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April 5th 2012 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 5th April 2012 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Bowater, Robert Campbell, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forest, Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Margaret Lavery, Margery Parker and Valerie Reilly.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Hood, Iain McMillan.

(Ward 8) – Bruce McFee.

1. Apologies

Stewart Clark, Wilma Dean, David Higginson and Pamela Higginson.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Margaret Lavery

Seconded by Robert Bowater

3. Matters Arising

George Kennedy noted that, at the last meeting, concerns had been raised about the number of recent road accidents in Johnstone, some leading to pedestrian fatalities. As agreed, he had contacted RoSPA, the local police and Renfrewshire Council’s Dept. of Transport and Roads. As a result Scott Allen is carrying out a review of all accidents in Johnstone town centre over the last three years and will invite the Community Council to discuss the findings.

Additionally, there had been a meeting with Mairi Weatherill of Roads and Transport which included a look at areas of concern. Since that meeting new, brighter lights have been installed and operating frequencies changed at pedestrian lights to give more crossing time and to improve the flow of traffic.

4. Presentation by Joyce McKellar, Chief Executive of Renfrewshire Leisure.

Ms McKellar began by saying that she felt it was important to give an update on the progress at the new pool. She showed images of the current state of work and pointed out some of the design features of the new building such as the high level windows that will give users of the fitness suite view out over the countryside. There is also a brightly lit entrance area which is the full three storeys high.

The work is on schedule and on budget.

All equipment installed will be brand new and state-of-the-art.

The pool will also take advantage of natural daylight for a bright look. There will be plenty of changing rooms which can be segregated when schoolchildren are using the centre.

Foundations are being laid for a new synthetic pitch, and the blaes pitch will be retained at the request of the school.

The facility is due to be handed over in mid-June and an opening weekend is being planned for the end of July. The town centre pool will close on the Friday before the new pool opens, on Monday 30th July.

It is hoped to hold a Gala Day on Saturday 28th July, and Renfrewshire Leisure would like community groups to be involved.

The actual programming of use of the centre is still being finalised with the school, but it is known that the public will have no access to the dry facilities (i.e. the sports hall, dance studio and outdoor pitch) during the day – however, the pool and fitness suite will be available. The period from 4 to 6pm will be reserved for swimming lessons – but this is only a temporary situation until the new Linwood pool opens in April 2013.

There will be consultation on the programme once it has been finalised by the end of May.

On Fridays there will be youth evenings – RL is working with the police to provide diversionary activities.

In response to an enquiry, JMcK replied that the building and equipment would be fully accessible to the disabled and that the MyBus service would be available to provide transport. RL will also be talking to McGills on 22nd April asking for them to address gaps in their timetable on a trial basis.

Margery Parker asked how much difference in public access there would be between the old pool and the new pool?

JMcK replied that 7 to 10am would be public access but there might need to be some mornings and/or afternoons of school exclusivity per week.

Clr Hood asked didn’t MyBus finish at 6pm?

JMcK replied that it was hoped that this could be extended, but that the bus companies would have to be convinced of the merit of extra services. She added that lighting and paths around the centre have already been upgraded in advance of the opening.

Clr McMillan noted that he was sceptical about new bus services and concerned that potential users would not be able to get to the centre. He also expressed concern about the capacity of the pool given that during the current school holidays the larger town centre pool has been full to capacity.

JMcK replied that if this became a problem, then a wristband timed session system would be put into operation. The best time to judge any crowding problems would be after the Lagoon reopens in June, followed by the opening of the new Linwood pool next spring.

Clr McFee expressed delight at the prospect of the new pool opening, although it was important to realise that there would probably be glitches. He asked if there was going to be a process of monitoring and review?

JMcK replied that there will be user committees and an annual survey. Also RL has taken on board criticisms of their older facilities such as the state of cleanliness of the changing facilities and the provision of free hairdryers. A proactive maintenance programme will be put into place.

Elizabeth Cosgrove asked if the charges were to remain at the same level.

JMcK replied that they would and there would also be special offers for off-peak times.

Malcolm Hill asked whether the centre would include a toddler pool.

JMcK replied in the negative, but commented that the pool only varied in depth from 0.9m to 1.2m so there was no really deep end.

At this point Ms McKellar was thanked for coming along, and for her presentation, and left the meeting.

5. Planning Report

Valerie Reilly reported that she had continued to monitor local planning applications.

Johnstone Community Council had been invited to attend the AGM of the Renfrewshire Outdoor Access Forum. VR, GK and RB had attended an interesting evening which had had the added bonus of new copies of the footpath plans for Renfrewshire being sent on to JCC.

There had been a letter from Craig Elliott of the Council’s Arts and Museums Service giving advance notice of the closure of the Town Hall early in 2013 to allow for clearance of the site before the building work on the new Civic Hub could begin. JCC was invited to meet CE with a view to exploring possible alternative venues for meetings until the new Hub is opened – anticipated to be in spring 2015.

Clr McF added that it was still not finalised that the police would come into the new Hub, but that it was looking likely that they would. GK noted that JCC has been told that they would require facilities for a staff of 30.

ML voiced concerns about parking for visitors to the town centre if existing parking spaces were to be monopolised by all the new staff members anticipated to be working in the Hub.

Dennis Lavery replied that JCC has asked the Planners to look at this issue.

Clr McF reported that a new parking area off McDowall Street was being considered.

Linda Flint noted that JCC representatives had been told that staff would have to park further away.

GK added that there was a need to ensure there was space available for shoppers and that there could perhaps be time restrictions on the parking areas closest to the new Hub.

6. Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of the Treasurer, GK reported that, as of 14th March, JCC’s balance stood at £3165.37.

£1422.97 of this sum is earmarked for music in the bandstand and the youth clubs, meaning that available funds are actually £1742.40.

7. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that he had written to the Renfrewshire Council Chief Executive re. CCTV in December 2010, and had not received a satisfactory reply. In light of a newspaper report that £1.3 million is to be spent on CCTV in the area, he had followed this up and received an apology. He had also received a verbal assurance from the Head of Ops that JCC will be included in any consultations on the new system. He had since written to Robert Stevenson, David Martin and local councillors stating that we have had this promise.

Clr McF added that he understands that JCC will be involved in the process. He had also queried the clarity of the CCTV and had been assured that the new system would provide adequate clarity to enable recordings to be used as evidence in court.

GK noted that the new lighting – as reported by JMcK – was now in place and working.

Clr McM added that this had been a job well done.

GK had received a letter from Sandra Crichton of the Fairtrade organisation asking for JCC support.

GK reported that in reply to a request for statistics, he had received an email from the Renfrewshire Wardens Service. It noted that since the Wardens Service had taken over responsibility for parking offences there had been 1003 penalty charge notices issued; and that additionally there had been 50 dog penalty notices and 155 litter penalties.

ML asked how many of the parking notices were against the HGVs in Floors Street? It appeared that there had been 72 notices issued in Floors Street but the information as to whether they were HGVs was not available. In addition, the Wardens have spoken to the owners of WRC about the problems.

There is also an agreement that WRC staff will litter pick in Floors Street, Highkirk View and Gibson Crescent.

Clr McF noted that if the litter is from their yard, they are legally responsible for it and that it is up to Environment Service to enforce this.

GK reported that there was now advice available to shopkeepers in Johnstone on having shop fronts in keeping with Council standards.

Cl McF added that this scheme has now been extended out from central Paisley, and that there was a budget to assist small shopkeepers.

8. Sub-Group Reports


Linda Flint reported on a situation of dangerous parking, at the bend in Ellerslie Street, by commuters who can’t get spaces in the station car park. It has been looked at by the police who have said that it is not actually illegal and so the problem will be taken to Scott Allen.

A flooded drain in Quarry Street had been reported. Bert Campbell noted that this has now been fixed.

DL commented on poor repairs work in Campbell Street and concrete pavements in High Street which have been repaired with tarmac leading to poor walking surfaces.

Clr McF urged that these issues be reported.

GK commented that similar situations could be found all over Johnstone, and that he had shown Scott Allen raised repair patches which he felt would not last. Scott Allen said that they would.

The roads sub-group is due to do a walk round with Scott Allen, who will be invited to the June CC meeting.

Environmental Issues

GK reported that the recycling bins have now been moved from the Shanks Park entrance area which was much tidier as a result – thanks were due to the local councillors for this result.

The problem of refuse and fly-tipping behind the Graham Street shops has been addresses at various meetings. A clearance took place but the problem has reappeared, and looks to be an ongoing situation.

LF and GK had a walk round meeting with Jack Scouse of the Community Payback scheme. This highlighted areas where payback could help with problems such as fly-tipping. The scheme has now been provided with extra vehicles and therefore has capacity to tackle more work.

A meeting had been held in St Benedict’s High School, attended by the Head Teacher, the Chair of the Parents group, the Campus Cops, as well as representatives of Renfrewshire Wardens, Sustrans, the Payback scheme, school staff, Morrisons, and JCC. The aim was to try and address the problem of litter dropped between the school and Morrisons. The meeting asked whether Environmental Services had responsibility for the removal of this rubbish, but the Dept. had not attended the meeting and had declined responsibility. The Payback scheme will assist meantime, and will visit the area once a week. They have the required permission to go onto the private land along the route and Mr Martin Egan has confirmed ownership of the development land by Dawn Homes. The School Assembly will address the issue once again, with Campus Cops, Wardens and Sustrans addressing the pupils. JCC will continue to monitor this situation.

The sub-group reported that a walk round had been held with Russell McCutcheon in the town centre which had noted ongoing problems including the fact that two of the Houston Square flags have not yet been renewed; work still needed on the maintenance of Houston and Ludovic Squares; road sweeping which may be as infrequent as an eight week cycle and litter picking in the Quarry Street, Graham Street and Haggs areas.

Clr H asked if the walk-arounds could be extended to the housing schemes.

GK responded that those living in the various areas should be taking this on for themselves.

BC reported on a situation where an elderly resident in the Beild regularly sees men urinating in the Houston Square flower beds. Public conveniences are needed at night-time.

Play Park and Youth Issues

GK reported on a meeting with Mark Faichney, Graham Ternent and Joe Waclawski of Environmental Services to discuss Teen activity opportunities in Johnstone. Renfrew has a well-appreciated skateboard park – could Johnstone have a complementary freemove or ‘Parkour’ area?

Work is scheduled to start in the third week of April on stage one of the works to install the equipment removed from elsewhere. Renfrewshire Council has kindly provided paint for the metal fence surrounding the playpark – the work to apply it will be done by the Payback scheme.

GK reported that there is a bid pending for considerable funding to completely refurbish the Park.

Clr McF commented that there is another report stage to go through but that JCC’s bid is well regarded and that the underinvestment in the Thomas Shanks Park is acknowledged.

Clr McM hoped that this would signal the start of a boost for the area.


As yet no major funding could be reported, but GK noted that he was currently working on two bids due to be submitted in April.

Fundraising activities at the clubs had brought in £150, showing that the staff and parents were still supporting the scheme.

9. Local Area Committee Report

ML had attended the latest LAC meeting and reported on various discussions that had taken place.

A paper from the Community Health Partnership had shown that drug and mental health-related deaths in Johnstone Northwest were 166% higher than the rest of Scotland. Clr McF commented that the Community Health Partnership was fairly new but was now bringing facts like this to the public which hopefully would inform future policy decisions.

The Fire and Rescue report noted a problem with false Fire Alarm calls.

The Police report noted a decrease in figures for crimes other than housebreaking. A Community Policing Plan is due to be published shortly.

The Warden Services report had highlighted parking problems and Clr McF had asked that figures on penalty notices issued to HGVs in the Floors Street and South William Street areas should be notified to the Quarrelton Area T&RA.

It was noted that the Local Area Action Plan is due to be submitted to the next LAC meeting in June.

An update on the situation of the McMaster Centre refurbishment was presented and credit given for those involved in securing £150,000 of Lottery money.

There had been a presentation on the Streetscene scheme given by Andy Summers, the Streetscene Manager.

10. AOCB

Before closing the meeting, DL expressed the thanks of JCC to Clr McF, who is not standing for re-election in May, for all his efforts on behalf of the people of Johnstone.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 7th June 2012 at 7.00pm.

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