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September 30th 2010 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 30th September 2010 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Chris Gilmour, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly, John Waters and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell, John Hood.

1. Apologies

Robert Campbell, Rosalyn Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, Clr Neil Bibby and Clr Iain McMillan.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved after noting that the date of the meeting re the Johnstone Swimming pool was incorrectly given – it should have read Tuesday 21st September.

Proposed by Elizabeth Cosgrove.

Seconded by Wilma Dean.

3. Matters Arising

The subject of the Recycling plant was raised with a report that receptionists at the Doctors’ surgery premises across the road were noting major problems with flies. Also the congestion caused by the lorries had meant that police have had to be called out as patients’ cars and even ambulances have been prevented from getting access to the surgery car park. The Tenants and Residents Association want to invite all local MSPs to inspect the problems and are looking for support from JCC.

GK asked for the names to contact at the surgery and also requested the T&R’sA to write to JCC.

Clr Hood noted that on a recent visit to the surgery he had noted nine articulated lorries in the street in a short period.

After a short discussion GK agreed that JCC would write to all bodies with an interest in the matter, once the appropriate information had been gathered together.

3.1New Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils and Code of Conduct for Community Councillors.

GK reported that the consultation was now in its final stages. The date for the disbanding of the current CCs is not yet known, but is likely to be January 2011. At that stage all CCs in Scotland will have to be disbanded and go through a process of nominations and elections similar to that which established JCC in 2008.

The new scheme will mean slightly changed boundaries for JCC, as well as some rule changes. The new Code of Conduct will tighten up proceedings and clarify such matters as non-attendance by Community Councillors and unruly behaviour. These will be standard across Scotland.

3.2 Bandstand and Regeneration Project.

GK reported that there was continuing progress, despite some delays caused by weather, and that completion was expected in early October.

DL asked whether this would be in time for the Armistice Day events? This was certainly the intention.

IMcN enquired whether the problem of the screens had been solved? GK replied that screen for 4 sides of the stands had been sourced at a cost of £3,500 and would not be left in place when not in use.

GK also reported that three quotes have been received for a portable sound system for the bandstand.

3.3 Sports Hub Proposals.

It was noted that Joyce McKellar of Renfrewshire Leisure Trust has been asked to the JCC November meeting to answer questions. Confirmation of this was awaited.

CG reported that he and GK had left the September meeting angry and frustrated at the treatment of the people of Johnstone by Renfrewshire Leisure Trust and the conclusion they have come to is that the decision to close the town centre pool was taken so early in the process that any “consultation” was meaningless.

They had been told that a subsidised bus service will run for six months after the new pool opens – implying that if it is not used it will be withdrawn. Clr Hood asked if a bus company had been mentioned? On being told that MyBus had been named he noted that this company only works until 6.30pm and will therefore not be suitable to run an evening service to the pool – and that the Council was trying to withdraw contracts from the company on the grounds that it was too expensive!

CG and GK did learn that the new pool will be 41% funded from the budget of the Education dept. IMcN commented that Johnstone High was always supposed to get a new pool so that this was not new money.

EC commented that 41% funding from the Education budget seemed excessive when Johnstone High cannot even find the money to buy jotters for the pupils.

Clr Hood noted that Renfrewshire Leisure Trust was already talking about a reduction in the number of car parking places from the 86 on the current plan. And, that when asked if the rear path from the housing scheme would have additional lighting to make it safe to walk at night, Joyce McKellar had indicated that she didn’t even know that such a path existed.

It was suggested that JCC compile a formal complaint against Renfrewshire Council over the way this matter has been handled. It was also suggested that a Freedom of Information request should be made for all documents regarding the public consultation and the eventual decision to close Johnstone Swimming Pool. This was unanimously agreed by the CCs present. If this avenue was not productive then the matter could be referred to the Local Government Ombudsman.

It was further suggested that JCC should write to the Council proposing that they should perform a temporary refurbishment on the town centre pool and return the other money to the education budget in light of the current financial situation of the Council.

4. Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of DH, GK reported that at the end of August the funds of JCC stood at £9403.37. Of this £5215.41 would be paid towards the running of the Youth Clubs. The remaining sum includes the £1500 given to JCC to run music in the bandstand.

It was noted that Mrs A. Paterson and Mrs S. Love have kindly agreed to audit the JCC accounts in advance of the AGM in October.

5. Planning Report

DL noted that there is to be a six month pilot scheme to improve communication between the various CCs and the Council’s Road and Transport dept.

He also noted that Planning Aid was running a free seminar on October 14th on Architectural History in Practice.

6. Secretary’s Report

External Funding Forums

GK noted that there had been two meetings of External Funding groups working within the Renfrewshire area during September.

Community Service Offenders Scheme

GK reported that he had attended a meeting with Clrs Bibby, McFee and Caldwell together with the CSO Manager Mike Connelly and the RC Street Scene Manager Andy Summers to discuss possible closer links with the Community Offenders Scheme.

A worthwhile discussion had taken place and agreement had been reached that requests for assistance would be placed with Mr Summers who would then liaise with Mr Connelly.

Clr Hood commented that it had been a good meeting which had served to get the demarcation correct and that a watch should be kept to ensure that the liaison is working properly. He also noted that offenders could work on other tasks such as decorating pensioners’ homes. GK agreed, but pointed out that for more skilled work like this skilled overseers were required and these were in short supply leading to a backlog of requests for this kind of work.

Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places

GK noted that he had recently circulated this report and that comments on it should be brought along to the next JCC meeting.

Letter Received

GK reported that he had received a letter from Clr McMillan who is actively pursuing the replacement of the Union Flag in Houston Square in time for Armistice Day. The problem encountered is that not only was the previous flag stolen, but the hoist mechanism inside the pole was also vandalised. No-one has yet been arrested for this matter.

The Provost’s Community Awards Scheme was noted.


John Waters raised his concerns at the lack of law and order in the town in light of the attack against him on his own doorstep. He had been stabbed seven times requiring 26 stitches and a stay in hospital. When he asked the police why it had taken them so long to come out to a case of such violence, he had been told that there are only 4 cars on call for the whole of the Renfrewshire police area on a Saturday evening. He also voiced his opposition to the money being spent on the Renfrewshire Community Wardens Scheme rather than being channelled into policing.

Margaret Lavery replied that she felt it was unfair to castigate the Wardens for doing the job they had been tasked with.

There was also a short discussion on the town centre ‘comfort scheme’. JW argued that it would not cost much to make the town centre public toilets usable again.

GK noted that he has worked on the toilet question. He reported that vandalism has already closed one of the comfort scheme facilities. Work still needs to be done on signage for the available facilities as well as getting the Town Hall premises open during all normal shopping hours including Saturdays.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

The next meeting will be held at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 28th October 2010.

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