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October 9th 2014 AGM Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Johnstone Community

Council held on Thursday 9th

October 2014 at 7.00pm in Cochrane Castle

Community Centre.


Members: Brian Cairns, Evelyn Cairns, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove,

Wilma Dean, Ron Ewing, Carol Ewing, Elizabeth Forrest, David Higginson,

Pamela Higginson, Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Christina

Leon, Daniel McKay and Valerie Reilly.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – Iain MacMillan.

(Ward 8) – Andy Doig.

2 members of the public were also present.

1. Apologies

Linda Flint, and Councillors, John Hood, Stephen McGee, John Caldwell,

Derek Bibby and Christopher Gilmour.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous AGM were read and agreed.

Proposed by George Kennedy

Seconded by David Higginson

3. Chairman’s Report

The Chairman, Dennis Lavery, reported on the activities of Johnstone

Community Council since the AGM of 2013, including the full membership of

JCC members, Brian and Evelyn Cairns, Danny McKay, Linda Flint and Liz

Forrest plus the addition of two new members Christine Leon and Callum

McMillan as the result of a recruitment drive, bringing the complement to 20

members. Ron Ewing’s role as Assistant Secretary over the summer was

gratefully acknowledged.

Various presentations at JCC meetings were remembered. These included

Neil Watson’s presentation on the new Johnstone Town Hall in December and

Karen Anderson’s presentation on waste services in April.

DL paid particular thanks to the work of the various sub-groups of JCC.

The Roads Sub-group of LF and DMcK’s active role in highlighting the needs

for road maintenance and drain clearing was applauded.

The Safety Group of RE and BC had been formed to look at issues such as

speeding, parking and traffic congestion. A plan for relieving congestion has

been put together and has received positive comment from the town’s newly-

formed Business Development Group. Meetings will take place with the police

and the Roads Department to take this forward.

The Play Park and Youth Group has overseen repair work at the play park.

  • However, approaches to the Lottery and Glasgow Airport Challenge Fund

have been refused. Cllr McM has been active in trying to set up a ‘Friends of

Thomas Shanks Park’ group to seek further funding.

Wilma Dean had overseen the Weans’ World Club becoming fully

independent of JCC – it now being run by a parents’ committee as the

‘Brewery Street Kids Club’ and should be able to apply for new funding. £5000

has already been received by the Local Area Committee.

The Town Hall Focus Group consisting of Dennis Lavery, Elizabeth Forrest

and Valerie Reilly has continued to attend information meetings and relay

results back to JCC.

JCC has been represented at various other organisations’ meetings:

Elizabeth Forrest at Renfrewshire Community Council Forum

George Kennedy at the Local Area Committee.

The oversight of Planning applications has been undertaken by GK, who was

also thanked for his work beginning with his drive to re-form JCC in 2008.

DL concluded by saying that the past year had been a particularly notable one

with the Queen’s Baton Relay for the Commonwealth Games passing through

the town in July and JCC being represented at the religious service held at St

Mirin’s Cathedral to reflect the Centenary of the beginning of the First World


DL thanked the members of JCC for their support as he was now standing

down as Chairman.

4. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that the JCC funds stood at £2638.93, although two cheques

were still to be paid from that amount. The audited accounts were presented

at the meeting and were agreed.

5. Secretary’s Report

GK thanked DL for his kind words but said that WD had also been very

involved at the very beginning.

GK went on to report that the year had been very successful from the

Secretary’s point of view. The main administrative functions had been carried

out successfully. The JCC equipment remains functional but is beginning to

age and the computer will need attention soon.

GK went on to announce that he had decided to step down as Secretary after

serving for six years. He thanked everyone for their support during the period

– particularly Stewart Clark for administrating the JCC website and VR for

acting as Minutes secretary. He also acknowledged the importance of the

good relationship with the local councillors.

He concluded by saying that he was remaining as an ordinary member of JCC

and would be happy to advise the new office bearers if required.

  • 6. Election of Office Bearers

DL stood down from the Chair which was temporarily taken by Cllr D.

Position Name Proposer Seconder

Chair Brian Cairns Ron Ewing David Higginson

Secretary Ron Ewing George Kennedy Brian Cairns

Treasurer David Higginson Valerie Reilly Dennis Lavery

The new Chairman took his place.


Cllr McM took the opportunity to thank DL and GK for their hard work over the

last few years. Their achievements have been tremendous – even just the

setting up of Weans’ World would have been amazing – but they have done

so much more. He went on to say that it was important to have good links

between the Council and the community so thanks were due to JCC as a

whole for their work.

Cllr D seconded the sentiments, saying that his experience only stretched

over the last two years but the achievements from that time had been

remarkable. The work on Houston Square in particular had left it looking the

finest in the area. On a personal level he had had great advice from GK and

DL and this had been important at a time when fewer community groups were

in existence.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.25pm.

The next AGM will be held in October 2015.

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