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February 26th 2009 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 26th February 2009 at 6.30pm in Cochrane Castle Community Hall.


Robert Campbell, Stewart Clark, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Wilma Dean, Ewan Finlay, Chris Gilmour, Rosalyn Gilmour, David Higginson, Pamela Higginson, George Kennedy, Carol McKenzie, Ian McNaught, Valerie Reilly, John Waters and Isabella Wishart.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors Bibby, Caldwell, Hood, McFee, McGhee and McMillan.

Renfrewshire Council official Anne McNaughton.

1. Apologies

Dennis Lavery, Hugh Thomson and Cllr. Arthur.

2. Minutes

Cllr McFee noted that the figure of £148m given in the previous minutes was incorrect.

He also noted that council house automatic evictions were specifically for those convicted of drug dealing offences. John Waters asked what happened in the case of other offenders? Both Cllrs. McFee and McMillan explained that it was very difficult to evict a tenant, and even when the Council presented a case for eviction the Sheriff would often refuse.

With these amendments the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Ewan Finlay

3. Matters Arising

It was suggested that someone from the organisation ‘Assist’ should be invited along to talk to a CC meeting.

Elizabeth Cosgrove asked why the new Polling Station was described as being sited in St David’s New Primary School and that surely the designation should be Johnstone Shared Campus? The Cllrs. present agreed to look at this matter.

Anne McNaughton was welcomed to the meeting and a vote of thanks to her was proposed for her assistance in getting the new JCC up and running.

The co-option of two new CCs was announced.

Rosalyn Gilmour introduced herself and said that she was looking forward to working with everyone.

Ian McNaught arrived a little later when he said that his particular interest was the future of Johnstone for the youth of the town.

3.1 Up-to-date figures were given for penalty notices issued by the Wardens. Of 158 issued 122 were for littering and 36 for dog fouling (of which 7 were in the Johnstone area). It was also reported that of around 1000 calls to the service about a quarter were from the Johnstone area. Work was also being done with schools on littering.

George Kennedy noted a news report on the East Renfrewshire scheme where Wardens have been trained to investigate noise nuisance and do security checks on Council property.

JW asked was this not turning into a second police force which should be stopped. He also complained that the Wardens were never seen in Maple Drive which was badly dog fouled. He proposed a motion of no confidence in the Warden Scheme. This failed due to lack of a seconder.

GK commented that the scheme was still very new and needed to be given a chance.

3.2 The Local Area Committee meeting had produced very good results and GK thanked the Cllrs who had voted money to our projects.

The Council have set aside £12,000 to fund a feasibility study on the restoration of the Bandstand. It was suggested that a ‘Friends of Johnstone Bandstand’ organisation should be set up to apply for lottery funding etc.

Cllr. McMillan spoke in favour of work on this focal point for the people of the town and visitors alike.

It was noted that JCC now has three sub-groups

A) Roads- EF,DL,IW and EC

B) War Memorial – CG, SC, DL, and VR.

C) Parks – WD, CMcK and GK.

Cllr McFee suggested that the Parks group should meet with the Kilbarchan BOP Group who have been very successful in sourcing funding.

3.3 GK reported that the only room in Johnstone Town Hall suitable for our meetings is the Coffee Lounge, and it was hoped that we would be able to hold our meetings there from August onwards.

3.4 GK reported on a follow-up walk about the town centre with Andy Summers of Environmental Services. Areas of litter were highlighted as was the dog fouling problem in Boat Road. Summer planting was discussed and it was noted that the shrubbery had now been cut back in both public squares as well as in other areas of the town.

GK suggested that cutting back should actually be done in autumn as this would allow for less wind-blown litter to be caught up.

EC pointed out that the way shrubs were being cut meant that sharp branches were often being left at the level of small children’s faces.

Ewan Finlay noted that litter beside the Spateston shops was not being cleared. Cllr McMillan replied that it has been reported to Env. Serv. to attend to it.

CMcK added that the community offenders’ team would be in the area and could tackle it.

Cllr McFee suggested that the problem should be approached differently with RC supporting schools in community clear-up schemes.

Cllr McMillan agreed that catching them young should be a priority and cited a scheme at Wallace Primary. He also highlighted the actual number of schoolchildren in the area at lunchtime whilst Johnstone High is decanted there.

Cllr Hood noted that Howwood CC have a weekend litter clean and wondered if JCC should do the same? RC can provide equipment for such schemes.

EC pointed out H&S problems because of dangerous litter like needles.

GK asked to be informed of areas that community offenders could be set to tackle.

3.5 CG reported that the Johnstone Town centre Youth Project was a success story.

GK proposed thanks to all our elected members for their continuing support and for voting £6,000 of funding.

The Youth Club had its first meeting on Friday 20th Feb. with 23 children aged between 10 and 16. Some equipment was provided for the first meeting but more will be added when the new money comes through. The Club is now fully funded up to 3rd April 2010.

Thanks were also expressed to Weans World who are supplying the premises.

The children are to be given the opportunity to name the club themselves.

GK also reported that the Youth Bus and Football Field are still well attended.

EF added that he was encouraging the local Rotary Club to help.

Support has been received from Morrison’s who have provided tuck and will give the opportunity for a bag-packing day to raise funds.

There might be a case for charging the children a nominal 50p/night to raise funds for outings.

It was suggested that a list of resources and contacts should be put together for the local area.

3.6 CG reported on the meeting that had taken place with Ian Hamilton of the Roads dept. JCC had presented evidence of poor pavements, potholes, traffic management problems and derelict buildings blighting Johnstone and put forward some of our ideas. Long discussions had been minuted and these minutes will be passed to JCC members when available.

GK said he hoped for outcomes from this meeting and would pursue this subject.

CMcK noted that the officials had been ‘a bit dismissive’ and we would need to keep at them.

CMcK added that officials were proposing parking metres for Johnstone in a bid to alleviate traffic problems.

Cllr McFee disagreed that metres would help and added that traffic calming measures were actually causing problems.

Cllr McMillan said he was totally opposed to metres as Johnstone is well provided with spaces except at the station where more parking is required.

CMcK wanted sustainability in travel issues.

EC suggested double yellow lines would help.

JW suggested concreting Ludovic Square for parking – a suggestion which gained no support. Robert Campbell pointed out that the Squares had been gifted to the town as open spaces and couldn’t be touched.

GK noted that the completion of Morrison’s should have led to a ‘green wave’ system to promote traffic flow. This has still to be implemented and should help considerably.

Cllr. Bibby wanted to know which issues the officials had been dismissive of.

CG reported that there will be no pavement restoration, and that while some roads will be patched there will be no major resurfacing in Johnstone.

GK added that we need to see the minutes and what outcomes there are before further action.

Cllr McFee noted that money is always the limiting factor and that we need to set out our priorities for action.

3.7 EF reported that only two planning applications merit any concern.

Two semis have been proposed for Floorsburn Crescent.

Lawmarnoch Farm is applying for a wind turbine – it was not clear whether this was for private generation or as a precursor to a wind farm.

The application regarding the United Soldiers club is almost certainly speculative to increase the value of the land.

3.8 As already mentioned there were good results from the LAC meeting – with funding voted for various projects.

Many issues were discussed. Of particular interest was the Johnstone Town centre ‘comfort’ scheme. This will remain on the agenda.

GK reported that the old toilets area is now attracting crime, but the police seem reluctant to make it the subject of a standing complaint.

3.9 GK reported that lots of graffiti has been removed but that we are now having to push to get them to attend. Info on graffiti will continue to be channelled to the squad.

Cllr. McFee noted that the Graffiti Squad can now work on private property with permission, and that racially abusive or offensive graffiti are always prioritised.

The question arose as to whether we should have an area where we could encourage ‘artwork’?

CMcK said she knew of schemes elsewhere that had been seen to improve areas.

Cllr Hood reported that a scheme in Johnstone Castle had stopped graffiti, but had attracted complaints from local residents.

GK noted that shopkeepers must be urged to move spray cans to areas within their shops where they could not easily be shoplifted.

4. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported that cash-in-hand and at the bank totalled £2,191.06.

Various expenses had been paid out to Weans World, Stewart Clark and the Secretary.

CG commented that we had made very good use of our funds and that we were well aware that we are handling public money.

5. Secretary’s Report

GK reported on the launch of the Renfrewshire Community Plan.

There had also been a Renfrewshire CC Forum meeting.

GK further reported on the Kilbarchan Build Our Playground group.

Cllr McFee noted that they have managed to secure £165,000 of which they raised £23,000 locally. Once opened Renfrewshire Council will take over the maintenance of the playpark.


JW raised the question of the policing in the outlying schemes. He suggested that empty shop units would make good small police offices.

CG suggested writing to the police to see what their reaction is. Cllr McMillan reported that there had been a change of climate in the police and that they were now willing to send officers to community meetings.

It was also reported that the number of Community Police has been increased from 11 to 16.

Cllr Hood said that there were issues funding for safety equipment in getting police out on the street.

Cllr McFee reported that the local police station has record numbers of officers but that these new bodies will need time to settle in.

It was pointed out that putting police into empty shops may be defeating the purpose of getting them on the streets.

GK noted that two Community Police officers had attended the Youth Club meeting on the 20th.

GK agreed to write to the local police off to find out what contact there will be.

JW raised the issue of the impending change in bin collections. He said that people were not happy that there had been no public consultation, adding that a switch to fortnightly collections had not worked in East Dunbartonshire.

David Higginson said that fortnightly collections do work if full-sized recycling bins are provided.

Cllr. McFee explained that legislation requires RC to be recycling 40% of its waste by 2010 or the area will be subject to £1,250,000 in fines plus another £400,000 in landfill taxes. Currently the area is only reaching a 30.2% recycling rate. Urgent action is therefore required. The proposal is to replace the current blue and green recycling boxes with a recycling wheelie which will be emptied on alternate weeks to the general rubbish wheelie. Such schemes elsewhere have proved to increase recycling by as much as 80%. Tenemental properties will have communal facilities.

Publicity regarding the new scheme will be forthcoming shortly.

JW commented that much domestic recycled waste is currently being dumped. Cllr McFee noted that there is presently a problem with plastics because of the economic crisis.

Cllr Bibby commented that people should have been encouraged to recycle more in order to retain their weekly collections.

Cllr McFee replied that pilot schemes and partial solutions would have caused delays and rendered Renfrewshire more liable to being fined.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

The next meeting will be held at Cochrane Castle Community Hall on Thursday 26th March 2009.

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