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January 28th 2010 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday, 28 January 2010 at 6.30pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Campbell, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Chris Gilmour, David Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Isabella Wishart, Pamela Higginson, Gladys Marchbank.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) - Iain McMillan and Tracie McGee

Councillors (Ward 8) - Bruce McFee

David Arthur

A Demspey and Norrie Baker - Renfrewshire Warden Service

Fiona Paterson - Minutes

There were 9 observers present.

1. Apologies

Rachel Gould

Councillors John Caldwell and John Hood.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Dennis Lavery

3. Presentation by Renfrewshire Warden Service

Presentation given by Norrie Baker, Senior Warden. The Warden Service was established in November 2008 and their remit was dealing with antisocial calls on a limited basis, fixed penalty fines for dog fouling, littering and smoking. The wardens cover mainly Paisley, Renfrew and Johnstone but the surrounding areas are also covered to a lesser extent. Wardens work in pairs and are equipped with a body camera which records video with sound. The video serves two purposes, it is to help protect the wardens but also to help with safety in the community. The wardens attend to Anti-Social Behaviour calls and monitor noise levels and refer any cases to the Noise Enforcement Team. Other duties include ensuring that retailers keep to trade waste agreements. There are two shifts operating, 7.00am - 6.00pm and 11.00am - 10.00pm, 365 days a year. New duties will include vehicle idling. Presentations will be given to schools and leaflets distributed to parents. The wardens will work with the police to address this issue with cars and buses.

There are currently 46 wardens employed by Renfrewshire Council with 8 wardens on the early shift and 16 on the back shift. There are currently 12 temporary wardens employed and soon the Traffic Wardens will transfer over to the Renfrewshire Wardens Service. The duties of the Traffic Wardens will gradually be integrated to the duties of all the wardens. Wardens are located in areas where school children regularly use local shops at lunchtime and target the litter with a Hit Squad in a bid to reduce the amount of litter and to encourage the pupils to clear up themselves. Businesses have a duty of care to help with the Clean Renfrewshire campaign.

GK asked about the one Traffic Warden currently serving Johnstone and surrounding areas and asked when they would be fully integrated with the Renfrewshire Warden Service. It will take two years to fully integrate the two sections due to various employment regulations. There was some concern as to whether or not the integration would improve the problems with illegal parking or whether it would exacerbate them. The one Traffic Warden currently covers Johnstone, Howwood, Linwood, Kilbarchan and Elderslie.

GM raised a question regarding dog fouling in Corseford which had not been cleaned for several weeks. The Wardens had seen this but had not reported it to Environmental Services. The response received was that it was not the duty of the Wardens to report such incidents.

EC wanted notices regarding Dog Fouling to be put up in Cochrane Castle. The Dog Warden should be contacted regarding this issue and can provide leaflets.

Cllr McFee stated that the Wardens would be enforcing the restrictions for parking on yellow lines and zig zag areas at crossings and stationary cars with their engines idling. There would be an improved service as the Wardens would be able to cover a larger area.

DL stated that there did not seem to be enough wardens to cover such a large geographical area and with the many duties that they have. In response, it was stated that wardens can be brought in for specific tasks from other areas and the Police can be contacted if there are serious problems.

Visitor - witnessed a dog owner allowing their dog to foul whilst wardens who were delivering leaflets regarding Christmas uplifts of rubbish did nothing. In response, it was stated that the Wardens were ‘off duty’ as they were delivering leaflets and were not working in their role of warden.

Cllr Arthur stated that fines for vehicle idling were decided on by each Local Authority. Litter laws were similar and not being enforced equally in all areas. Penalties are laid out in statute. People have to be informed and dissuaded from dropping litter and vehicle idling before being fined. The Council is implementing a 6 month education process regarding engine idling including buses and school will be targeted where this is a major problem.

EC - The leaflets regarding the Christmas uplifts of rubbish delivered by the wardens seem to have missed out Cochrane Castle which was affected by the change in day. In response, the wardens were told what areas the leaflets were to be delivered.

Visitor - raised the issue that dropping cigarette ends in the street is illegal and what can be done about the postmen dropping the red rubber bands in the street as these can pose a danger for people slipping on them.

4. Matters Arising

4.1 Sub Group Reports


The Community Council asks that any person with complaints about Roads, Pavements, repairs, winter maintenance, etc raise the matter with the secretary George Kennedy in writing or by email after this meeting. GK will collate these concerns adding them in a detailed letter to the Chief Executive, to the many concerns that JCC has had and attempted with almost total failure to have resolved.

We believe that as new management takes over soon within the Roads Department that this is the time to clearly express our dissatisfaction of Renfrewshire Council’s care and maintenance of our roads and footways.

Cllr McFee circulated a Report by the Director of Planning and Transport for Renfrewshire Council on the Severe Weather - Update and Overview. This details the action taken and problems encountered by Renfrewshire Council during the recent severe weather. One of the problems encountered was a national problem of not being able to secure enough salt and the Scottish Government had to intervene and negotiate with several Councils to ensure that everyone had at least enough to keep major roads and the emergency services routes clear. This, however, is still a problem that Renfrewshire Council needs to address. Renfrewshire Council policy details the order in which roads and footpaths are treated. Cllr McFee accepted that some roads and footpaths may need to be moved into higher areas of priority given the recent problems experienced by everyone. The problems also highlighted some areas that could easily have been rectified had people been aware that it should be their responsibility to ensure that paths are cleared and salted such as those in charge of sheltered housing where the elderly were trapped in their own homes and unable to get out to the shops.

A visitor stated that a local bus route which passes 5 complexes for the elderly took the bus off the route during the severe weather. This meant that for many of the people living there, their only means of getting to the shops was cut off. The Housing Department should take responsibility for gritting complexes for the elderly. Cllr Hood tried to get these roads gritted and eventually did so but it did take some time.

Cllr McFee stated that Housing does know about their sheltered accommodation but since noon was instructed directly that it was their job to grit then no one did. This is an issue that will be raised at the Housing Committee. The bus company should have the same rights as the emergency services. Cllr McFee also stated that some of the lorry drivers had been working double shifts and some hadn’t had a day off in a month.

There needs to be clarification on the issue of clearing paths and whether or not there is any comeback to the proprietor or homeowner if someone should slip on the path and get injured.

EC raised the issue that Houston Square in Johnstone had not been cleared and it was like an ice rink. Johnstone Town Centre should be given the same priority as Paisley. The pavement in front of the majority of shops was covered in snow and ice for weeks. There should be some means of being able to spread grit onto the pavements using hand spreaders and to clear pathways across the square which is central to Johnstone.

A visitor asked about the criteria for obtaining a Grit Bin. This would then enable those in difficult areas such as a slope or cu-de-sac to clear their own areas. When new houses are built such contingencies should be put in place. The Grit Bins could be distributed on a temporary basis and collected when the weather improves.

Cllr McFee stated that suitable positions could be identified. Bags of salt could be dumped in particular areas for people to make use of themselves. It was suggested that bin motors should carry and use grit to access all areas. Council employees are used in various areas such as parks, grass cutting, etc and are assigned to other tasks in winter.

Cllr McMillan said that lessons had not been learned from the mini cold spell in Dec/Jan 09 when similar severe weather caused disruption for a few days. Cllr McMillan gave thanks to those who had endeavoured to ensure that the roads were being salted.

It was agreed that the Report received from Renfrewshire Council was a fair and honest account of recent events but some issues still need to be addressed. Many outlying roads had still not been gritted 2 weeks into the severe weather.

One visitor had mentioned about school closures, fortunately this did not affect any Renfrewshire schools although Renfrew High School had suffered a burst pipe but this was rectified and the pupils only missed one day.

Playparks - Shanks Park

The secretary has contacted Ruth Cooper - Funding Officer for Renfrewshire Council, to seek out organisations who may give grants to aid the Shanks Park project. There have been provisional enquiries regarding commemorative benches which may be donated to the project. WD and GK met with a representative for the residents from Spey Place, Corseford and discussed how JCC may help with the removal of the equipment in the play park and returning the area to grassland. A planning request to remove the play equipment has been submitted for consideration and the factors Hacking and Paterson will keep GK updated. It is hoped that once this equipment has been removed that it may be installed in Shanks Park. The Community Offenders Team and Environmental Services have also been consulted for possible assistance.


The groups and individuals that have played in the bandstand have been well received. Austin:Smith Lord, consultants for the refurbishment of the bandstand have informed GK that tenders were being sought from the end of January with work commencing by the end of February 2010.

The Centre Youth Club

Funding for both clubs has now reached £13,668 which should cover the purchase of more equipment and running costs until 31 March 2011. The bulk of this money (£10,000) was received with grateful thanks from Awards for All Scotland and (£1,000) from The Community Chest, both of these awards have to be spent by the end of 2010. Other monies received will cover the costs for the period January - March 2010.

GK would like to take this opportunity to thank Community Policing Inspector, John Laing, who acted as our independent referee for our ‘Awards for All’ application.

Attendance for the last two Friday Club nights had an attendance of 46 and 45 respectively. WD reported that the Younger Club had been well entertained with drama sessions and a bouncy castle. Staff are now beginning to build relationships with the children which will encourage social skills and a sense of community. The paid staff are all vetted through Disclosure Scotland. Volunteers, with the exception of WD, have not stayed and have been found to be unreliable.

Although the staff are paid, the owners of Wean’s World where the youth clubs meet, currently donate the services of the premises. It is not possible to replicate this structure elsewhere and the Centre Youth Club provides the lowest cost per child in the area when compared to similar youth clubs.

Mobile Football and Youth Bus

GK has written to Mr David Martin expressing displeasure with the present provision of diversionary tactics for children in Johnstone Town Centre. This letter has been copied to members of JCC and to local elected members. There is good work being carried out elsewhere in Johnstone, but the lack of suitable premises in Johnstone Town Centre continues to be a major setback to progress.

There has also been difficulty in finding out the dates and locations of the Youth Bus and Mobile Football Pitch. There are no public toilet facilities and the targeted children are in other areas. There are no suitable buildings in which to play football as the ceilings are too low. Several locations have been suggested e.g. premises above Somerfield, but no suitable venue has been found. GK felt that Renfrewshire Council should take responsibility for providing facilities for the children.

TMcG stated that the LAC was not aware of when the pitch was available and suggested that information could be put on a directory. Cllr McFee suggested that the information could be online and that a competition could be run to get a young person to design the layout and a prize would be given. WD suggested the ‘What’s On’ feature run by Radio Clyde where information can be broadcast on the radio and put on to their website. The issue of school lets was also raised as the costs are too high and prohibit many people from making use of them. A visitor stated that Johnstone High Parish Church runs many different clubs including youth organisations. There are many organisations in Johnstone run by volunteers catering for young and old and for those with disabilities.

Swimming Pool proposals

A proposal had been put to Renfrewshire Council with regards to Johnstone Swimming Pool as a separate project and not part of the refurbishment of Johnstone Town Centre. Cllr McFee had said that it was now out of time and that the Capital budget for the project had been passed since it was over 7 months. The project was now going to tender. DL questioned this as the new proposal could save the Council £1m. Cllr McFee stated that the savings stated had not been tested and there was no revenue forecast.

The JCC reiterated that it’s remit was to save the baths in their current location for the people of Johnstone and will continue to fight the Council on this decision regardless of whether or not the current proposal put by Ian McNaught is accepted. If the JCC had been given all of the relevant information in June 09 when the Council’s proposal was first aired then an alternative proposal could have been properly researched and consulted upon. The Council’s persistence in not passing on information has led the JCC to make the alternative proposal without the required financial forecast.

A question was raised by a visitor regarding the current finances and whether or not the money for whole regeneration of Johnstone Town Centre would still be available considering the cutbacks being made in other areas such as the Health Service. Cllr McFee stated that Councils can borrow money and along with the sale of assets the money would be available for the regeneration project. Cllr McFee also stated that the pools cannot close until the new facilities were in place. The proposed new pools at the Johnstone Hub and at Linwood would be more efficient and would save on running costs which is currently a £3.5m subsidy to Renfrewshire Leisure each year.

A visitor commented upon the sham consultation which took place last year. The councillors are there to serve their constituents not to dictate to them. Removing the pool from the centre of Johnstone will affect the town centre and amounts to political gerrymandering.

Cllr McFee stated that the decision taken in June 09 was made because there was no alternative on the table to consider. He stated that this was positive planning and the biggest leisure investment for Johnstone and would be attractive and competitive.

GK stated that since June 09 was the first that anyone had heard of the proposal then the current proposal put by the JCC should still be on the table. The JCC does not support the removal of the pool from Johnstone Town Centre.

A visitor asked a question regarding the membership fees since there will be less access at the Hub and whether or not the fees would reflect this. Cllr McFee stated that more public access has been negotiated and members of Renfrewshire Leisure can use any of the facilities not just those in Johnstone. Cllr McFee envisaged that by relocating the two pools any members lost would be more than made up by new members who may be attracted to the facilities.

EC asked what impact the construction of the Hub on the campus of Johnstone High School would have on the pupils considering they have only just moved back after being decanted for 18 months. Cllr McFee said that excavating the hill and removing the blaze pitch would not cause disruption for the pupils.

5 Planning Report

DL raised a question as to why planning permission had been granted for 3 single storey class 1 premises in Collier Street when there were so many empty units in the town. Cllr McFee stated this was only consent for use and that residents could still make objections on planning and licensing. Other businesses could also make objections.

DL was concerned about the changes in what was required in making an objection to planning permission. The person objecting must state why they are objecting, the reason for the objection and state their name and address within 21 days. It is up to the Board whether an objection is accepted outwith the 21 days.

An appeal system is in place if planning permission is refused and this involves members of the appeal procedure, members of the planning board and eventually Scottish Parliament court procedures.

DL referred to the sheet which had been circulated prior to the meeting which showed the traffic flow for the duration of the planned work on the Sewage system. The work is due to last for 13 weeks and a temporary one-way system will be in operation. Increased parking restrictions will be enforced. The quality of work carried out in other streets was questioned as the finished quality of the road seemed to be poor. Cllr McFee stated that the contractors Scottish Water would be responsible for ensuring that the roads were reinstated properly.

6. Treasurer’s Report

The current balance for JCC is £13,580.84

Recent expenditure included

£5,825.25 –from Renfrewshire Council which paid for 15 police/retail link radios

£2,314 - Weans World

£180 - Music for bandstand

The Treasurer sought permission from the members to get access for Internet banking which would allow him to get up to date balances and order cheque books but not to carry out any banking activities. The members gave permission for Internet banking.

7. Secretary’s Report

A letter of thanks has been sent to Morrison’s Supermarket for the Bag Pack.

A letter of appreciation has been sent to Strathclyde Police regarding the excellent efforts of Community PC Craig Riddell.

Music in Houston Square

Thanks go to The Johnstone Band,The Kilbarchan Pipe Band (raising funds for St.Vincent’s Hospice) C.C. Pamela Higginson (who raised £100 for charity), and Jamie McArthur and friends (Children in Need).

Funding bid to Renfrewshire Environmental Trust

Johnstone Railway Station

A bid has been submitted for £500 to provide planters, compost and summer bedding plants for use by Mr Steve McIntosh and his small group of volunteers who have already made such an improvement by transforming the gardens and platform planters at Johnstone Railway Station.

Graffiti Issues - Mr Russell McCutcheon (Ammenity Services Manager)

The responsibility for removing graffiti has recently been taken over by Mr Russell McCutcheon within the Environmental Services Group. This is undergoing a review along with other services which should lead to an improved and more efficient use of resources. Areas identified by the JCC for graffiti removal will be targeted soon.


WRC, Floors Street. Planning permission has been submitted for sheds to house the recyclable material but it was unsure at this time whether the sheds would have walls to conceal the unsightly material.

Margaret Lavery (visitor) reported that Mr Steve McIntosh had been short listed for a Provost Community Award. Mr McIntosh and his 3 volunteers have been responsible for the gardens and planters at Johnstone Railway Station. Comments have been made by people travelling on the train to the improvements made. North Road RTA have also supported Mr McIntosh with a donation of plants.

Mrs Lavery also proposed that a memorial to the late Gordon McMaster MP should be erected at the station.

DL raised the issue of substitutes for the LAC extraordinary meeting held in January not receiving the notification and papers for the meeting.

EC raised the issue of rats being reported on the path from Cochrane Castle to Tower Road. This coincides with the opening of a food outlet on the Beith Road.

Marjory Parker raised the issue of the same potholes having to be repaired several times and requests that they should be inspected. Cllr McFee responded that a charge is made for inspecting a percentage of potholes. The Council now has a machine that digs, fills and seals the potholes all in one go. This should prevent the problem recurring.

The issue of recycling bins not being taken back in and lying out in the street for days causing an obstruction. Environmental Services - Karen Anderson needs to be contacted to address the problem.

EC - The residents of Cochrane Castle were not notified about the change of dates for uplift during the festive period as leaflets had not been delivered.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday,

February 25th 2010 at 6.30pm.

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