October 15 2015 AGM Minutes
JOHNSTONE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Johnstone Community Council held at 7.00 pm on Thursday, 15 October, 2015 in Johnstone Town Hall, Johnstone.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Carole Ewing, Ron Ewing, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forrest, Daniel Graham, Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Sheila King, Denis Lavery, Christina Leon and Janine McKenna. Anne McNaughton, presided to item 8,
thereafter Ron Ewing presided ALSO ATTENDING: Councillors Caldwell, Hood, and I McMillan, T Petrie (Police Scotland), David Higginson (former Treasurer) and Anne McNaughton, Senior Committee Services Officer (Renfrewshire Council).
1. WELCOME/INTRODUCTIONS Anne McNaughton welcomed everyone present and advised that a successful election had returned 15 residents as members of the community council until 2019. Members’ details were provided on the Notice of Election attached to this Minute. Agreed: to note the outcome of the 2015 election and welcome all members.
2. APOLOGIES Wilma Dean, Valerie Reilly and Andrew Steel (Johnstone Community Council and Councillors Audrey Doig, Bibby and McGee (Renfrewshire Council).
3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS AGM HELD ON 9 OCTOBER 2014 The Minutes of the 2014 AGM were submitted for noting. Agreed: to note the Minutes of the previous AGM.
4. FORMER CHAIRPERSON’S REMARKS This item was withdrawn.
5. FORMER SECRETARY’S REMARKS Ron Ewing delivered a short speech thanking office-bearers and members for their hard work over the year. The community council continued to strengthen its presence and profile in the area helping to improve facilities and services used by everyone. Agreed: to note the remarks.
6. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS The 2014/15 Annual Accounts, independently examined and signed off, were submitted and showed that funds of £2673.48 would be carried forward to 2015/16 – copy attached. Agreed: to approve the annual accounts for 2014/15 as presented.
7. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICE BEARERS (a) Chairperson – Ron Ewing was nominated for this position and as there were no other nominations, the appointment was agreed unanimously. (b) Vice-Chairperson – no appointment required. (c) Secretary – Sheila King was nominated for this position and as there were no other nominations, the appointment was agreed unanimously. (d) Treasurer – Carole Ewing was nominated for this position and as there were no other nominations, the appointment was agreed unanimously.
8. ADOPTION OF COMMUNITY COUNCIL CONSTITUTION AND STANDING ORDERS A copy of the Johnstone Council Constitution and Standing Orders was submitted for formal adoption and signing. Copies had previously been circulated with the agenda for the meeting. Agreed: to adopt and sign the Constitution and Standing Orders. 9. DATE OF THE 2016 AGM It was noted that the 2016 AGM would be held in October, 2016 on a date and at a venue to be advised by the Secretary nearer the time. The AGM closed at 7.30 pm