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August 2nd 2012 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 2nd August 2012 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Elizabeth Forest, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, Dennis Lavery, Margaret Lavery, Elizabeth Minuti-Goold, and Valerie Reilly.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell, John Hood, Iain McMillan.

(Ward 8) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig, Christopher Gilmour.

There was one member of the public present.

1. Apologies

Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Margery Parker and Councillor Stephen McGee.

2. Minutes

Cllr Doig asked for three additions to the minutes of the previous meeting.

i) That in section 5 it be recorded that he had expressed the opinion that the frontage of the new Civic Hub should be traditional in style.

ii) That in section 9 – Environment it be recorded that he had spoken in support of killing the rats in Ludovic Square.

iii) That in the same section it be recorded that he had spoken on the subject of WRC Recycling.

With these additions, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Margaret Lavery

3. Matters Arising

Cllr Gilmour noted that Scottish Water had undertaken one period of 24-hour working which had resulted in many complaints from the public. Council officers had been on site every day overseeing the operations. Instances of poor communications should be noted for any future Scottish Water consultations.

Cllr D raised the question of the Houston Square flagpoles. He had been told in an email that they had been repaired – but one of the flags is now adrift again.

4. Presentation re. Dawn Homes

No representative had attended, but Valerie Reilly and Dennis Lavery had both attended the public exhibition on the plans for their Corseford development and gave a brief outline. Plans forwarded from Dawn Homes were also circulated.

Cllr MacMillan reported that the residents of Spateston and Corseford generally seem happy with the plans. A local concern had been the possible use of Corseford Road, but it was made clear that the site would have its own access. He had asked that Dawn Homes should renew the pathway along Beith Road as part of their whole scheme.

DH asked whether the 30mph limit would be extended along Beith Road to allow for cars turning into the new access road.

5. Planning Report

There were no other major planning matters to report.

A letter had been received inviting JCC to join a Focus Group on the new Civic Hub. One meeting had been missed but we would be notified of future events.

DL suggested that there should be a stained glass window, with a design reflecting Johnstone’s heritage, which could perhaps be decided by a public competition. Cllr D thought it was important that the industrial heritage of the town should be included.

Cllr Hood said he had been pleased with the number of visitors to the drop-in session. Cllr Gilmour said the number had been 50 visitors and that a presentation was open on the Council’s website until August 13th should anyone wish to make comments.

Cllr MacM reminded the meeting about the Craig and Donald plaque on the side of the Swimming Pool wall and reported that he had been assured by Bob Darracott that the sign will be saved. He further hoped that a replica of the old Johnstone Burgh Coat of Arms could be included.

It was reported that the mill and surrounding land at Mill Brae have been sold and that a proposal for a combined residential and retail development is likely to be submitted. Elizabeth Cosgrove asked if Johnstone needs new shop units when there are already so many empty units?

DL replied that it was too early to be certain what the plans would propose.

The bus stop in Graham Street is to be moved again following complaints about its new position. The new site will be referred to the Scrutiny Board’s September meeting. The question of a new shelter will be a more long-term consideration.

6. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that at the end of the financial year the JCC account showed a balance of £7347.29 – which included the grant of £5,000 from Renfrewshire Council.

7. Secretary’s Report

In George Kennedy’s absence, VR reported on issues on his behalf.

The MTG Production performances in the Bandstand on 21st July had raised £398 which had been donated to the charity Marten’s Progress. A Ben Lomond sponsored walk is expected to raise around £6,000 for the charity.

8. Sub-Group Reports


No members of this sub-group were present to report on this subject.


It was reported that a pest controller is to place rat poison in Ludovic Square every two days for a two week period in an attempt to bring the problem under control.

The question of public toilet provision during the period between the closure of the Town Hall and the opening of the Civic Hub was raised. It was agreed that we should keep flagging up the issue during ongoing consultations and that a letter should be sent to Fraser Carlin to ask about it.

The lack of grass-cutting in Cochrane Castle was raised by EC. She noted that Andy Summers had been out to see the situation but that still nothing had been done. Local people are complaining that children have nowhere to play and that rats have been seen.

Cllr MacM voiced the opinion that the fact that it had not been cut was a disgrace.

An area close to the new Sports Hub was discussed and the fact that this area was not being cut looks bad next to the new building.

DL asked whether local people could not take it upon themselves to cut the grass there to provide a place for their children to play.

Cllr MacM said that this particular area would need industrial equipment to cut it.

EC asked why people from Corseford should not get the same service that all other Council Tax payers are getting?

Cllr Bibby said that the Council needs to identify areas which pose particular problems – but he was aware that every area would see itself as a priority.

Elizabeth Gould asked if the problem could not be looked at creatively by perhaps involving young people who could receive training and then maybe go on to get qualifications in horticulture.

Cllr B agreed that he thought that this was something the Council should look at.

Cllr G reported that he had recently been asked why the Council did not release more land for allotments which would lead to more community involvement. However, a process needed to be gone through to identify land which was not ear-marked for anything else. Cllr B agreed that the message was that there will be more partnership working in the future.

ML related the tale of a local woman who had tended a piece of land for ten years without receiving any recognition for her hard work and suggested that those who do such work for the community should be highlighted.

Cllr D noted that social enterprises were becoming increasingly important.

EC reported that she had been informed that the grass around Cochrane Castle Community Centre would no longer be cut and had begun to explore alternative arrangements. However, the Council was still cutting – surely the resources could be more effectively targeted.

Cllr B agreed that it should be possible to identify the priorities more clearly.

Play Park & Youth Issues.

In GK’s absence, VR reported that the paint was in hand to paint the railing in Thomas Shanks park.

Funding has been received from the LAC to keep the two youth clubs alive into 2013. A big thanks is extended to Wean’s World who have agreed an improved package.

However, additional funding is still required.

EG reported that she has identified 3 or 4 potential funders and will speak to GK on his return.

There was some discussion as to what might be done to provide facilities (ball games useable) for children within the town centre area .

Cllr G reported that officials have been asked to identify buildings which will become redundant when the new Hub opens – such as the old library building in Collier Street. A commitment has been received that this will be done with a view to making something available for youth activities.

DL asked whether anything could be done in the interim? Cllr G replied that it was unlikely that anything, other than the existing youth organisations like Boys Brigade and Air Cadets, could be provided in the short term.

Cllr MacM added that Johnstone town centre has always suffered but that there was a new determination to get something done.

On a related issue EC asked what will happen to the Town Hall’s equipment once it closes – could it be made available for the use of community organisations.

Cllr G agreed to follow this up.


ML reported briefly on the recent LAC meeting which had taken place on 18th June. She noted the grant to JCC’s youth organisations which were providing diversionary activities for some 72 children. Environmental crimes such as dog fouling were being reported on a more regular basis.

From the public benches a question was asked about newly qualified teachers who could not get work – even as supply teachers – because teachers who have retired from the Council with good packages are going back and taking any work available.

Cllr MacM replied that Renfrewshire has a good level of employing newly qualified staff and that the Education Dept has been told that it is important to get young teachers into jobs.

Pamela Higginson reported that few teachers were taking supply work at all currently as the wages were not good enough.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

The next meeting (Ordinary and AGM) will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 4th October 2012 at 7.00pm.

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