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February 4th 2016 Minutes

[if !supportLists]Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held

on Thursday 4th

February 2016 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Members: Wilma Dean, Ron Ewing, Carol Ewing, Elizabeth Forrest, George

Kennedy, Sheila King, Dennis Lavery, Daniel McKay, and Valerie Reilly.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell, John Hood, Iain MacMillan.

(Ward 8) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig.

2 members of the public and Police Sergeant Alan Mack were also present.

1. Apologies

Linda Flint, Malcolm Hill, Daniel Graham, Christina Leon and Cllrs Christopher

Gilmour and Stephen McGee.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Elizabeth Forrest

Seconded by Wilma Dean

3. Matters Arising

It has been ascertained that the Miller Street refuse depot will retain a facility

to recycle used energy saving lightbulbs.

The unmanned sites will be attended by mobile patrols and will be monitored

by CCTV. The question of whether the CCTV would be monitored 24/7 was

raised. Cllr MacM replied that it will be filmed 24/7 and checked if problems


Sheila King noted that she has received a lot of public concern about this

issue. Cllr MacMillan replied that the Council was aware that the changes may

result in an increase in fly tipping but that the priorities for expenditure had to

be for Education and Care workers in the face of the budget cuts.

SK said that, in light of the public concern, the Council may need to explain

the changes better.

Cllr MacM replied that they have been explained many times but that there

will be more information nearer the time.

It has been organised that Karen Anderson will attend the April meeting to

speak about the changes to the food waste recycling scheme.

4. Police Report

Sgt Mack explained that his report covered the period from 10


December up

to the present day.

There had been a plain clothes drugs detection unit operating in the town

centre over the festive season, which had led to a higher than normal rate of detection.

A total of 80 crimes had been reported in the Johnstone Town Centre area

including 2 serious and 11 common assaults, 12 various theft-related crimes,

12 drug offences 6 road traffic offences 8 crimes of vandalism and 6 breaches

of bail. There was an overall 75% detection rate.

Cllr Doig asked whether it was possible to get a comparison with the previous

period and/or the same period last year. Sgt M replied that he thought that

would be possible.

Cllr MacM asked about the other areas of Johnstone, pointing out the JCC

had asked several times for figures related to areas other than the town

centre. Sgt M said he would try and get that sorted.

Cllr MacM reported that he has seen the new CCTV centre in Paisley and that

the picture quality was tremendous. The operators say that they may well be

able to actually prevent crimes occurring if they see vulnerable potential

victims on the streets.

Ron Ewing asked whether the new lower drink-driving limit was having any

effect. Sgt M replied that it seemed to be, but that there was now a problem

occurring with people being still over the limit when they retrieve their cars the

next morning.

There being no further questions Sgt Mack left at 7.35pm.

5. Planning Report

George Kennedy reported that work has begun at the Persimmon Homes site

(the former St Cuthbert’s school) and that work at the Dawn site was pretty

much complete. Cllr MacM added that all the houses there were sold and all

that remained was some groundwork to be completed.

In response to a query as to why only private homes are being built, Cllr

MacM replied that he would love to see Council houses being built, as and

when ground becomes available, but that money was the problem.

WD asked what was happening at the St Anthony’s School car park. Cllr

MacM replied that a problem had occurred when Persimmon had failed to

inform the school that the work was starting. There will be some disruption

while work continues but he has been assured that communications will be

improved for the sake of the children’s safety.

Cllr Hood reported that demolition at Elm Drive was due to begin the following


Cllr D said that there was no update on the proposals for Barbush, but he

would let us know when anything further happened.

It is recognised that the Merchiston Hospital proposals will have an adverse

impact on traffic management in the area of the A737 junction which requires

a meeting between councillors, officials, JCC and the business consortium.

RE agreed to try and organise a meeting

6. Treasurer’s Report

Carol Ewing reported that when she took over funds stood at £2643.78 and

that the administration grant of £1105 had been received in November adding

up to a total of £3748.78. One sum of £30.80 was known to be outstanding to

pay for the JCC poppy wreath.

The JCC bank account has been with the Clydesdale Bank. It is intended to

change to the TSB.

JCC audits have previously been undertaken at a cost of £100. A local

accountant will be taking over at a cost of £50.

GK commented that JCC had less need for funding now that responsibility for

the Kids’ Club had passed to other hands.

7. Secretary’s Report

SK asked whether JCC needed to do anything in response to communications

about a ‘Civil Contingency Tool Kit’. Cllr MacM replied that he had never

known JCC to get involved with this and that he only knew of Howwood CC to

have a sub-group. Cllr D added that Renfrewshire Council has a standing

Emergency Committee that would operate in case of any major disaster. GK

noted that the issue has been discussed before, but it had been decided that

Johnstone was too large a place for a small committee to be effective.

SK reported that she would be attending a Learning and Development

workshop and a Community Planning event in May.

There was a need to purchase Word software for the JCC computer.

Anne McNaughton was looking for feedback for the CC Forum re. questions

for Joyce McKellar.

SK asked about the disappearance of the Mill Brae bus stop which had

serviced the Riverside Surgery. Cllr D agreed to look into it.

There was some discussion about the functioning of the new Town Hall in light

of queries about the costs. SK noted that those organising weddings are

unable to bring in their own caterers which had been one way in which they

could keep costs down. Cllr Hood replied that that there was a package on

offer which is competitively priced and cheaper than the big hotels. WD

commented that some organisations – such as mother and toddler groups –

have shut down due to the hike in the cost of room hire. Cllr MacM replied that

in the past the rates had been ridiculously cheap and that the facility now had

to pay for itself.

On the subject of Fairtrade, SK reported that she was waiting to hear if they

can send someone along to one of our meetings.

8. Sub-Group Reports


A query was raised as to whether there could be something done about

vermin at Miller Street. Cllr D replied that he was aware of the fly tipping

problem and was happy to follow up on it.

Another query referred to Auchengreoch Road where residents have been

refused a grit bin to assist them in taking their wheelie bins up to the main

road for emptying. Cllr MacM agreed to look into this.


Danny MacKay asked whether the budget had yet been decided and

requested that JCC be informed what road works are set for the coming year.

Cllr MacM said that the budget was still to be finalised but he will inform us

when things are decided.

It was agreed that Kenny Marwick should be invited to address the CC on the

situation with drain cleaning before next autumn.

EF enquired what had happened with the bin emptying schedule on the recent

snowy Sunday. Cllr MacM replied that safety had had to come first, but that

the bins were cleared very quickly afterwards.

There was concern over the number of unrepaired street lights. JCC was

reminded that the Council had been in dispute with its contractor. Cllr Caldwell

added that the Council has now hired three other companies to catch up on

the backlog while the dispute continues. Cllr D commented that Shona

MacDougall has said that the backlog should be dealt with within two weeks.


RE raised concerns about the safety of the lighting and canopies at Houston

Court. Cllr D replied that some issues have already been resolved but had

written to the Health and Safety Executive about the demolition work as he felt

that Rosemount needed to be reminded about their duty of care. It was noted

that Rosemount now have new contractors in place and members of the

Business Consortium had been impressed with the new workers. Cllr Hood

added that the new company was supposed to finish the works within a


Friends of Shanks Park

WD reported that she had made applications for grants which had required

the provision of Constitutions and a high-level business plan. Andy Summers

had initially promised assistance, but had then ignored communications. After

receiving no reply within the proper timeframe she had contacted Shona

MacDougall and the Chief Executive Sandra Black. Andy Summers is now on


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