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April 28th 2011 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the newly-elected Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 28th April 2011 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Bowater, Robert Campbell, Wilma Dean, David Higginson, Malcolm Hill, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Margaret Lavery and Valerie Reilly.

Also in attendance:-


(Ward 8) – Bruce McFee.

And six members of the public.

1. Apologies

Elizabeth Cosgrove, Pamela Higginson and Isabella Wishart.

The first part of the evening’s business was led by Anne McNaughton of Renfrewshire Council’s Department Finance and Corporate Services, who also took the minutes. After the election of new office bearers, Ms McNaughton left the meeting. New Chairperson Dennis Lavery took charge of the meeting.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting of the previous JCC were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Robert Campbell

3. Matters Arising

As DL had not been able to be present at the last JCC meeting he asked for some clarification of the proposals for the new Town Hall. Would the new building occupy a larger space than the present Town Hall and how much of it would be left for community use after housing all the agencies proposed for it?

Councillor McFee replied that the question of which departments would be requiring space was still ongoing. It was hoped that some of the waste of space in the present building could be avoided. Also it was hoped that relocating services to the new TH would increase footfall in the town centre. It was hoped that Fraser Carlin would have a clearer idea of requirements in the next month or two. The police currently seem keen on moving in which would be good for town centre security. DL asked about finance – would the police make a financial contribution to the building if they were to take a space?

CL McF replied that negotiations were not at that stage yet, but it was expected that there would be some sort of contribution if they sold off their present property.

From the floor Margaret Lavery asked if there had been any feedback from enquiries about problems.

George Kennedy replied that he had contacted Carol Ann Robertson about four particular problems

i) the bins left out in MacDowall Street

ii) the idling of HGVs at WRC in Floors Street

iii) parking on double yellow lines in Overton Road

iv) the litter problem on the lane between St Benedict’s School and Morrisons

A reply had been received asking for more information on point iii) and notifying us the point i) had been referred to the Housing Dept.

GK has spoken to the Community Service Offenders organiser to see if they can help with point iv).

GK reported that there had been no feedback on the specific problems regarding WRC and if was perhaps time to take this further. With summer coming in, the fly problem was bound to intensify.

Wardens had been targeting cars parked in Floors Street. It was hoped that they would also be tackling the idling HGVs

4. Treasurer’s Report

David Higginson reported that the cheque for £5,000 from British Airports Authority towards the running of the 5-9 years old Youth Club had been received. There has also been a cheque for £5,000 from the Police Community Partnership Divisional Fund which will go to the funding of the Retail Radio scheme.

The funds therefore currently stand at £16,194.00

5. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that all the equipment inherited from the previous JCC is in the Secretary’s hands.

JCC is allowed to co-opt a maximum of four new members and the appropriate forms had been filled in and lodged on behalf of Ian McNaught, Margery Parker, Linda Flint and Elizabeth Forest. They were all unanimously voted onto the CC by those JCC members present and those who were in attendance were invited to sit at the table by DL.

GK suggested that it would be useful if small subgroups of JCC members could be set up to deal with specific issues.

Playparks and Youth Issues

Malcolm Hill, Wilma Dean and GK offered to work on this area. It was noted that £2,500 grant money already in hand for Shanks Park needs to be spent this year, however, the re-use of the Corseford equipment might require as much as £10,000. Other work at the park might take £60,000.

DL asked what would we get for that sum?

Cl McF replied that Shona McDougall could supply the cost breakdown, but the biggest expense is likely to be the safety surface required under play equipment which runs at about £100 per square metre.

WD added that other requirements were the replacement of broken equipment, the restoration of fencing and paths, provision for older children and installation of benches for parents.

Cl McF noted that JCC would need to ensure that there was an agreement in place for Renfrewshire Council to provide ongoing maintenance or JCC could find itself landed with large bills.

The new Civic Hub

Volunteers for this group were GK, DL and Linda Flint. It was hoped that Ian McNaught would also be interested in joining this group.

Environmental issues

Robert Campbell and LF agreed to take this on.

Music in the bandstand

This will be dealt with by Pamela Higginson, Robert Bowater and RC.

Cl McF noted at this point that groups performing in the bandstand are not legally prevented in any way from collecting money around the square.


Valerie Reilly agreed to take this function off the hands of new chairperson DL.


LF and RC will look at this. GK reminded the meeting that there is a protocol for CCs to complain directly to the Roads Dept.

ML was of the opinion that letter writing got very little done.

GK said that JCC needs a programme with priorities to put forward to the Council and that this might need to begin from a comprehensive survey of the state of the roads throughout Johnstone.

Cl McF added that pavements should be considered equally as important as the roads themselves. A number of points need to be looked at including high kerbs at crossing points and flooding due to inadequate gully clearing. Work needs to be prioritised and we need to get assurance that our priorities will be in the programme of work. There also needs to be follow-up inspection – particularly of work done by utility companies

GK noted that JCC has been very influencial and has shown in the past that it can get things done.

Various areas requiring attention were discussed.

Cl McF pointed out the importance of getting dated photographs of problems. This is because if there are accidents that happen after the Council or a utility company has been notified of a defect they are liable and pressure from insurance companies is more likely to get work done.

GK thanked all those who had put their names forward for these various issues and said that he would assist by passing on all contacts and past information etc.


DL reported that he had received local crime figures for Johnstone which noted 42 crimes reported with only 14 being detected. This included 7 assaults of which 3 had been detected.

ML reported that a series of opportunist crimes were being committed by men with a truck and wearing official-looking high visibility yellow vests.

DL added that if anyone sees a flatbed truck with a lot of scrap metal they should take its registration number and phone the police who will check whether it is legitimate or not.

GK noted that the police are currently targeting this spate of metal thefts.

GK thanked DL for taking on the important position of Chairperson.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 2nd June 2011 at 7.00pm.

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