Agenda and Minutes 9th March 2017
Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Johnstone Town Hall Marriage Suite Thursday 09th March 2017 at 7.00 p.m.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes.
3. Matters arising
4. Police crime statistics for Johnstone
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Secretary + RCCF report from Kay
7. Treasurer
8. Creating protocols for complaints
Sub Committee Reports
9. Friends of Thomas Shanks Park
10. Safety Committee
11. Planning
12. Environmental
13. Roads
14. Internet, Social Media, Suggestions
15. A.O.C.B.
Date and time of next meeting. 13Th April 2017 @ 7:00 p.m.
To be confirmed at meeting.
Johnstone Community Council
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 9th March 2017 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.
Members: Ronnie Carlin, Wilma Dean, Carol Ewing, Ron Ewing, Linda Flint, Daniel Graham, Malcolm Hill, Catherine Johnstone, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Christina Leon, Daniel McKay, Valerie Reilly and Mary Tennant
Also in attendance:-
Councillors (Ward 7) – Iain McMillan.
Andy Taylor and Iain Armstrong of Police Scotland, Drew McNab of Renfrewshire Council and Laura Forsyth.
Elizabeth Forrest, Thomas Wallace and Councillors John Caldwell, John Hood, Stephen McGee, Derek Bibby, Andy Doig and Christopher Gilmour.
2. Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
Proposed by Mary Tennant
Seconded by Dennis Lavery
3. Matters Arising
Councillor McMillan commented that he accepted that there had been no suggestion of impropriety made during last month’s discussion of planning matters.
4. Police Crime Statistics Report
Officers Taylor and Armstrong presented the latest crime statistics for Johnstone.
Johnstone Town Centre
A total of 57 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 9 common assaults, 9 thefts and attempted thefts, 7 breaches of the peace, 12 drug offences, 1 fraud, 10 road traffic offences, 2 drink-related offences and 1 instance of vandalism. 36 of these crimes had been detected.
West Johnstone
A total of 12 crimes were reported including 1 murder, 1 serious assault, 1 attempted theft, 2 breaches of the peace, 1 instances of vandalism, 3 RTAs and 1 breach of bail. 6 of these crimes had been detected.
Johnstone Castle
A total of 19 crimes were reported including 1 common assault, 4 breaches of the peace, 7 road traffic offences 3 instances of vandalism and 1 breach of bail. 8 of these crimes had been detected.
Spateston and Corseford
A total of 10 crimes were reported including 3 common assaults,1 attempted theft, 1 breach of the peace, 2 RTA’s, 1 instance of vandalism and 1 case of wilful fireraising. 6 of these crimes had been detected.
5. Road Safety Report
The Chairman introduced Drew McNab of the Roads Department who had come to the meeting to give a brief report on Beith Road where a safety camera will shortly be erected. A recent survey had found that 72.7% of vehicles had been speeding on that stretch of the road between Quarrelton Road and Woodlands Crescent. The Camera Partnership had looked at a number of sites in Renfrewshire and had picked Beith Road for an installation because of its accident statistics. Average speed cameras had been considered, but a fixed camera was thought to fit the situation better. It will cover both sides of the road from its proposed site just west of Rannoch Road. It is hoped to install it before the end of March so that it can start to record statistics from the beginning of April. A representative of the Partnership will attend the next JCC meeting to explain in more detail.
Cllr McM noted that he welcomed this initiative.
Linda Flint commented that we appreciate the introduction of the camera, but she felt there should be another somewhere near Overton Crescent.
DMcN said we should raise this with the Partnership, but it was possible that the warning signs could be erected further back to discourage speeding.
Dennis Lavery asked if the signs that flash up a driver’s speed on approach have any impact.
DMcN replied that there was some, but they are not enforceable.
Ron Ewing questioned the positioning of the speed sign in Quarrelton Road. DMcN said he would take a look at it.
DMcN further reported that work was scheduled to begin on changes to the traffic flow in High Street. It would be done at the weekend to minimise disruption. The first action will be to remove the build-outs plus a bus shelter has been purchased and will be installed asap. The north side bus stop will be moved closer to Greggs and the old shelter will be moved to the Lidls stop (this to be done in the new financial year with grant money from SPT.
RE asked what about the road surface repairs and the remarking of the yellow boxes which we had been promised in January. DMcN replied that the capital budget was just being put together and he would put information out to us on what will be happening.
LF asked about painting double yellow lines at the corners on John Lang Street where double parking takes place. DMcN replied that double yellows can be objected to, but white lines could be put down. Many people will act courteously and avoid them but it also gives the police an opportunity to target offenders. MT reiterated the query about the yellow boxes. DMcN replied that they will be tied in with resurfacing and will be done asap.
Christina Leon asked if we would have the opportunity to add to the list if we think things have been missed. DMcN said he would welcome information and pictures sent via the CC.
Cllr McM commented that the new budget of £6.7million is virtually double that of the previous year as the Council recognises how much disquiet there is over the state of the roads. DMcN noted that his dept were grateful for the additional money, but it will still only go so far in addressing the problem.
There being no further questions for him, DMcN left the meeting at 7.45pm.
6. Secretary’s Report
Sheila King reported that she had forwarded all the incoming correspondence and had tabled the Local Plan and Strategic Economic Framework.
Catherine Johnstone reported on the recent Community Council Forum meeting that she had attended. There had been a presentation by Yvonne Farquhar of the Chief executives dept who wants times and dates to arrange meetings. There are six questions to consider concerning what is our vision for Renfrewshire in ten years’ time. RE suggested inviting her along to our May meeting
The other major discussion had been on a suggested 20mph speed limit in all residential and built-up areas. RE asked if Renfrewshire Council had the power to do that. Cllr McM said that they could do it on some roads but there were more complex issues on others.
7. Treasurer’s Report
Carol Ewing presented an up-to-date Account Summary as at 2nd March showing a balance of £4075.34 with recent expenditure totalling £288.00 resulting in a new current balance of £3787.34.
8. Creating a Protocol for Complaints
The need for this stems from the extra meeting held on 2nd March at which Thomas Wallace’s complaints had been discussed and it had emerged that procedures and protocols did not exist.
RE reported that he had discussed the matter with Anne McNaughton and he will put together a draft procedure for internal JCC complaints which will be put before the next JCC meeting.
9. Sub-Group Reports
Friends of Thomas Shanks Park
Wilma Dean reported that Lord Rowallan had been in touch to ask if everything was now sorted, but that the Friends had only just heard back from Renfrewshire Council.
The Brewery Street Kids’ Club needs no further funding having received a credit for having to move premises.
WD had contacted the STEMS project at UWS, but the deadline for applying to the LAC is 17th March if the sub-group is to go ahead with assisting Johnstone Gala. WD agreed to prepare the paperwork on behalf of JCC.
Safety Committee
These issues had been dealt with in DMcN’s report. SK was asked formally to invite the Camera Partnership to our next meeting.
Valerie Reilly asked if anyone knew what was happening at the site of the former Bird in the Hand Hotel. Cllr McM replied that there had been no planning applications related to the site and that the site was probably being tidied up with a view to sale.
MT asked about the work going on around the Town Hall. DL replied that this was the tail end of work to improve the throughway between the Squares.
Daniel McKay asked about the shops closing on the High Street. Cllr McM replied that the buildings are privately owned and the owners seem to be putting the rents up. DL asked if the owners still have to pay rates even if the shops are empty. Cllr McM replied that as far as he knew they still had to pay something.
LF asked who we should contact to see how often we can get the streets cleaned. It is supposed to be every 30 days but there are Christmas decorations still lying in John Lang Street. Cllr McM indicated that contact should be made with either Shona McDougall or Cllr Ed Devine the Convener of Environmental Services. RE commented that JCC had made it quite clear at our last meeting that we are not happy with the 30-day interval but that we had been told that there is not enough money to do everything.
Cllr McM noted that although extra money has come in for Health and Social Care; that money would only cover the increase in the minimum wage and didn’t actually mean more funds to improve services. Over the last few years Environmental Services had probably taken more than their fair share of the cuts.
CL commented that Glasgow Council will give out rubbish bags and litter pickers for community clean-up initiatives. Cllr McM added that Renfrewshire Cl will do the same. Howwood does this once a year and arranges for the council to uplift the bags of collected rubbish.
WD commented that Ferguslie and Renfrew have ‘clean up your area’ schemes and that schools would also be interested.
DL added that Bridge of Weir also has regular sessions and also they pay for summer planting as a token of their pride in their community. He commented that we need to motivate our community. RE commented that it was probably easier to motivate smaller communities.
Cl suggested that JCC and Johnstone Business Consortium could sponsor a planter each. SK commented that good examples might spread.
RE suggested inviting the Community Service organiser back to a meeting to discuss possibilities. CL said we could draw up a programme of areas needing attention.
Daniel Graham commented that all these were good, short-term ideas, but that for long term improvement we needed to get the primary schools involved.
WD added that children could do this as part of their work towards the National curriculum and that the Royal Horticultural Society will provide free seeds for planting efforts.
Cllr McM said that he would speak to Karen Anderson about the protocol for CC’s to get involved in clean-up schemes.
LF reported that three weeks ago she had notified BT about a junction box by the bus stop in Morrisons which has no lid and wires coming out of it. Nothing has yet been done about it. She will report it again. RE commented that JCC could write formally if they continue to ignore the issue.
Internet, Social Media, Suggestions
CL and DG reported that they hadn’t seen anything recently.
RE suggested posting about the traffic works to be done in the town centre at the weekend.
SK reported that there had been nothing in the JCC Suggestions Box this month.
Cllr McM noted that this would be his last JCC meeting as a Councillor after attending CC meetings for some 22 years. He thanked JCC for their support, saying that he knew that the members care about their town, but he would like to see them more proactive. He expressed the hope that he could join JCC later this year.
RE thanked him for all his contributions to our meetings saying that he knew the Councillor was committed to Johnstone and that he felt ex-councillor McM would be an asset to JCC.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 13th April 2017 at 7.00pm.