March 26th 2009 Agenda
Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Cochrane Castle Community Hall
Thursday 26th. March 2009 at 6.30 p.m.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes.
3. . Matters arising.
3.1 Interim Review Environmental Wardens Service.
3.2 Sub Group reports.
Band stand and War Memorial
3.3 Town Centre walkabout progress report.
Areas of litter highlighted
Dog fouling Boat Road
Pigeon roosts and fouling
3.4 Johnstone Town Centre Youth Project.
The Centre Youth Club
Youth bus and Football.
West Johnstone Campus. Wed and Fri.
3.5 Police report
3.6 Graffiti cleaning
4. Planning report
5. Treasurers report
6. Secretaries report
Clarification of polling place location at West Johnstone shared campus.
Johnstone Festival volunteers
Discussion on press releases.
Summer music in Houston Square.
Date and time of next meeting.
30- 04- 09 6.30p.m.
Guests are asked to raise their hand if they wish to speak and to wait until acknowledged by the
Chairperson before doing so.
Authority of the Chairperson must be respected at all times.