems. Mark said they were happy to be involved and offer any advice needed. Cllr Doig suggested that funding may be available to offset some of the costs. Wilma Dean advised that there is a lot involved in running the gala day. It is important that if the JCC is going to be involved this year they must act soon. Wilma is happy to be there for advice and applying for LACs funds, but as she had been so heavily involved in the past was happy to see others take over this year.
RE asked if the names of the sub committee for the gala day were known. These were selected in February and are as follows LF, DL, CE, CJ and Cllrs G and D.
Wilma asked that someone takes control and move things forward.
DL was concerned about the time factor for licensing and organising the gala for August. MW advised that licensing could be organised in the time available. This was agreed by WD providing someone took control now.
It was thought since Cllr G was no longer a Cllr he may no longer wish to be involved, but at present no one was sure. DL said due to various commitments he could no longer be part of the sub committee. CL said she was happy to join the sub committee along with Cllr Binks and one member of the EM&MS. It was decided that the sub committee should meet on Tuesday 16th May at 7:00 in the Town Hall.
7. Chairman's Report
RE said he had to ask that the next meeting in June be cancelled, as it falls on the day of the General Election and the next meeting should be 2nd Thursday July. Those present agreed and this was carried.
Secretary’s Report
Sheila King reported that she had forwarded all the incoming correspondence.
Daniel Graham had emailed his objection to the proposed build at Midton Road and gave reasons. Thomas Wallace had also objected. RE asked that this be raised at the planning section.
CL asked why people went out for cigarette breaks in meetings and did not think it helped get through the meetings. RE suggested that this be minuted.
8. Treasurer’s Report
Carol Ewing previous balance £3,787.34 - total expenditure £206. Balance is £3,581.34. - 3 items of expenditure 2 for hall lets to Renfrewshire Council – 2 x £48. Plus £110 to Zurich Insurance. All are now paid by BACs transfers which make it much easier.
Sub Committees
Safety Committee
Road between Howood and Lochwinnoch are to have repairs and notification has been given of road closure.
SK mentioned that DG, TW and herself are all objecting to the Midton Road development. Plans were looked at and RE mentioned that access was tricky and traffic would increase considerably along the Beith Road, or along the By Pass which was already congested. It was pointed out by Cllr Doig. that this was not yet put forward for planning, but was just a proposal being considered. RE asked time scale for objections. Cllr. Doig suggested to wait as public meeting was planned.
SK asked about the top of Rannoch Road and work going on as land is still being developed, but there has been no planning application. Cllr Doig did not know what was going on in this area at present.
DL suggested the Community Council should learn from past mistakes and make sure future objections are signed by all members and not just one letter of objection.
RE suggest we wait until we have full information on builds before we take action.
Friends of Thomas Shanks Park.
WD on the 2nd May email received that proposals are with Lord Rowallan's solicitors awaiting further instructions.
RE advised that expensive anti skid surface is being used A737 at junctions and bends. Filling pot holes on A737 still ongoing. Cllr. D states councillors need to keep pressure on Transport Scotland regarding safety of A737. RE said Community Council too will be making sure Transport Scotland remain aware of public concerns.
Member of public stated that on Canal Road there are two lamp posts lying open with bits of insulation tapes only on them and a communication box, BT or whatever, with wires exposed. Pot holes repairs do not last, one pavement is so bad you cannot use it. This road is well used but is in very poor condition. RE intends to take it up with road departments about state of roads and pavements in the area. Member of public saying repairs to roads etc. should be inspected before Council considers paying. RE states that a lot of work is subcontracted.
RE asked that Cllr. Doig look into these complaints.
There being no further business and running out of time the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 10th August 2017 at 7.00pm.