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March 26th 2009 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 26th March 2009 at 6.30pm in Cochrane Castle Community Hall.


Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Ewan Finlay, Chris Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Dennis Lavery, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly, and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors Caldwell, McFee, McGee and McMillan. Police Constables Graeme Holmes and Richard Thomson.

1. Apologies

Wilma Dean, Hugh Thomson, Carol McKenzie and Councillors Bibby, Arthur and Hood.

As Chris Gilmour had phoned to say that he was delayed Ewan Finlay took the chair.

2. Minutes

Dennis Lavery pointed out that the minutes of the January meeting had been recorded as being seconded by Ewan Findlay who had not in fact been present at the meeting. Elizabeth Cosgrove agreed to second the January minutes in his place.

David Higginson also noted that the figure in the Treasurer’s report should have read £2191.03 (not £2191.06)

With these provisos the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson.

Seconded by Robert Campbell.

3. Matters Arising

Ewan Finlay invited the Community police representatives to address the meeting.

Constable Holmes informed the meeting that he and Constable Thomson covered Wards 8 and 7 which stretch from the Thorn to Lochwinnoch and Howwood.

He read out some crime statistics covering the past year:-

Reported crimes overall down 40%

Crimes of violence down 9%


Domestic premises up 10%

Garages and garden buildings up 25%

Vehicle crimes up 26%

Crimes of dishonesty overall down 27%

He went on to say that a large number of reported crimes were vandalism most of which went undetected because they were mainly motiveless and with no witnesses. A newly introduced vandalism strategy means that most of these crimes will now be handed to the community police officers who know the local youths well.

Cl. McFee asked whether the vandalism statistics include crimes of fire-raising.

PC Holmes replied that these were in a separate category.

EF asked whether the new Youth Club was having any effect. PC Holmes said that it was helpful, but that it was often the case that those who caused the most trouble were not interested in such organisations.

There was some discussion about the trouble caused in the town by alcohol – PC Holmes stated that 80% of the crime on Friday and Saturday evenings was due to the misuse of alcohol. He added that there had been some test purchase operations but that there were many problems involved in catching those involved and proving the offence.

Cl. McMillan said there were concerns about the stringencies of retailer checks when making take-away deliveries that included alcohol.

George Kennedy thanked PC Holmes and all the community police for all their efforts on our behalf.

GK reported that a letter had been received from the new Police Divisional Commander, Paul Main, stating that Community Police officers would attend as many Community Council meetings as possible, but that it would be appreciated if their reports could be the first agenda item so that they could be released back to their normal duties as quickly as possible.

PC Holmes also outlined how the new shift patterns would result in there being 55 PCs covering the area by June with the majority being on shift at the times of most need.

However, PC Holmes did point out that the new system of priority given to reacting to calls means that there may be less time available for crime prevention efforts.

Cl. McFee asked whether the new systems for the reduction of paperwork were working? PC Holmes replied that it was, but only to a limited extent.

Pamela Higginson asked about the crimes that have increased and whether this was linked to the credit crunch? PC Holmes thought not so far but that it was a possibility as people began to find things harder.

EF asked whether there were ways in which the Community Council could help the police?

PC Holmes replied that the radio shop alert system was already proving very helpful.

Cl. McFee asked whether there would be any advantage to extending the system.

PC Holmes replied the more access to the system the better.

It was agreed that the Community Council would look into whether we could access funding for extra radios with a view to a possible extension of the system to licensed premises, council premises and the Renfrewshire Wardens.

Chris Gilmour, having just arrived, took over the chair.

Returning to the previous minutes, Dennis Lavery asked why did the bandstand project need £12,000; surely there should be Council Officers who could do the work?

Cl. McFee agreed that there could be potential for this, but that the money was set aside if required.

3.1 GK noted that the warden services CCTV van had been noted around the area and that this was a step forward giving the opportunity to record incidents.

It was reported that there was to be a review of the Traffic Warden Service.

Cl. McFee explained that the proposal was to move the service from the control of the Police to Local Authority. In effect this would mean that the revenues they create would no longer go to the Crown, they could be asked to do other related duties such as directing people and their duties could be targeted according to the perceived needs of the local people.

3.2 Sub-group reports.

Roads: GK reported that incorrect road markings at the foot of MacDowall Street had now been rectified and that gully cleaning had been seen to be done.

There has been an agreement that the Houston Court car park will receive attention. There will be a Walkabout with officials from the Roads Department at a date to be arranged in late April.

CG reported that the light sequence at Millbrae was still not working correctly.

There was some discussion of how increased train usage could be encouraged – with a suggestion of park and ride facilities at Milliken Park. Cl. McMillan replied that there was not a large area of land available at Milliken Park, but a greater disincentive at the moment was that fewer trains stop there.

Cl. McFee added that there should also be an aim of achieving through ticketing from entering the public transport system to destination whether travelling by bus or rail.

At this point Cl. McFee gave his apologies as he had to leave the meeting.

Bandstand and War Memorial: CG reported that he and GK had spoken to the newly appointed RC External Funding Officer who is going to try and find possible sources of external funding for these projects.

It was agreed that we should try and achieve the work on the War Memorial during 2009, but that the bandstand, which needs more work, should be a longer-term project.

Playparks: GK reported that he; Wilma Dean and Carole McKenzie have had some discussions and have carried out some survey work with photographs, particularly re. Shanks Park. A detailed report will be prepared for the next CC meeting.

3.3 GK reported on progress of work in the Town Centre. Litter in the Town Hall car park will be attended to.

Somerfield have paid for extra anti-pigeon spiking to be installed.

Campbell Street rail bridge has an ongoing pigeon problem which is difficult to address because of the unusual form of this bridge.

Dog fouling in Boat Road is being tackled – it is being machine-cleaned on an occasional basis and a dog bin is to be installed.

EF reported that people seem to be using ordinary litter bins when dog bins are not available. Cl. McMillan said that he thought this was unacceptable.

When asked, Renfrewshire Wardens had said this could be done.

This is a situation that needs to be clarified.

3.4 Johnstone Centre Youth Project.

GK reported that the Youth Club has still to be named. On an average Friday night 25 10-16 year olds are attending.

The end of March will be the last night for the Youth Bus to be in Houston Square before moving on to Linwood. However, the St Mirren FC mobile football pitch will be attending on Friday evenings for an as yet undecided period of weeks and that CLAD would be coming back on Sat. Nights fromthe start of May. There will be a need for 2 able-bodied volunteers every Saturday evening for putting up and dismantling.

The West Johnstone campus evenings on Wednesdays and Fridays are proving very successful.

GK reported that his Disclosure forms have been handed in. There will be a £20 fee to register the CC and thereafter there will be no charge. However, the CC may need to spend some money to get the Youth Club staff Disclosed.

CG registered the thanks of the CC to GK for all his hard work in this area.

3.5 Police report – already dealt with.

3.6 Graffiti cleaning. GK reported that he had seen some falling into the worst category on the play equipment at Shanks Park which would be reported for priority removal

4. Planning Report

EF reported that there were no applications that required attention.

DL queried work at the Lynhurst.

Paton’s Mill was also causing concern with another fire. Cl. McMillan asked to check on what powers of enforcement the Council has with regard to Listed Buildings.

5. Treasurer’s Report

DH reported that £5986 had been received to fund the Youth Club.

6. Secretary’s Report

GK reported that he had received a letter of clarification re the new Polling Station replacing St David’s. It stated that the new station would be sited in the neutral learning centre area within the school. This would not affect the operation of either school community, meaning that there would no longer be a need to close the school to the pupils on polling days.

Gk reported that he had supplied plants to Steven McIntosh who had taken on board the servicing of flower tubs etc. at Johnstone Station and had received a thank you card. GK further noted that he had made a Community Council application for £50 funding for bedding plants from a small environmental grants scheme.

It was noted that the Community Service offenders group had done a lot of work in the area around Cochrane Castle Community Centre. It was suggested that the CC should apply for another small environmental grant to do some landscaping behind the Centre.

DL suggested some sort of community garden which would help to create a feeling of ownership within the community.

Cl. McGee pointed out that any plans would need sensitive community consultation.

GK agreed to talk to the landowner about the suggestions.

Elizabeth Cosgrove agreed to raise the point at the next Tenants Association meeting.


CG brought up the subject of Johnstone Festival, mentioning that there was a need for new committee members to help organise this event which helps to promote the sociable aspects of Johnstone.

Help is also required on the day – 30th May.

It was agreed that the CC would organise two stalls.

GK asked for second hand books for the stalls – and offered to collect them if necessary.

DL brought up the subject of the utility companies and road works. It was noted that sometimes holes are not filled and barriers removed for weeks, or even months, after the actual work has been completed.

Cl. McMillan stated that RC has officials with a remit to liaise with the utilities, therefore any problems should be reported to the Roads department.

DL asked why the LAC is giving away small sums of money to various groups when there are so many other problems – such as the lack of public toilets in Johnstone – which need to be addressed.

Cl. McMillan replied that the monies come from different budgets and that he supported the positive effects that the LAC disbursements are achieving.

CG reported that he had spent the day at Holyrood and that the Scottish Gvt. may soon pass Town Centre Regeneration measures which may allow access to funding for toilets.

GK noted that The Gazette (issue dated 25 03 09) had printed a good article about the CC’s involvement in the clean-up of the Town Centre and in particular the agreement reached with roads to carry out flood prevention work in the near future.

It was agreed that we should get them to do something on the Youth Club.

Gk reported that he had spoken to a number of possible providers for music at the bandstand over the summer. However, further contacts would be welcomed.

It was agreed that we should aim for 12 consecutive Saturday mornings with each session lasting from 11am to 1pm (regarded as the busiest time for the area).

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

The next meeting will be held at Cochrane Castle Community Hall on Thursday 30th April 2009.

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