May 28th 2009 Agenda
Agenda for the ordinary meeting in Cochrane Castle Community Hall
Thursday 28th.May 2009 at 6.30 p.m.
1. Apologies.
2. Minutes.
3. Co – option of new member
4 Talk on environmental service issues.
5.Talk on the C.C.T.V. System.
6. Matters arising.
6.1 Interim Review Environmental Wardens Service.
6.2 Sub Group reports.
Band stand and War Memorial.
6.3 Town Centre walkabout progress report.
6.4 JohnstoneTown Centre Youth Projects.
The Centre Youth Club.
Football in Houston Square.
6.5 Graffiti cleaning.
7. Planning report.
8. Treasurer report.
9. Secretary report .
Renfrewire Community Council Forum meeting.
Johnstone Festival volunteers.
Summer music in Houston Square.
Date and time of next meeting.
Thursday 25th.June 2009 at 6.30p.m.