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June 7th 2012 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 7th June 2012 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Bowater, Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forest, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Margaret Lavery, Elizabeth Minuti-Goold, Margery Parker and Valerie Reilly.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell, John Hood, Iain McMillan.

(Ward 8) – Derek Bibby, Andy Doig, Christopher Gilmour.

Ian Jardine and Mark McLaren on behalf of Scottish Water.

Fraser Carlin of Renfrewshire Council.

1. Apologies

Malcolm Hill and Clr Stephen McGee.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Elizabeth Cosgrove

Seconded by Elizabeth Forrest

3. Matters Arising

Margaret Lavery took the opportunity to elaborate on her report on the Local Area Committee meeting outlined in the previous minutes.

It was noted, in response to Joyce McKellar’s recommendation of the use of ‘My Bus’ to access the new swimming pool, that ‘My Bus’ is subject to a two-day period of notice for any projected journeys.

4. Presentation by Scottish Water

Mark McLaren advised the meeting that major works on the mains in Johnstone was scheduled. In particular the junction of McDowall Street and High Street would have to be closed completely. This was due to happen on 9th July and was likely to close the road for a period of three to four weeks. A drop-in information session had been arranged to take place in Johnstone Town Hall on Monday 25th June from 4-7pm.

There was general dismay at this announcement and remarks that it would cause chaos in the town.

George Kennedy asked whether this was to be 24-hour working in order to keep the period of disruption as short as possible?

MMcL replied that it wouldn’t be round the clock but would be 8am to 8pm and through the weekends.

Wilma Dean asked if the water pressure would be adjusted after the work – and was told that pressure problems would be eased.

Valerie Reilly asked if there would be water shut-offs – and was told that they should be limited to the immediate area of the work and that customers further out could be supplied through by-pass supplies.

EC noted that there were several hairdressers in the area and was told that they would be provided with an overland supply for the duration.

GK expressed dismay that this area of Johnstone seems to be subject to disruption after disruption and that shopkeepers are losing business they can ill afford as a consequence.

Dennis Lavery noted that as this was being done at a time of long daylight hours, working hours could be longer to minimise disruption.

GK asked if there had been any liaison with other services – and was told that there had been and that the Council had been notified as was required.

ML asked if pedestrian access would be available and was told that this would be maintained along with provision for bus routes.

DL thanked the Scottish Water representatives for attending.

5. Presentation by Fraser Carlin on the Johnstone Civic hub.

FC presented an update on the plans for the replacement of Johnstone Town Hall saying that the next stage was to be further consultations, particularly with sub-groups of hall users, and the drawing up of a business plan. Funding for the project has been secured.

FC showed drawings and plans to the meeting, saying that the building was intended to be civic in scale but reflecting the Johnstone skyline. The projected tower has been scaled down to prevent building space that could not be used.

A grand entrance will face Church Street allowing the public to access Police, Social Work, Housing and other Council services. Ludovic Square will have separate entrances for the Library and Marriage Suite. Access to the Library will also be from the inner ‘street’.

Ludovic Square itself will be revamped making it easier to maintain and more pleasant to sit in. The road between the hall and the square will be available only for service vehicles and bridal cars.

There will be solar panels on the roof and the ridges of the roof will help conceal them from ground level view. External cladding will be stone the interiors will have a softer wooden finish.

There will be a number of meeting rooms – 11 in total – with the bridal suite additionally available in the evenings.

The auditorium will seat 300 and will have the facility to position the stage anywhere within the room. It will be very flexible and will provide value for money by bringing income in.

There will be public access to the toilets as long as the building is open.

The Customer Service Centre will be accessed from the main entrance where a desk will direct visitors to various meetings and private rooms.

There will be space on the upper floor for some 180-200 staff members – there will also be an upper room with a sprung floor for dance troops.

Staff will be encouraged to park their cars away from the building – at Floorsburn House in the first instance.

The timetable for work is that it will start in February 2013 with the aim of having the building up and running by 2015. There will be a temporary Library at Collier Street.

The next stage of the plans will be to look at design details.

GK expressed the opinion that it would be necessary to prevent office workers parking in the town centre or local shopkeepers will suffer. He also noted that Johnstone would still need somewhere in the town centre that catered for children’s activities.

FC suggested that other buildings might become available such as the vacated Registrar’s Office or the temporary library premises. This would need funding but councillors are beginning to look at this.

WD asked who would run the building and, on being told that Education and Leisure would let out rooms and run the building as a whole, remarked that general council letting fees are too expensive for many groups.

FC replied that he knew this was an issue ... but that empty rooms are no use to anybody.

FC noted that it was hoped that the cafe will be run as a social enterprise with training opportunities for young people. There will also be a full kitchen for the Marriage Suite in the hope of catching the market for Asian weddings.

EC asked if the Library would be the same size as the present provision.

FC replied that it would, in fact, be slightly bigger.

Linda Flint asked if there could be any possibility of building in a basement for youth activities.

FC replied that there would only be a plant room below ground level due to lack of space and possible flooding problems.

Finally, FC reported that he had been in negotiations with the leaseholder at Houston Square and arcade with a view to a possible upgrade of those facilities and that the leaseholder had been impressed by the opportunities of greater footfall from the new building.

DL thanked FC for his presentation.

FC left the meeting saying that there would be more consultations and drop-in sessions to come.

6. Planning Report

VR reported that no new planning issues had come to light in the Council’s lists.

EC noted that she had been contacted regarding a private housing development at Fordbank.

7. Treasurer’s Report

David Higginson reported that cash in hand and at the bank stood at £2880.68.

8. Secretary’s Report

GK advised the meeting that the next Johnstone and the Villages LAC was due to take place on Monday 18th June at Johnstone Castle Community Centre.

GK reported that he proposed to book accommodation in the Town Hall for JCC meetings on 2nd August, 4th October and 6th December.

GK noted the recent amazing success of the West Johnstone Campus Choir at the Bandstand – performing a medley of songs from the Wizard of Oz amongst others in a 40 minute performance which raised over £230 for school funds. Bookings with various groups should ensure music at the bandstand on most Saturdays this summer.

GK reported that he had been chasing the subject of Johnstone’s CCTV coverage. He had recently received an email informing him that plans were not yet at a stage for consultation.

9. Sub-Group Reports


LF reported that she had been photographing problem areas and submitting them to the Roads department. She had received an acknowledgment and a reference number.

LF also told the meeting that work had recently been done at the ‘Shooglie’ Bridge between Johnstone and Linwood but that the new bollards and walls had already been vandalised. She wanted to know whether this should be dealt with by JCC or by our Linwood counterparts.

Clr McMillan was of the opinion that this was almost certainly a Johnstone responsibility.

Clr Gilmour agreed to look into the situation.

GK had received a response to his query about road traffic accidents in the town centre. A brief reply from Drew McNab had noted 23 accidents in 3 years which have clustered at the High Street junctions. The two recent fatal accidents had been investigated and it had been concluded that no engineering works were required.

ML advised that the pavement at Park Road had been attended to, but that the potholes in the road were still outstanding along with the problem of blocked drains.

Clr G informed the meeting that, as he had been appointed Deputy Convenor of Roads, he would take this up with Scott Allan. He knew that there was some talk of bringing in a private contractor to clean the drains quickly. Additionally, he was trying to get a 24-hour pothole repair system in place.

Clr G asked whether JCC would want to discuss whether the ‘traffic management islands’ on the High Street were a help or a hindrance to traffic and pedestrians.

LF added that the bus stop at Lidl was also a hindrance.

Margery Parker added that a recent car journey from William Street to Collier Street had taken her 12 minutes.

GK thought that a complete review was required of Johnstone’s traffic management to make any improvement.

DL asked whether the Council could put any pressure on Scottish Water to complete the work on the Johnstone mains more quickly.


Bert Campbell reported that the rats from Ludovic Square had recently been making their way into surrounding buildings.

GK reported that at the meeting in respect of the St Benedict’s litter problem there had been a dispute over whether the Council had responsibility for this path. Dawn Homes would be happy for anyone else to clean the path. Sustrans have responsibility for the cycle track but that the Council also have some accountability.

GK told the meeting that a revamp of Ludovic Square is due to take place within the next few weeks. All the shrubs will be taken out – leaving only full grown trees in place and the area will be grassed over.

DL asked if the resident rats would be exterminated.

Clr Caldwell commented that if they were not destroyed they would move on to trouble other areas

GK has been meeting with Russell McCutcheon and that some work had been done such as the Kilbarchan Road flower beds – other work was being pursued.

Playpark and Youth Issues.

WD reported that the Phase I work had been completed with the relocated play equipment successfully installed, all groundwork done and paintwork freshened – all within the projected costings. Coverage of this work in The Gazette had been very good and favourable.

GK reported that all attempts to secure further funding for the Youth Clubs had been unsuccessful and that unless something turned up the clubs would have to stop at the end of June.

10. AOCB

MP asked what was being done about the Houston Square flag poles. GK responded that this had been looked at several months ago and that it was likely that all three flag poles would need to be replaced. The situation was in the hands of Joe Waclawski.

ML asked if there was any update on Floorsburn Street.

Clr G replied that he had asked Council officers to provide a full report on WRC and what action is being taken.

EF asked about the situation with buses in Johnstone – the bus that ran through Johnstone to the airport has disappeared. She was informed that Harte Buses who ran the service have ceased trading.

It was also pointed out that there have been problems with McGill’s buses since the take-over and could we invite a representative to a future JCC meeting.

The question was posed as to why all Inverclyde children get free swimming whereas Renfrewshire children get nothing.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 2nd August 2012 at 7.00pm.

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