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February 24th 2011 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 24th February 2011 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Chris Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell.

(Ward 8) –Bruce McFee.

And nine members of the public.

1. Apologies

Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Rosalyn Gilmour, Iain McMillan, John Hood and Neil Bibby.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Dennis Lavery

Seconded by Isabella Wishart

3. Reports to Meeting

3.1 Renfrewshire Warden Service

Renfrewshire Warden Gary McEwan reported to the meeting on a project regarding graffiti removal. He circulated photographs and examples of community feedback. He explained that kits are available from Renfrewshire Council that, using non-toxic substances, can easily and quickly remove graffiti from a variety of surfaces. He had sent out 27 letters about the kits and received 3 requests for kits in response – the areas where they had gone were now graffiti-free. Kits are also available to shop-owners.

Instances of graffiti can be notified to 0141 889 3499. Kits were handed out to Community Council members and others at the end of the meeting.

On more general topics, GMcE responded to a question from the public about dog dirt in MacDowall Street and also wheelie bins that are left out after emptying and causing an obstruction on the pavements.

Another question from the public was about spitting on the pavements which is perceived as being particularly rife near the entrances to pubs and bookies shops. GMcE thought that this would be difficult to prevent as it wasn’t illegal, but that anyone concerned about it could ask for a street clean.

3.2 Forestry Commission

Derek Shannon made a return visit to report on work to be carried out in Bluebell Woods in advance of their transfer to the Forestry Commission. Tree safety work was required due to a survey identifying about 120 trees needing either crown reduction or felling. These trees have been affected by honey fungus and are mainly horse chestnut trees. Work was due to begin on 28 02 11 with a bat survey and then chain saws would begin to be used from 01 03 11, lasting for approximately three weeks. Following this replanting to consolidate the future of the woods was to be undertaken.

Chris Gilmour asked what was to be the long term management plan for the woods. DS replied that the Commission would be consulting with the community and that whatever plan was drawn up would be reviewed every five and ten years.

Clr Caldwell noted the problem of constant litter dumping in the area. DS replied that the Commission was aware of the problem and had been working on it – he hoped that people would begin to notice a difference.

A question from the public asked if there would be any efforts to promote the existence of the cup-and-ring marked stone. DS replied that it was not currently planned as the stone was not on the land to be transferred to the Commission, but that if that piece of land were to be purchased from Elderslie Estates then the situation could change.

4. Treasurer’s Report

David Higginson reported that the Renfrewshire Council administrative grant had now been paid into the bank account, and that funds currently stood at £7540.

5. Planning Report

Dennis Lavery noted that nothing new of note needed to be reported on. However, he had raised concerns about the request for a street traders licence to operate in the Floors Street and S. William Street area, because of the environment in the area around the WRC Recycling plant. This application has been rejected by the Council.

6. Secretary’s Report

6.1 Applications for funding

George Kennedy reported that an application in respect of the Club for 5-9 year olds had been successful and had been awarded £5000 from the Glasgow Airport Flightpath Fund which would keep the club running for another year. Thanks were due to Ruth Cooper for her assistance with the application.

GK similarly noted that an application to the Cashback for Communities fund had also been successful receiving a grant of £6480 for the club catering for the older children. Thanks here were due to Mark Brotherton for his assistance. As a result of this grant it was hoped that new activities could be brought to the members.

6.2 Amendment to Guide for Grant Funding

GK reported that a letter from Renfrewshire Council stated that applications to LACs for purely social events would no longer be accepted.

6.3 WRC Recycling.

GK reported that he, CG and DL had many times visited and raised concerns with the management over problems with vehicles, the eyesore and the flies, all of which make life intolerable for those living close by.

WRC had said that the new machine would reduce space needed for storage thereby allowing more vehicles into the yard instead of them being on the street. There is little sign of this happening, with many vehicles still to be observed on the street outside.

Attempts to get another meeting in the last week had failed leading to JCC taking further action. GK has written to a number of different agencies which all oversee parts of the WRC operation – these include SEPA, the Fire Service, Renfrewshire Council’s Environmental Services Department, Emergency Planning and Warden Services. This is just a beginning and there are a number of other agencies that can be approached.

From the public, Margaret Lavery thanked GK for doing all this work in respect of WRC.

GK noted that he was particularly concerned about the fire risk. If a big fire were to take hold, fire fighters would not be able to enter the property and would have to fight the fire from its edges. A deep seated fire might burn for days or even weeks – all the time releasing potentially toxic fumes.

CG noted that JCC has tried dialogue with the company which has resulted in assurances but no action. We now need to take this new route.

Clr McFee noted that one of the problems in the recycling industry is that the biggest market for the waste is China, but that because of the recession, WRC is presumably waiting for the Chinese market to improve – and this has led to more material having to be stored on site.

6.4 JCC elections

GK reminded members that the existing JCC will stand down on 31 03 11 and that the newly-elected JCC would hold its first meeting on 28 04 11. The deadline for returning the nomination forms is 18 03 11

6.5 Retiral of Chris Gilmour from the Chair and from JCC

GK noted that CG was standing down due to work commitments. This was a sad occasion, but GK felt that CG’s commitment to Johnstone was so great; he would probably be back soon. He has been particularly valuable to the reformed JCC because of his previous experience and he has been at the core of everything JCC has achieved over the last two years. He has a particular talent at letting everyone have their say without losing control and we owe him a great deal – particularly as he has never claimed any expenses. A small memento of his time as chair was handed over in the form of a card, flowers and a book token.

CG thanked the Community Council saying that he had appreciated the good committee behind him and thanked the members of the public for attending regularly and extending the scope of debate. He concluded by asking JCC to continue the good work as Johnstone could no longer be called the world’s centre for apathy.

Clrs McF and C joined in the approbation thanking CG for the opportunities to put their points across in a fair manner, even when the issues were contentious.


GK raised a point about the ‘Comfort Scheme’ facilities in Johnstone. Andy’s Chip Shop has now withdrawn from the scheme, and he had heard recently of someone being turned away from the Tasty Tea Room for no apparent good reason. He has asked Andy Summers to investigate. Why should the Council Tax payers be handing out money for facilities that seemingly are only arbitrarily available?

ML noted that she had never had problems at the Tasty Tea Room – but that the facilities there leave much to be desired.

Clr McF raised the question of potholes on the roads. There has been a huge increase in the budget to deal with this and he was confident that there would be less wastage than in previous years.

GK asked would he have the workforce to actually use the funds allocated?

Clr McF replied that the work goes out to tender so the size of the Council’s own workforce will be no disadvantage.

Clr McF reported that £4.1million had been ring-fenced in the Council’s Capital Budget for the building of a new Town Hall in Johnstone – and that there may well be a further £4million available as a result of a pending land-transfer agreement with Tesco. What facilities this would include would be the subject of community consultation but possibly might be the Library, Registrar, Social Work offices and public toilets! This will need to be addressed fairly soon. The current Town Hall building is going to cost a lot of money in maintenance in coming years if there is no major investment, so spending this capital money will actually save year-on-year Revenue funding.

Ian McNaught said that it was good to hear that there was to be public consultation, and asked if JCC should form a separate committee to look at this topic.

A member of the public asked if this money would be coming at the expense of money for the education of Renfrewshire’s children?

Clr McF noted that the contentious education scheme has now been withdrawn by RCl in favour of waiting for the McCormack review. Further the Education Department has seen the lowest percentage of ‘savings’ at 4% whilst actually forming some 40% of the Council’s budget amount.

IMcN asked whether it would be possible to include a pool as part of the new public building.

Clr McF replied that this would not be possible because of the ongoing revenue funding that would be required to keep a pool going.

Clr C commented that he was glad to hear that there would be full consultation.

DL noted that the consultation was not going to be completely free if there could be no consideration of a pool as part of the agenda.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 31st March 2011 at 7.00pm.

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