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October 28th 2010 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 28th October 2010 at 7.30pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Chris Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly, and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell, John Hood, Iain McMillan.

Eight members of the public were also present.

1. Apologies

Rosalyn Gilmour, David Arthur, Neil Bibby, Bruce McFee.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Dennis Lavery

Seconded by Isabella Wishart

3. Matters Arising

The situation with the recycling plant would be discussed later in the proceedings.

3.1 Final stage of the Consultation on the New Scheme for Establishment of Community Councils and Code of Conduct for Community Councillors.

GK reported that there was nothing new since the report at the September meeting. However, objections have been raised to the proposed cuts to the effective funding of JCC. The amount for administration is proposed for a slight increase but this would be more than offset by withdrawal of other forms of support in such as the cost of hall lets, IT support and administrative assistance. All the Renfrewshire CCs are agreed that this is not acceptable. Clr McM agreed that exactly the same opinions had been expressed at Elderslie and Howwood CC meetings he had attended.

3.2 Bandstand and Regeneration Project

Gk reported that this work was now mostly complete and that a meeting with Renfrewshire Council official Jamie Mackie was scheduled for the coming week. Cobbles are now fixed in position and can not be lifted for use as weapons and all metalwork in Houston Square has been treated. The Christmas Lights switch on is set for November 27th.

It is hoped that music in the bandstand can resume in the run-up to Christmas.

3.3 Sports Hub Proposals

GK noted that Joyce McKellar and Liz Jamieson have accepted our invitation to attend the November JCC meeting.

Margaret Lavery asked if Joyce McKellar and Liz Jamieson could be asked to bring with them figures to prove to us how this scheme will save money.

IMcN asked what was the objective of the meeting with Joyce McKellar and Liz Jamieson?

CG replied that it was to find out about the consultation process and to gather information for our formal complaint.

There followed some discussion as to whether questions should be sent to them in advance of the meeting with pros and cons set out. GK will co-ordinate a list of questions.

DL recommended that the JCC formal letter of complaint about this situation should be sent to Renfrewshire Council as soon as possible.

GK responded that the letter has not as yet gone and that he would prefer to do it after the November meeting.

Clr McM reported that the Sports Hub is set to be discussed at the next full Council meeting on 4th November and that there will be a call for an abandonment of the whole scheme in the light of the current economic situation, so that the money can be released for Social Work and Education services.

CG voiced a fear that the inaccessibility of the pool will mean falling numbers of users giving the Council the excuse to hand the pool over exclusively for school use in a few years time.

4. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that four cheques have been issued since the end of year accounts were submitted and that the JCC balance now stands at £6858.41.

5. Planning Report

DL reported that he had submitted an objection to an application for a street traders licence in Floors Street on the grounds that it would be inappropriate given the congestion already caused at the WRC Recycling plant and on environment concerns of food being sold close to the plant which generates flies during hot weather.

6. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that he, CG and DL had met with one of the owners of WRC Recycling plant on October 12th. The ongoing situation had been discussed and the company had expressed the wish to reduce the problems. They had applied to move to a larger, more isolated site outside Renfrew, but Renfrewshire Council had refused him a licence there unless everything was to be undercover – impractical on this large site.

Clr McM undertook to find out whether that had been a formal application or just an informal approach.

Meantime the company had issued JCC an open invitation to return at any time in November to view any progress made.

GK, RC and DL had a meeting on October 19th with Scott Allen (Head of Roads) and Selby Cochrane (Principal Roads Engineer). This had discussed some of the positive action achieved and pointed out where there were still areas of concern.

CG reminded CCs that problems with roads and pavements should be reported to GK who would collate them to pass to the Roads department.

GK noted that the Union Flag was once more flying in Houston Square following a temporary repair to the hoisting mechanism. A security fitting would be installed as soon as possible to prevent future problems.

A Poppy Wreath has been purchased with a donation to Poppy Scotland. A volunteer to lay the wreath on Remembrance Sunday (Nov. 14th) was sought. DL volunteered to lay the JCC wreath at the War Memorial following the service at High Parish Church. GK intends to record the ceremony on camera.


Margaret Lavery tabled a suggestion the JCC should nominate Jeanette and Adam Lynch for a Provosts Community Award in respect of their work in setting up and running the Johnstone Community Museum. This was generally agreed to be an excellent suggestion.

Margaret Lavery had a second point to make regarding her disquiet at hearing the news that the Spateston Tenants and Residents Association, which has been doing good work for some 40 years, has been deregistered and barred from attending any meetings be Renfrewshire Council on the grounds that they do not have 10 active members. She has written to the Council to say how appalled she is at this news and to point out that this requirement for 10 members has not been notified to the T&RAs.

Clr McM noted that a report presented to, and passed by, Councillors regarding the running of T&RAs had included no mention of a minimum figure for membership or the figure of 10 members. The Spateston T&RA had a hard core of 5 or 6 members but that upwards of 60 people attended the AGMs to endorse the work done. He is trying to find out where the figure of 10 came from.

It emerged at this point that the Cochrane Castle T&RA has also been deregistered and that a meeting for all areas has been arranged for November.

CG expressed the opinion that Renfrewshire Council is sending out the message that they don’t want community input.

At this point Clr H read out a list of community facilities including community halls, library buildings and two museum department properties on which the Council will be asked vote to close at their meeting on 4th November.

GK asked W. McLelland why he had taken to signing himself on the meeting sederunt as “Correspondent to Renfrewshire Council”? W McL replied that he had been authorised to report on Johnstone matters to all the departments of Renfrewshire Council by Anne McNaughton. He further stated that he would not be applying to stand for JCC when the next elections come round.

At this point Derek Shannon took the opportunity to introduce himself to the meeting. DS works for the Forestry Commission on the section of the National Forest between Auchenlodment and the Gleniffer Braes, although the Commission are negotiating to take over both Rannoch and the Bluebell Woods also. He is currently engaged on a project entitled “Fantastic Forest” with Auchenlodment Primary and is hoping to set up a transition project next summer for the seven primaries that feed Johnstone High.

CG Stated that if JCC could help in any way he shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 25th November 2010 at 7.00pm.

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