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November 26th 2009 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday November 26th. at 6.30pm in Johnstone Town Hall.


Robert Campbell, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Chris Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Gladys Marchbank, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors (Ward 7) – John Caldwell and John Hood.

(Ward 8) –Bruce McFee.

There were 6 observers present.

1. Apologies

Rosalyn Gilmour, Rachel Goold, Stewart Clark and Ewan Finlay.

Councillors Tracie McGee, Iain McMillan, David Arthur and Neil Bibby.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by Gladys Marchbank

Seconded by Isabella Wishart

3. Matters Arising

Resulting from the resignation of Ewan Finlay as Vice Chairman a vacancy required to be filled. It was announced that Dennis Lavery had agreed to stand for the position.

Proposed by Valerie Reilly

Seconded by Gladys Marchbank

Dennis Lavery was returned unopposed.

3.1 Sub Group Reports


JCC had been invited to a meeting with Ian Hamilton, the Head of the Roads department, and Brookfield CC. Discussions included the sequencing of traffic lights between Brookfield and Johnstone which were still not phased correctly and the possibility of the provision of extra slip roads.

It was noted that a planning application had been lodged regarding the infill of Kilbarchan Quarry which might imply increased lorry traffic through either Kilbarchan or Brookfield. Cllr McFee explained that this work was already being undertaken and this application was asking for a continuance, therefore no extra traffic should be expected. An environmental impact study was being undertaken and if the application was granted it might mean the quarry would be in operation for another 20 years.

Gully cleaning had now been programmed for Johnstone and was scheduled for February 2010. It was pointed out that there was a particularly bad problem at the corner beside Delectables.

The decriminalisation of parking offences means that the Renfrewshire Wardens will absorb the duties of traffic wardens and the fines would now accrue to the local authority rather than the Crown.

Problems of the flouting of the yellow box at the McDowall/High Street junction were noted and that these were generally being caused by the poor sequencing of the lights.

GK voiced the feeling that no-one in Johnstone wanted parking metres brought in. What was required was a through flow of traffic and that the areas closest to the shops need short term (20mins?) parking with no immediate return.

CG noted that the current off-street parking needed better signposting but that improvement was dependent on actual enforcement of the regulations.

GK reported that flooding work in the Arcade was now almost complete, but the flooding at the top end of the Somerfield car park was still not resolved.


GK reported that the emphasis was still being placed on restoration at Shanks Park and noted that LAC money may be available in the future.

Cllr McFee stated that £10,000 had been set aside for Spateston which was conditional on them raising other funding. JCC would need to be quick off the mark to secure any funding for Shanks Park.

There has been a costing by Environmental Services of £60,000 for work at Shanks Park – it was queried whether this would cover renewal of pathways.

Cllr Hood noted that the figure covered play equipment, extra trees and fencing but not paths.

GK appealed for extra members of the Playparks sub-group to help share the workload.

DL enquired whether benches could be provided for the park through donations from members of the public who wished to create memorials?

Cllr McFee said this would be possible as long as there was consultation with appropriate officials as to the suitability of the benches.

GM asked if local companies could sponsor benches?

Cllr McFee replied that this was another possibility along with sponsorship of play equipment.

Band Stand and War Memorial

CG reported that a survey had just taken place at the band stand and improvements were to be priced.

£1,500 has been granted by the LAC to put on more music in the band stand.

3.2 Johnstone Town Centre Youth Projects

The Centre Youth Clubs

GK reported continuing success with 31 children attending one of the junior section evenings.

A funding request had been made to the the LAC to fund the clubs until the end of September 2010. However, if our application to ‘Awards for All’ is successful we will withdraw this request.

The Morrison’s bag pack raised £668. Thanks were recorded to all participants including one parent and child from the youth club.

A Halloween party had been held and a Christmas partiy is being provided for the younger section, additionally drama sessions will be introduced for this group.

Cllr McFee asked for a one year budget covering both sections. GK agreed to provide this.

Mobile Football and Youth Bus

This provision continues until December – what happens after that is currently unclear. It was stated that Johnstone needs an indoor games hall somewhere in the town centre.

GK noted that community officer PC Craig Riddell, who had been immensely helpful over the youth club projects, has now moved on from Johnstone. We owe him a huge vote of thanks.

CG suggested a formal letter of thanks should be sent to his senior officer.

3.3 Swimming Pool Proposals

Through the efforts of Ian McNaught, JCC put forward its own alternative proposals for replacing the Johnstone Swimming Pool on its current site.

He presented a PowerPoint showing a building with a six lane swimming pool plus a splash pool, a fitness suite, a dance studio, a games hall which can all be accommodated on the existing town centre site and under the budget proposed for the new pool at Johnstone High at £4.9million (only additional costs would be for asbestos removal should the substance be found during demolition).

Cllr McFee asked whether changes in internal configuration would have cost implications. IMcN replied that there would be no change.

Cllr McFee said that he was impressed with the proposal and would take it to the council officials.

CG thanked IMcN for presenting and Cllr McFee for listening to the proposal. The CC will revisit this subject at the January meeting.

4. Planning report

Due to work commitments Ewan Finlay has given up the planning remit. DL agreed to take on the role of checking planning applications.

GK reported that there were two proposals of particular note that were currently pending. Kilbarchan Quarry had already been discussed.

An application had also been submitted for a building to hide the plastic waste at Floors Street. It was suggested that the CC might write to the company to suggest hedging to further screen the waste plastic from view.

5. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported that £2,000 had been received from Elderslie Kirk as a contribution to the funding of the youth club.

The Bank balance stood at £4,421.95, but the bag pack money had not yet been paid in and money was due to be paid out for the youth club.

6. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that the Remembrance Ceremony on 8th November had been well attended on a lovely day. Wilma Dean had laid the CC wreath and the refurbished war memorial had been much appreciated.

The Police/shop radio link had received £5,825.25 funding from Renfrewshire Council. A relaunch ceremony would be held on Tuesday 1st December in Johnstone Town Hall at 10.00am.

Funding of £1500 to continue playing Music in the Square had been received from Johnstone and the Villages L.A.C. the next event feature The Johnstone Band on 12thDecember.

IMcN had been investigating the projected open mic night for Johnstone talent and reported that we could have a three hour let in the Main Hall of JTH on 5th or 12th February for £144.

The Festive Lights switch on had been very successful and the new lights were a vast improvement on those put up in 2008. However, some CC members did express a wish for more colour in the lights.


Elizabeth Cosgrove and DL had attended a meeting with MPs and MSPs. This had mainly consisted of a question and answer session and not much had been discussed that would affect JCC.

There followed some discussion about the LAC and accusations of bias towards JCC. The Cllrs all pointed out that the smaller areas were not putting forward projects.

GM asked whether there had been any progress with the roads problems. GK replied that there had been contact with Scott Allan and that work on the roads would be progressive. However, he agreed to ask for another meeting.

GK reported that Johnstone may be the winner of a Nokia competition to bring Lapland to the town. This still had to be confirmed.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm. CG noted that this was the last CC meeting of 2009 and wished everyone a happy Christmas and New Year.

The next meeting will be held at Johnstone Town Hall on Thursday, January 28th 2010 at 6.30pm.

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