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October 6th 2011 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 6th October 2011 at 7.15pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Bowater, Stewart Clark, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forest, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Margery Parker, Valerie Reilly and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – Iain McMillan.

(Ward 8) – Bruce McFee.

Three members of the public were also present.

1. Apologies

Robert Campbell, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Margaret Lavery, Ian McNaught and Councillors McGee, Hood and Caldwell.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Isobel Wishart

Seconded by David Higginson

3. Matters Arising

Councillor McMillan commented on the situation concerning building work at Johnstone High School. He said that the Education Department advised that the children had been well warned and that the lorries were doing their best to move outwith the times when children were expected to be on the grounds.

Linda Flint responded that she had tried to get information from the department who had only answered that day after eight weeks of silence.

Councillor McFee added that the situation as he understood it was as Cl McM had outlined.

George Kennedy commented that JCC had been right to raise the question of the safety of the children. It may be that a written policy is in place, but we should still keep an eye on the situation, taking note of any problems that occur.

Cl McM reported that he had had it confirmed that street lighting was to be put in for the rear access to the site from Spateston and Cochrane Castle.

Cl McF noted that the fly problem at WRC had reduced this summer but that might have been because of the poor summer weather. He wondered if there had been any increase with the milder autumn weather?

4. Update from Fraser Carlin

Fraser Carlin, Renfrewshire Council’s Head of Planning and Development, attended the meeting to give a progress report on work on the proposed Johnstone Civic Hub. He stressed that we were still at a very early stage and that ideas and opinions were still required. His department was currently carrying out an audit of current assets and looking at rationalisation on the site. They were also getting ideas from the experiences of other areas.

It is currently envisaged that the new hub will probably house the Council’s Social Work department, the Library, the Registrar’s office and marriage suite, and the community halls. It was hoped that the process could produce a building that the community could be proud of.

He commented on the fact finding visits that had included two Community Councillors.

Hamilton – The management of facilities was the main lesson learned from this imposing building.

Bathgate – a development of similar size to the Johnstone proposal. The interior space was multifunctional and interesting but the building itself was soulless.

Livingstone – The scale of this hub was far bigger than john stone will require, but again there was an informative mix of functions.

The ideas from this trip can be fed into the architect’s brief.

Cl McF asked if the design was to going to produce a destination for a number of things or a destination that you can pass through?

FC replied that the public facade should look good and be very well maintained and that the building should link the two squares together.

GK asked a number of questions...

Would the building face onto Ludovic Square?

What would happen to parking in the town?

Could the wide pavement area on William Street be used as a pull in area for coaches to drop off and pick up passengers?

Is the full finance in place?

FC replied that £4.1million was already earmarked from the Council’s Capital Fund and that it was hoped that £1.1million would be available from the Scottish Futures Trust. The Council is also looking at assets which can be borrowed against such as Floorsburn House which can be sold off once the Hub is in operation. The aim is to make the development cost effective, but not cheap.

GK asked about the supposed money coming from a Tesco Wallneuk development?

FC replied that that was difficult at the moment as no-one was buying land in the current financial climate.

Cl McF commented that there were a number of different financial models to fund the gap of £2-3million in the required funding.

i) the Council could borrow against assets.

ii) there could be capital receipts from elsewhere within Renfrewshire

iii) it could be a private build with the Council leasing the facility back – but this was seen as a poor third option

But there is no question that the Johnstone Hub will happen.

DH asked if there was a figure for total cost?

FC replied that that the estimate was £8-9million and that tight contracts would need to be written to ensure there was no Edinburgh Tram-style escalation of cost.

Dennis Lavery asked if the development would include solar panels?

FC replied that this was being looked at and it might even be a source of income!

GK asked about the timescale. When could JCC have another update? Could it be at the February meeting?

FC said it was hoped that there could be a public drop-in event before then. It was hoped that actual construction work could begin sometime in 2013.

Margery Parker asked whether the new building would cover the whole footprint of the current Town Hall, Swimming Pool and Library, and would it be single storey?

FC replied that that was the area being looked at, but that it was proposed to be a two-storey building. It was understood that there might not be room for everything proposed. The Council owns the land on which the current Co-op store sits – but they have a 40-year lease which still has time to run. However, it might be possible to design the building with a view to possible expansion in the future should that land become available.

Cl McF remarked that it would be interesting to see a map of the footprint area involved.

FC said that in conclusion now was the time for the input of ideas and priorities and that evidence of community aspirations would actually assist the Council in its efforts to raise funding.

DL commented that knowing what services want to be included would give us a better idea of what the community can aspire to. We need to get this development right for the benefit of future generations and that the development needed to be flexible enough to adapt to future conditions.

MP noted that the building needs to include facilities for the elderly.

FC said that such facilities were easier to include as they were adaptable to other uses, whereas facilities and equipment provided for pre-fives were only really useful for that age group.

GK noted that JCC needs to get some ideas on paper.

FC replied that a sub-group spending perhaps a half-day with the architects would be very useful. He could supply a footprint map just as soon as the architects have drawn it up.

Cl McF asked if there had been any thought to including income-generating facilities such as commercial units or even a small screen cinema?

Wilma Dean asked if there would be a wedding room and what about mothers and toddlers?

FC replied that the hub had to be commercial and viable and that means catering for weddings. Mothers and Toddlers groups could hire rooms and dedicated cupboard space to store their equipment.

GK commented that there needs to be a performance space to cater for the likes of the Phoenix Theatre group and that could be adaptable for cinema projection but what would be the position of youngsters who currently play on the portable football pitch and use the Youth Bus?

FC queried whether such uses might lead to damage to the building?

Cl McF queried whether the land behind the current Police Station in Church Street might be looked at for car parking if the Police were to come into the new Hub.

FC agreed that it would be looked at.

DL thanked FC for coming along to keep the CC informed of the progress on planning the new Hub.

5. Planning Report

Valerie Reilly reported that there had been no planning applications causing concern since the last meeting and that monitoring was ongoing.

A brief report was given on three meetings/events attended...

i) a briefing session on the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan.

ii) a fact-finding trip around civic centres across the central belt.

iii) the Community Planning annual consultation in Johnstone Town Hall.

Cl McM reported that it was possible that the Spateston shops might be demolished in the near future. This would free up a large area for doing new things – a very exciting opportunity.

6. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that as of 30th September the bank account stood at £10,207.61.

7. Secretary’s Report

GK noted the ongoing work at the new Sports Hub at Johnstone High School. He went on to comment that it will be important that JCC continues its efforts to get the best possible community access to the Hub, having previously spent a huge amount trying to influence the way the hub operates we must ensure that promises are kept – as documented extensively in the JCC minutes of November 2011.

He also noted the upcoming Charrette workshops due to be held in SW Johnstone in early November – information had been distributed to CC’s.

Cl McF noted that the workshops would be considering a large are of Johnstone but that any development would not be immediate – it would be more likely to be 5-10 years down the line. It was likely to include mainly private housing with some limited social housing being built. Planners will have to look at what other facilities will be needed to service that housing.

GK asked why the Howwood Road area wasn’t mentioned in the publicity.

Cl McM assured the meeting that Howwood Road was definitely included in the area to be considered.

Gk also noted that a Poppy Wreath would be purchased and that Pamela Higginson had volunteered to lay it on behalf of JCC.

8. Sub-Group Reports


LF had nothing to report from a meeting with Scott Allen.

Cl McF reported that some grit bins were currently being made available and that any area requiring one should apply immediately.

MP asked if there would be bags of grit distributed?

Cl McF replied that it was unlikely as the Council was looking at more efficient ways of distributing grit on a small scale.


There had been a problem with some pigeons in the town centre using a bin shelter to roost. Robert Campbell had spoken to the owner and an agreement had been reached.

There had been a meeting held at Johnstone Town Hall about the fly problem emanating from WRC. Despite photographic evidence of the problems, actual official complaints seemed to be very few. Hugh Henry was reported as saying that it beggared belief.

GK noted that planting maintenance in the two town squares was not very good and needed to be improved.

Play Park and Youth Issues.

WD reported that Applications for funds had been made to several sources. Applications to Cash for Kids and Warburton’s had already been unsuccessful. Applications still pending were to Edgar Lawley, Trusthouse and the Yorkshire and Clydesdale. We should hear on all three early in November. Funds earmarked by the Local Area Committee will be lost if there is no matching funding in place soon. The LAC will need to know the current position in time for their November meeting.

It was suggested that JCC members might need to do some fundraising themselves – but that in the meantime there was no reason why some of our current funds – after discounting the administrative grant – could not be used to guarantee the LAC money.


It was reported that the Christmas Lights Switch-On would take place in Johnstone on November 12th. Some concern was expressed that this was a very early date that would increase electricity costs.

GK noted that he had had contact from Jim Wright assuring him that Quarry Street problems were due to be addressed very soon. Also that the town centre gullies would be addressed in the near future.

Music in the Bandstand – PH’s school choir is set to sing in both the bandstand and Morrison’s before Christmas.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 8th December 2011 at 7.00pm.

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