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February 14th 2013 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 14th February 2013 at 7.00pm in Cochrane Castle Community Centre.


Members: Robert Bowater, Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Elizabeth Minuti-Goold and Valerie Reilly.

Associate members: Brian Cairns, Evelyn Cairns and Daniel McKay.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell, John Hood, Stephen McGee.

(Ward 8) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig, Christopher Gilmour.

MSP Hugh Henry.

6 members of the public were also present.

1. Apologies

David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, Malcolm Hill, and Elizabeth Forrest.

Also Cllr Iain McMillan.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.

Proposed by Brian Cairns.

Seconded by Rob Bowater.

3. Matters Arising

Two new associate members – Evelyn Cairns and Daniel McKay were welcomed to the Community Council.

4. Consultation on Renfrewshire Council’s Community Plan for Renfrewshire

The meeting was attended by Calum Kennedy of the Chief Executive’s department who gave an update on the end of the consultation phase of the new Community Plan which is about how public agencies work together to improve Renfrewshire. It will include the new situations pertaining to the unified ‘Police’ and ‘Fire and Rescue’ Services and will reflect new legislation and social policy. It will also include the formation of a new Health Forum to rectify a perceived failure of the relationship with local GPs.

Margaret Lavery, from the public benches, asked why drugs convictions were so high in Renfrewshire.

CK replied that Renfrewshire was broadly comparable with other areas on drugs, but that alcohol was a particular problem.

Cllr McMillan commented that the area was losing some 300 businesses which was obviously not sustainable.

CK replied that this was a problem across Scotland and that it was hoped that the new plan would bring answers forward.

Wilma Dean asked about the new Universal Benefit and how addicts would be helped to budget.

CK replied that support and advice would be provided.

Brian Cairns asked how the figures on such matters as life expectancy were compiled.

CK did not have the information to hand, but offered to pull together information on any questions the Community Council wanted to compile and forward to him.

Dennis Lavery thanked Calum Kennedy who left the meeting at 7.30pm to go to another appointment.

5. Update on WRC.

MSP Hugh Henry was introduced to the meeting and reported that just before the fire he had heard concerns from George Kennedy about access to the WRC site, potential pollution and the danger to the community of Johnstone. Unfortunately the fire had proved those fears to be correct. It is feared that the same could happen again and so lessons need to be learned.

HH reported that he had written to SEPA and the Fire Brigade but felt that the multi-agency response meant that some responsibilities had been evaded and that even before the fire there had been problems of smells, flies and the eyesore.

HH had raised the situation in the Scottish Parliament and had asked Alex Salmond to have the legislation on the locating of such sites reviewed. The First Minister had offered to arrange a meeting with the Minister for Local Government and Planning.

Another problem was the threat to other businesses –the fire had nearly caused the loss of 150 jobs at McAlpines who claim that they had had no notifications on previous extensions to WRC.

It was obvious that there were issues with the nature of the waste, the time it is on the site and the height it is stored to. On this occasion the wind was favourable allowing the Fire Brigade access to fight the fire.

HH hoped to arrange a meeting very soon at which JCC would be represented. He was going to ask the minister to reflect on the planning powers given to local councils and the need to look at how the plant developed through exploitation of the system.

DL pointed out that the fire had also caused problems at the other side of the railway where spectators had blocked the road and put themselves in danger. George Kennedy noted that JCC had reported the problems to the Fire Service and SEPA over the years and that little had been done. He now wanted to know what were the risks of the airborne pollution released by the fire – what was in the air and the local watercourses – what particles had been released and what area had been affected.

HH acknowledged that there were wider issues about the powers of the Fire Brigade and SEPA.

Cllr Doig said that there were a lot of key questions about why it had been deemed suitable for such a facility to be sited where it was.

Daniel McKay asked whether the rail company had made any comment on the fire.

HH replied that he had written to Network Rail and awaited a reply.

ML commented that there needs to be a debrief on what was done right and what went wrong.

DL thanked HH who left the meeting at 8.00pm.

6. Planning Report

Valerie Reilly reported that comments had been made to Renfrewshire Council in relation to a planning application for a hot food takeaway at the corner of Kilbarchan Road and Quarrelton Road, citing the problems of parking and rubbish nuisance in the area and the fact that there was already a takeaway in the same building.

7. Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of the Treasurer, GK reported that the bank balance stood at £4,253.74. This could be broken down as £1140.74 to Wean’s World and £840 for Music in the Bandstand, leaving £2273 available to JCC.

8. Secretary’s Report

In response to the new Police Single Authority consultation, GK intended to respond that all crimes reported should be recorded and dealt with.

It was reported that, after two years, the path from Johnstone Railway Station to Thorn Brae had finally been reinstated. Cllrs McM and D were thanked for their efforts in this respect.

9. Sub-Group Reports


GK had reported a deep trench on Quarry Street and had been assured that this, and other bits of broken curb, would be addressed shortly.

The reporting of problems is a slowly evolving procedure.

Linda Flint will undertake a survey, area by area, with photos and notes. BC and DMcK offered to assist.

LF reported on-going problems in Miller Street where one house has strangers walking through its garden in order to avoid a puddle. The problems seem to have started when Malcolm’s culverted a burn, but it is the river itself that needs clearing.

Cllr Gilmour reported that he had got the gulleys cleared, but that he would ask for further investigation.

Elizabeth Cosgrove commented that pothole repairs in the High Street were all broken down again after the frost.

Cllr McGee replied that these had been temporary emergency repairs.

The state of the roadway past the entrance to Morrison’s was raised.

Cllr G agreed to check on the responsibility for this road.

ML noted that parking in the Collier Street car park was now problematical due to the siting of the temporary Library, and that people were ignoring markings and parking across spaces that should be left for access.


A walk Round had taken place with Robert Steenson, Head of Operations. There was to be a change in the way the Council operates in April – schedules will be drawn up and supervisors will be required to action things they see.

The wardens had been seen out and about during the Anti Dog-Fouling Campaign.

Robert Campbell noted that having the Wardens around the town centre had made some difference, but the main offender had still not been caught.

GK reported that the shrub clearance in Ludovic Square was now complete, but that consideration should now be given to prevent it becoming a dog toilet.

Cllr G reported that the culprit leaving rubbish in the High Street inshot had now been identified and spoken to.

ML commented that windy weather causes problems for those leaving wheelie bins out, particularly for those expecting Sunday collections.

LF commented that we should ensure that Environmental Services give consideration to moving Johnstone on from Sunday collections when reviewing operations for 2014-15.And she added that no-one ever follows the bin lorries to pick up what they drop.

Cllr G suggested contacting Shona MacDougall on these matters.

Comment was made on the letter from Renfrewshire Council to JCC asking whether we would consider volunteering for litter picking.

The JCC reaction was summed up as ‘an insult’.

Play Park & Youth Issues.

GK noted that 55 children had attended the Wean’s World club the previous Friday. GK reported that he, WD and Malcolm Hill had submitted a funding bid to the Communities and Families Fund backed by the Big Lottery Fund. A reply was expected fairly soon.

GK reported that the Shanks Park play area work would be both started and finished in March.

EC noted that the paths in the park were badly broken and needed to be addressed.

10. AOCB

Liz Goold and John Gilfillan, the Chief Executive of Future Aspirations Scotland Ltd, reported that they had been asked to develop an outreach programme and find funding for it which could be operated through JCC.

This would identify young people not engaging and see what they want in order to steer them into responsible citizenship, while ensuring no duplication of services in order to maximise value for money. This project would be further discussed at a future meeting, but DL asked if any information on it could be circulated meantime.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

The next meeting will be held at Cochrane Castle Community Centre on Thursday 11th April 2013 at 7.00pm.

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