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April 30th 2009 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 30th April 2009 at 6.30pm in Cochrane Castle Community Hall.


Robert Campbell, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Ewan Finlay, Chris Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Carol McKenzie, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly and Hugh Thomson.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors Bibby, Caldwell, Hood, McFee, McGee and McMillan.

Representatives of Cochrane Castle Tenants and Residents Association: M. Tennant and S. King.

1. Apologies

Stewart Clark, Isabella Wishart, John Waters and Rosalyn Gilmour.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Dennis Lavery

3. Matters Arising

3.1 George Kennedy reported that the Environmental Wardens are now doing considerable work on anti-social behaviour since the CCTV vans have been introduced. It is hoped that the wardens will be added to the Shoplink Radio scheme.

Elizabeth Cosgrove asked if the wardens might be able to deal with school truants?

Cllr. McFee replied that they could, but that the more tasks they are asked to take on will dilute their efforts.

Cllr McMillan added that people in areas which formerly had dedicated Wardens were not happy with the patrolling system, but that on the whole the feedback seems to be positive.

3.2 Sub-Group reports

Dennis Lavery reported that the Roads sub-group had undertaken a walk-round with two Council officers, pointing out examples of poor road markings and junctions as well as other problems such as information boards, kerb stones, choked drains and bins in front of shops. He had been told that more potholes are scheduled to be filled. Other discussions had covered lighting in the Somerfield Arcade, salt bins for ice and snow conditions and the presence of rats in Ludovic Square.

EC raised the problems of pedestrians crossing the High Street.

GK agreed to write to the Council about the rat problem.

Chris Gilmour reported that the Bandstand was currently being repainted which will help with preservation in the short term.

He further reported that a meeting with Ruth Cooper, re. funding for renovation of the War memorial had been arranged for 1st May and that he would report back to the next CC meeting.

Cllr. Hood asked the CC to look at getting the names of Johnstone’s Fallen added to the Memorial as part of the renovation. Ewan Finlay added that John Kenny had been doing research on the names so the situation was already beginning to be addressed.

It was also noted that some measures would need to be taken to discourage skateboarders using the War Memorial.

Carol McKenzie reported that she and Wilma Dean had undertaken some site visits and put together a paper addressing some of the issues that it was hoped the CC could address.

The Paper looked at various playparks, assessing what facilities were available and what condition they were in. The sub-group had also consulted with a range of local mothers and that the feedback had not been very good. They had also been in touch with Ruth Cooper about possible sources of funding.

A discussion ensued covering current provision of playparks and what might be required. This included the fact that residents often don’t want a playpark close to their homes because of potential anti-social behaviour, yet the parks need to be in positions where they can be overlooked as a measure of protection for the children using them.

GK congratulated CMcK and WD on the work they had done. CG asked whether there was agreement that the CC would support the idea of refurbishing Johnstone’s playparks.

It was decided that the sub-group would continue to work on this and would take up the suggestions offered for further contacts that might be able to assist.

3.3 GK reported that there had been some improvements in the Town centre, but that there were things still needing attention. The next walkabout was scheduled for 13th May, and that Andy Summers had agreed to come to the next CC meeting to talk about the Renfrewshire Council Cleaning Award and the Street Scene project.

3.4 GK noted that the West Johnstone Campus Wednesday and Friday clubs were going well. The Centre Youth Club numbers were slightly down but it too was going well. Additionally there had been a donation of £250 from Johnstone Rotary Club. A letter of thanks would be sent.

Football in Houston Square had started at the end of April and will run for a total of 12 Saturdays from 7.00 to 8.30pm.

3.5 GK reported that he had been chasing graffiti removal in two areas in particular: the Leisure Centre sign and a wall in Graham Street.

4. Planning Report

EF reported that there had been an application for an illuminated sign for Globe Bingo.

It was noted that rumours were circulating about the Bird in the Hand site. Cllr. Hood confirmed that it had indeed been bought from the liquidators.

5. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that, as of 20th April, the CC funds at the bank stood at £5,643.32.

A sum of £40 has been paid to the Johnstone Festival Committee.

6. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that letters of thanks had been sent to John Adams (for donating angle iron for the netting at the Youth Club) and to Bruce McFee (for spending a day assisting in the erection of the netting).

“Get Involved” booklets and posters publicising the work of Community Councils were distributed.

There was an interest in knowing more about the working of the CCTV scheme. GK would ask Amanda Moulson to attend a CC meeting.

On the Arcade, GK reported that Rosemount had agreed to refurbish the canopies on condition that a contract for maintenance could be arranged.

GK had received an assurance that the problems in the car park would be addressed by a tender currently being drawn up, with the work scheduled for the autumn.

Prices have been received for stand-alone toilets.

The clarification requested at the March meeting had been received from Environmental Services. If dog waste is properly bagged, it is in order to deposit it in normal waste bins where no dog-waste bins are available.

It was reported that Renfrewshire Council have issued an order that the Paton’s Mill building be made safe.

An invitation to the Renfrewshire Safety Panel was tabled.

ASCC membership and the CC’s insurance have been renewed. A query about remunerating groups for providing music in Houston Square can be resolved through the expedient of providing donations rather than payments.


Ian McNaught is interested in the CC fostering entrepreneurship amongst the young people of Johnstone, as the commercial future of the town will probably be in the hands of small businesses. We should speak to schools to see how we can assist.

Cllrs. McMillan, Bibby and McFee all spoke in support of such an initiative.

It was agreed that IMcN would write to schools, on behalf of JCC, outlining his ideas.

CG noted that volunteers would still be welcomed to help at Johnstone Festival. Two stalls have been booked for the CC and books were needed for the book stall. GK will collect these together.

GK noted that no music had yet been booked for Houston Square but it was still hoped to commence in June.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.

The next meeting will be held at Cochrane Castle Community Hall on Thursday 28th May 2009.

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