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October 13th 2016 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 13th October 2016 at 7.30pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Ron Ewing, Carol Ewing, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Catherine Johnstone, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Christina Leon, Valerie Reilly and Thomas Wallace.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Hood, Stephen McGee, Iain McMillan.

(Ward 8) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig, Christopher Gilmour.

1 member of the public was also present.

1. Apologies

Wilma Dean and Councillor John Caldwell.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Sheila King

Seconded by Carol Ewing

3. Matters Arising

A mistake in the previous minutes where Kenny Marwick was abbreviated to KW in mistake for KM was pointed out. It was agreed that this would be amended.

Thomas Wallace pointed out a mistake under AOCB where individuals rather than Community Councils were being advised to contact MSPs and MEPs. It was agreed that this also would be corrected.

4. Police Crime Statistics Report

The statistics covering 8th September to 13th October had been emailed to the JCC Chairman this month and RE read them out to the meeting.

Johnstone Town Centre

A total of 43 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 4 common assaults, 1 attempted housebreaking, 2 thefts, 7 instances of shoplifting, 1 theft of a motor vehicle, 3 breaches of the peace, 6 drug offences, 4 road traffic offences and 3 instances of vandalism. 30 of these crimes had been detected.

West Johnstone

A total of 17 crimes were reported including 3 breaches of the peace, 2 thefts of motor vehicles, 5 instances of vandalism, 4 drug offences, 2 RTAs and 1 case of wilful fire-raising. 6 of these crimes had been detected.

Johnstone Castle

A total of 17 crimes were reported including 3 breaches of the peace, 1 theft, 3 instances of vandalism, 2 drug offences and 1 drink driver. 9 of these crimes had been detected.

Spateston and Corseford

A total of 14 crimes were reported including 1 serious assault, 3 breaches of the peace, 3 thefts, 2 instances of vandalism, 1 RTA and 1 drink driver. 5 of these crimes had been detected.

Dennis Lavery asked whether there had been a spate of window breaking. It seemed that there had been a total of 10 instances spread over Johnstone over the month.

RE asked that if we had particular concerns he could pass them back to Inspector Glass. Catherine Jamieson mentioned the problems of drugs for sale. Councillor McMillan reported that there were ongoing investigations into this and it is being monitored by police and community wardens.

Councillor Doig noted that several Tenants and Residents associations had raised the same concerns. The advice was to keep a diary of movements at suspected venues as a large number of movements could indicate drugs, prostitutes or human trafficking.

RE added that he would let Insp Glass know that the problem seems to be on the rise again and also offered to pass on information on behalf of anyone worried about being identified.

5. Treasurer’s Report

The balance of funds had been reported at the earlier AGM as £3295.47.

6. Upcoming Local Events

On Remembrance Day Linda Flint and Dennis Lavery will lay the JCC wreath. DL noted that he had attended a meeting about the arrangements. The parade will start from St Paul’s in Quarrelton Road and if the weather is particularly inclement the ceremony will take place in the High Parish Church.

RE and SK have had a meeting with the Renfrewshire Council Community Planning Department about grants available to hold events. As a result, two public meetings have been organised.

The first will take place in the Town Hall on 27th October at 6.45pm. It will focus on the Town Centre strategy and council officials will give the presentation.

The second meeting will take place in November and will give the people of Johnstone a look at the Paisley 2021 Bid, seeing how Johnstone will benefit from the bid and what will it cost us. Cllr Gilmour commented that is about what the communities can offer – you have to apply for the money that is available. Cllr D agreed that it was a good idea to take the Bid details to a wider public.

7. Planning Report

The Paton’s Mill planning application has now been submitted. Comments have to be lodged by 2nd November. It was noted that we need many more details to assess the plans properly. The developers have been invited to give further details to the Business Consortium, but so far there has been no response.

Cllr D noted that the plans will now be on the website. This application has not been delegated to the officers so it will be decided by either the Planning Board or the full Council.

8. Secretary’s Report

SK reported that JCC has received a letter from the Environmental Health Dept. detailing how, as a result of checks on air pollution, Johnstone - from the Thorn to Morrisons - has now been declared an Air Quality Management area due to NO2 emissions and particulates. RC has 12 – 18 months to come up with a plan.

LF asked if this was also due to aircraft pollution.

RE replied that the particular concern here is emissions from diesel engines – planes don’t use diesel.

Cllr McM noted that it was good that this has been picked up and is now being monitored, which will allow an action plan to be drawn up.

Cllr McGee commented that there has to be a balance – if people can’t bring their cars into the town centre to the shops business will suffer. We need to look at the overall picture. Cllr D commented that there needs to be more monitoring – the Paton’s Mill development will only put more pressure on the system. RC needs to get a consensus on what all interests in Johnstone want in the way of traffic management.

RE replied that traffic management has been a concern of JCC for some time and added that Scott Allan is due to attend our next meeting.

SK detailed other correspondence including a letter regarding reroofing of St Margaret’s School, a letter on the local Tenants and Residents Associations and a letter about Scottish Government meetings in Glasgow in November about empowering schools.

Christina Leon has got quotes re boards for the Town Hall. We could put lots of our material on display – we could also have a secure suggestions box – and publicise our new website. A spreadsheet has been created – the cost will be anywhere from £65 – 135.

9. Sub-Group Reports


LF has visited the Miller Street site which has in the past been bothered by rats – they are still a problem and there needs to be an investigation into what is attracting them. Cllr D agreed to take this situation on board.

DL raised the question of WRC. Cllr D replied that this issue has gone quiet since their application to move to Inchinnan, and said he would check on any progress. RE commented that he has spoken to Councillor Nicholson of Inchinnan and learned that there is a whole list of requirements that have to be met, which is holding things up.


Daniel McKay has not been well, but he and LF are going to start looking at the roads again.

LF Commented about new road markings being set out in Armour Place … one week before the road was dug up! This is not good publicity for the council as well as being a total waste of money. RE asked the councillors to look into this.

Safety Committee

RE reported that he had attended a meeting, along with Scott Allan and a representative from Transport Scotland, to discuss safety on the A737 from the M8 to Lochwinnoch. This had not been very helpful as the representative had come along ill-prepared with no information to answer questions.

As a result RE wrote to the Transport Secretary at Holyrood about the standard of his staff which is now being investigated. RE has received an apology – he has asked for another meeting with a staff member who has the correct info. Cllr D noted that this has been brought up at all his CCs – RE agreed to email all the Secretaries.

Friends of Shanks Park

In her absence Wilma Dean had sent a report detailing the up-to-date situation in the search for descendants of Mrs Polson to further the quest for the assignment of land for a community garden. Some progress has been made and further reports will be made to future meetings.

Cllr McM commented on the fantastic work WD is doing to progress this matter.

10. AOCB

No other business was brought forward.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Marriage Suite of Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 10th November 2016 at 7.00pm.

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