Agenda and Minutes 13th April 2017
Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite Thursday 13th April 2017 at 7.00 p.m.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes.
3. Matters arising
4. Police crime statistics for Johnstone
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Secretary
7. Treasurer
8. Installation of Safety Camera – AllanThomson Police Scotland
Sub Committee Reports
9. Friends of Thomas Shanks Park
10. Safety Committee
11. Planning
12. Environmental
13. Roads
14. Internet, Social Media, Suggestions
15. A.O.C.B.
Date and time of next meeting. 11Th May 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
To be confirmed at meeting.
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 13th April 2017 at 7:00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.
Members: Ronnie Carlin, Ron Ewing, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Malcolm Hill, Catherine Johnston, Sheila King, Christine Leon and Mary Tennant
Also in attendance:-
Councillors (Ward 7) – Stephen McGee
(Ward 8) – Andy Doig
Alan Thomson, Andy Taylor and Iain Armstrong of Police Scotland and Margaret Lavery (member of public).
Wilma Dean, Carole Ewing, Valerie Reid, Denis Lavery, Thomas Wallace and Councillors Chris Gilmour, Iain McMillan and John Caldwell
2. Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
Proposed by Linda Flint
Seconded by Malcolm Hill
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4. Police Crime Statistics Report
Officers Taylor and Armstrong presented the latest crime statistics for Johnstone.
Johnstone Town Centre
A Total of 56 crimes were reported including 2 common assaults, 15 thefts and attempted thefts, 11 breaches of the peace, 11 drug offenses, 1 fraud, 4 road traffic offenses, 4 vandalisms, 2 drink related offenses, 2 weapon offenses, 3 breach of bail and 2 urinating in the street. 31 of these crimes have been detected.
West Johnstone
A Total of 23 crimes were reported including 9 common assaults, 3 thefts and attempted thefts, 3 breaches of the peace, 2 drug offenses, 3 road traffic offenses, 1 vandalisms, 1 breach of bail and 1 communication offense. 12 of these crimes have been detected.
Johnstone Castle
A Total of 23 crimes were reported including 1 serious Assault, 1 common assaults, 5 breaches of the peace, 1 drink driving offense, 11 road traffic offenses, 2 vandalisms and 2 communication offenses. 20 of these crimes have been detected.
Spateston and Corseford
A Total of 22 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 2 common assaults, 3 thefts and attempted thefts, 3 breaches of the peace, 2 drug offenses, 1 fraud, 2 road traffic offenses, 7 vandalisms nd 2 other offenses. 4 of these crimes have been detected.
5. Installation of Safety Camera – Alan Thomson Police Scotland
The Chairman introduced Alan Thomson of Police Scotland who had come to the meeting to give an explanation of the new safety camera on the Beith Road. AT started by explaining the Safety Camera Programme. Target areas are where deaths have occurred or where there are speed/red light issues. Renfrewshire Council are responsible for safety while the police and camera are to enforce. There are various techniques the council can use before cameras are necessary. The Beith Road is an odd site as it was not on the Safety Camera database and was brought to them by the Council. They looked at the area from Thorn Brae to Cochranemill Road but was just under the distance criteria. Proposed average speed cameras were declined due to the number of side roads branching off. The Speed study showed that the average speed of vehicles was 33mph, with the 85th percentile being 38mph. 130 vehicles a day were recorded at 45mph.
With several fatalities between Rannoch Road and Craigfeoch Road, the new speed camera is being installed to cut speed. Sheila King asked when the camera will be operational. AT had hoped it would have already been operational however there had been issues with their subcontractor but work should start soon. The signs are already in place.
Linda Flint asked about the area from Quarellton Road to Thorn Brae. AT explained that criteria have to be met and wouldn’t qualify as no injury collisions or fatalities have been recorded though he did understand any concerns. LF suggested that the Community Council should ask the council for a speed activated speed warning signal on the Thorn Brae side.
LF asked what kind of camera was being installed. AT stated it was a Gatso camera. Speed is captured by radar and a picture taken with the vehicle owner notified and the driver given a fine or court summons.
Cllr McGhee asked how the data was gathered. Was it only through police involvement or from insurance companies. AT said that data would not appear on the camera stats if there had been no injury. Cllr McGhee backed idea for a speed sign. AT said that speed automated red lights were not used as there were no appropriate traffic lights on that stretch of road. Cllr Doig said that he thinks speed warning are effective.
LF asked if the schools would be contacted when the speed camera goes in as the pupils do not use the crossings. AT hadn’t planned on contacting schools but would make sure it was done. Ron Ewing asked whos remit speed activated signs fell under. AT stated it was the council.
The member of the public, Margaret Lavery said it was good that a camera was installed due to having a relative die on that road. She asked if the camera was permanent. AT said that was unknown. The camera would not be removed until the council changes the road and/or speeding and collision rates drop to an ‘acceptable’ level. ML said signs are good but responsible drivers slow down and irresponsible ones stop for nothing. She was very grateful that the camera has been put up. RE asked who the money from the fines went to. AT said fines go to the crown.
At said the speeding cant be fixed by enforcement only by changing social attitudes.
6. Treasure’s Report
There was no treasure’s report as the treasure was not in attendance. There will be to reports at the next meeting.
7. Secretary’s Report
An email was received from Howwood Community Council in reference to bus services. They had been told that services were not profitable for more rural areas. Cllr Doig said that Stagecoach had a survey that could be filled in and that this issue had come up at most community councils. He said that Humza Yousaf had said there was a possibility of councils refranchising bus services. Cllr McGhee said to contact SPT to speak to the Community Council.
A member of the public messaged to say the area under Morrisons’s bridge was an eyesore and whose responsibility was it to keep it maintained. Cllr Doig said he would look into it.
Wilma Dean had been in contact to say she was getting LAC funding for the Gala Day.
Valerie Reid sent an email from the History Society saying developers at Patons were interested in talking to discuss the heritage of the site. Cllr Doig spoke about response from Fourth Developments have been slightly misleading in statements but happy that they are keen to talk to the History Society. He suggested that the community council should contact the HS and support them. Cllr McGhee stated that archaeology works would normally be carried out pre-build. Cllr Doig stated that planning permission was only for two retail developments for now. If they were doing phased work the community may get a better chance to have a say though the ball was in Fourth Developments court.
RE said that Aldi had applied for a liquor licence at Patons Mill and must be one of the unit occupiers.
ML spoke about the Local Area Development Plan and her experience with it through local Tenants and Residents Associations. Cllr McGhie said LADP would be an ideal point to speak up against proposed developments.
Questions were asked about the age of membership to get younger people to join the community council. RE will contact the council and get WF to look into the legalities.
7. Chairman’s Report
RE wanted to challenge the sitting administration councillors about the ‘new’ Johnstone High School reported in local media but none of them were present. Christina Leon said that budgets were from specific pots of money.
Cllr Doig said there was nothing in the budget so may just be a pre election suggestion. Cllr McGhee said there would be other questions such as if it were needed, how it would be financed, and about the current staffing issue in the school.
Moved on as no other councillors were present to represent the council.
Sub Committee Reports
8. Planning
SK mentioned that South Collier Street car park had planning permission for a restaurant and two takeaways. Community Council agreed to object to the application due to it taking away much needed car parking spaces and custom from already established businesses. LF said it was shocking that charity shops were being forced to close due to increasing rates by private landlords.
9. Environmental
SK and CL said they had gone to a litter pick in Shawlands to see how effective they can be. SK phoned environmental services and they said how they would be able to provide everything the CC would need to carry out their own litter picks.
Cllr McGhee said that Howwood do a similar thing about four times a year and is well attended. Cllr Doig said many other local groups do litter picks. CL said that the gent who ran the Shawlands litter pick gave them so many ideas that it was rather overpowering. ML suggested contacting local tenants and residents associations about helping. CL said that the local ‘community champion’ from Morrisons wanted to meet to see how they could help through donations or funding. CL was nominated to be the ‘Litter Queen’.
10. Roads
A letter was received from a member of the public regarding bad parking at Ludovic Square during a recent event at the town hall. The letter included photos. This was forwarded to the council. The police were notified but the wardens were too late to arrive. Nothing was done to deal with the situation and the event had finished and cars gone by the time the wardens arrived.
RE said he would speak to Renfrewshire Council about doing something to stop similar things happening in future.
ML stated that North Road had similar problems in the past that had been previously dealt with.
11. A.O.C.B
With the upcoming council elections happening before the next meeting, RE thanked those councillors in attendance for their years of service and looked forward to working with both returning councillors and new councillors alike come the next community council meeting.
There being no other business the meeting was closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 11th May 2017 at 7:00pm.