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June 2nd 2011 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 2nd June 2011 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Bowater, Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Linda Flint, Elizabeth Forest, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Margaret Lavery, Ian McNaught, Margery Parker, Valerie Reilly and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) –John Hood, Iain McMillan.

Andy Summers, Renfrewshire Council.

1. Apologies

Councillors Caldwell and Bibby.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Wilma Dean

3. Matters Arising

Dennis Lavery made comments on the matter of WRC Recycling and in particular the fly situation. It was reported that staff at the MacAlpine’s factory cannot sit in the dining room because of the flies.

Andy Summers of Renfrewshire Council was invited to give a presentation on the new Street Scene review. He began by outlining that the review covered grounds maintenance, street cleaning and cemeteries etc. These are important services but the budget for them has to save £2.1million by 01/04/2012.

The review is looking at where services are provided and how often and whether value for money is being provided. The service is progressing towards a scheme of 7-day working which should improve services such as street cleaning.

Some services may no longer be supplied.

The department will look at whether streets are clean, rather than just cleaning them according to a timetable. It may be that some shrub beds will be replaced with easier maintenance options as in the area at Provost’s Close where shrubs have been replaced with grass.

The department is looking to increase biodiversity by sewing wildflowers where shrub maintenance is reduced.

The department has already saved some £800,000 over last year’s spend. However, the new ways of working will ensure that each area gets equal treatment.

There will be a four zone approach graded by importance e.g. Zone 1 includes town centres and cemeteries. The natural and built environment is still going to be protected for people to enjoy, and any changes made will be as a result of consultation.

Comments can be made on the Council website and a further report on the review will go to the next LAC meeting in August.

Clr McMillan expressed a worry that while town centre areas will be looked after, there may be some neglect of peripheral areas. He was also concerned about working conditions for staff if they move to 7-day working.

AS replied that consultation with the trades unions was due to begin on 3rd June.

WD asked if the shrubs at Johnstone High would be taken out?

AS replied this was one option.

Elizabeth Cosgrove commented that the bushes were not pruned, but rather hacked leaving dangerous spikes at child level.

George Kennedy commented on about Community Service Offenders since it was now four months since Scottish Minister Kenny MacAskill’s visit and little progress had been seen.

Margery Parker asked whether grass surfaces could be converted to extra parking spaces?

AS answered that to do so was horrendously expensive.

Clr McM enquired whether it was true that grass cutting at schools was to be stopped as he understood that schools have been told this.

AS replied that the review had not as yet even begun to consider internal council customers such as Education or Housing.

Margaret Lavery commented that grass cutting services in the outlying areas seems to have improved, but is still not as good as Paisley where no grass is left lying. She also commented that areas of grass as opposed to shrubs might attract more litter.

Linda Flint raised a number of points

1) training grass cutting crews to make sure the cut grass is directed back into the verges and not spread over pavements or roads.

2) bin men not bothering to pick up items that fall when bins are being emptied.

3) litter pickers had been observed standing around in Miller Street park not doing anything for 40 minutes.

4) Council employees tasked to put up football nets should also be tasked with picking litter at the end of the game when they come back to remove the nets.

AS thanked the JCC for their feedback and left the meeting at 7.45pm.

4. Planning Report

Valerie Reilly gave a short report indicating that only one application had been of particular interest. It related to an application for a fast food outlet at 6 MacDowall Street. A letter of comment had been sent to the Planning Department pointing out problems this would cause with traffic flow at this already congested area.

Clr Hood commented that we also had the option to object to the granting of a food licence.

5. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that the current balance was £16,194.00. He pointed out that the bulk of this is in the form of grants which are earmarked for specific uses. The amount which we have free use of is about £3,000.

GK added that under the new system we now have to pay for room lets and we get less service from the Council, but that we don’t get access to the increased grant until later in the year.

ML commented that the same had happened to Tenants and Residents Associations.

6. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that he was in contact with a number of people about music in the bandstand and that appearances would start in June.

Clr McM reported that two accordion bands have received grants from the LAC and have indicated an interest in performing at the bandstand.

GK added that the local newspapers will be including some reports on the bandstand programme.

DL suggested that we should try and get school bands to come along.

GK noted that a meeting about the Police Shop Radio Scheme had been poorly attended. However, all but one of the radios has been allocated. Both shopkeepers and the police like the scheme.

GK reported that work on the new sports hub at Johnstone High is due to begin during June and is due to continue until August 2012.

On the subject of training for JCC members, GK noted that only LF had indicated an interest. DL said that he might be interested also.

7. Sub-Group Reports


LF reported that Scott Allan had been emailed and that a meeting was to take place on 3rd June.

The group have divided Johnstone into areas and have also looked at subjects such as roads, pavements, traffic lights etc. If anyone has further ideas she would be pleased to hear them.

GK added that it wouldn’t be possible to deal with all the problems at one meeting but that for specifics we can use the CC protocol.

It was noted that a lot of work has been done recently, and done well.


It was noted that the Housing Department have visited 15 MacDowall Street and notified all tenants that bins must be moved as soon as they have been emptied.

A copy of an email re. WRC was circulated. It stated that SEPA will be monitoring the recycling plant to make sure it operates within the terms of its permissions.

All those bothered by the fly infestations need to make a concerted effort to make their concerns known. GK noted that parking and idling issues have also received attention, but so far it only seems to be private cars that are being issued with tickets.

Play Park and Youth Issues.

WD reported that the play park equipment company HAGS had drawn up a suggested plan for the relocation of the Corseford equipment to Shanks Park. The plan was circulated around the meeting.

It was expected to cost about £10,000 to implement the reinstatement, of which we have a cheque for £2,500 from BAA. A second, more extensive phase of works would bring the total up to more than £50,000.

Civic Hub.

It was noted that a newspaper article had appeared asking for the public to get in touch with JCC with ideas for the new civic hub. Three have so far been received.

DL reported that he had finally managed to make contact with Fraser Carlin, but that he hadn’t got much information from him.

ML commented that there was a general feeling that the money available was not going to be enough to give Johnstone a Town Hall of any substance.

DL added that we need to press ahead with getting our ideas put forward.

Clr McM commented that we need to know the scope of what is being proposed and then perhaps to hold public meetings.

DL agreed that we need to get the word out to the people of Johnstone.


Rob Bowater raised concerns about the unreliability of the advertised Arriva bus services. There have been reports of them not keeping to time tables, curtailing routes or just not turning up at all.

Clr McM commented that Arriva buses, since a recent take-over, are now very difficult to deal with. They have said that the problems in Johnstone are a knock-on effect of congestion in Glasgow where the services originate. He noted that he had had more complaints about busses in the last six months than ever before. He recommended that individuals with complaints should contact the SPT rather than tackling Arriva directly.

WD reported that she had attended the Community Council Forum meeting in Paisley. Attendance had been low because of the high winds on that night. There was little to report other than a new email system that has been set up for residents to complain to.

Elizabeth Forrest reported that she had heard shopkeeper concerns about the bus service by key Coaches that used Walkinshaw Street. Because of the parking problems caused by the location of the Post Office in that street, the bus often has to double park to allow people on and off. The concern was that as there is also an elderly people’s complex in the street this is causing a traffic hazard. It was noted that the service is actually giving other elderly people access to the Post Office.

Clr McM agreed to have a word with Clr Bibby about the problem to see if anything can be done to alleviate the situation.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 4th August 2011 at 7.00pm.

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