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June 24th 2010 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 24th June 2010 at 7.00pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Wilma Dean, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Gladys Marchbank, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) –

(Ward 8) – Neil Bibby.

Nine members of the public were in attendance.

1. Apologies

Elizabeth Cosgrove, Chris Gilmour, Rosalyn Gilmour, John Caldwell, John Hood, Tracie McGee, Iain McMillan, Bruce McFee


2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Ian McNaught.

Seconded by Gladys Marchbank.

In the absence of Chairman Chris Gilmour, Dennis Lavery took the chair.

3. Matters Arising

3.1 Playparks

George Kennedy reported that the Corseford playpark equipment has now been successfully moved to storage. Thanks were recorded to Renfrewshire Council’s Environmental Services Department for their invaluable help – in particular Joe Waclawski and his team.

Contact has been initiated with a potential sponsor for work at Shanks Park, but as yet no response has been received.

3.2 Bandstand

GK noted that much progress has been made with the work on several fronts including digging up the floor, paintwork, digging up and cleaning the cobbles and lead work on the roof. In response to a question GK confirmed that the cobbles were to be reset in morter rather than sand to prevent them being easily lifted and used as ‘weapons’.

Most JCC members had been in favour of muted colours for the bandstand. Gladys Marchbanks’ suggestion had been passed along.

Discussions were continuing regarding the provision of removable translucent screens to close off three sides to protect users from bad weather conditions. This includes discussions on where they could be stored when not in use.

GK reported that work was on schedule for a finish in August.

Musicians from Valley Forge Baptist Temple of Pennsylvania (booked through the Houston Baptist Church) entertained the public in Houston Square on Saturday 12th June. They had been presented with a memory stick of photographs taken on the day.

4. Treasurer’s Report

David Higginson reported that the accounts stand at £12,118.86, but reiterated that large bills were still pending.

5. Secretary’s Report

Gk noted that, as agreed at the May meeting, he had sent a letter to RCl’s Chief Executive, David Martin, asking that JCC should be included in consultations and planning discussions regarding the proposed new pool at Johnstone High School so that the wishes of the people of Johnstone regarding access, hours and a splash pool for the very young can be taken into account. Councillor Bibby noted that at the last LAC meeting there had been a list of groups to be consulted and that JCC had not been on it. It was an absolute must that JCC should be involved in his opinion.

In respect of the lack of facilities for children in the town centre, and following considerable correspondence between JCC and David Martin, JCC has been contacted by Derek Bell of the Education and Leisure Services Department suggesting a meeting. This meeting has yet to be arranged and GK asked other JCC members if they would like to attend.

The Town Hall has been booked for future meetings from August 2010 to June 2011. The time of booking remains 6.30-9.00pm to allow pre-meeting time for discussion or the setting up of presentations. The actual meeting start time will remain at 7.00pm.

GK reported that Summer Bedding plants in Houston Square were in place by Saturday 12th June, but were vandalised on the Saturday and Sunday evenings. GK contacted the police about it. He had previously had a meeting on 14th May with Community police officers, police CCTV liaison and the Senior Community Warden about the probability that this would happen and asking for a co-ordinated effort to minimise such damage. This needs a proactive - rather than the current reactive - response.

JCC has received Renfrewshire Council’s ‘Difficult Choices for Difficult Times’ document. This provoked lively discussions, in particular asking why a £92million building programme should be going ahead when the Council was forecasting a £90million shortfall over the next three years?

It was also questioned whether the cancellation of the school bus for Johnstone children attending St Benedict’s High School was an effective saving. ClB reported that it would save about £400,000 per annum, but that as far as he was concerned there was not a safe walking route from Johnstone to the new school and that there were on-going discussions of this aspect of the situation.

Those present also questioned whether the Council would actually be likely to listen to any suggestions made.ass on the contact details to his successor. GK recorded the thanks of JCC to Insp. Laing and wished him well for the future.

Margaret Lavery wished to register a complaint about the standard of grass-cutting around the town and the poor state that recently-cut areas were left in. She circulated photographs of the work to highlight her point.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday 26th August 2010.

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