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January 29th 2009 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 29th January 2009 at 6.30pm in Cochrane Castle Community Hall.


Robert Campbell, David Higginson, John Waters, Dennis Lavery, Hugh Thomson, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Isabella Wishart, Valerie Reilly, Chris Gilmour, George Kennedy, Wilma Dean, Stewart Clark, Carol McKenzie and Pamela Higginson.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors McFee and Hood.

1. Apologies

Ewan Finlay and Councillors Arthur, Bibby, McMillan, Caldwell and McGhee.

2. Minutes

Cllr McFee pointed out an amendment to section 3 of the minutes, in that the warden scheme is now funded from the General Account and not the Housing Account.

With that amendment the minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson

Seconded by Isabella Wishart

3. Co-option of New Members

Two new members were welcomed to the Community Council by Chris Gilmour. Carol McKenzie and Pamela Higginson each took a couple of minutes to introduce themselves to the meeting.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Each community Council member was given the opportunity to comment on their perceptions of the new Environmental Wardens Scheme. Various observations were made:-

A) That the scheme was of no use as the Wardens had no powers to address the anti-social behaviour still taking place. It was also said that they were not intervening when situations occur – they stay in their vehicles.

B) Why they are using private cars rather than the more visible warden vans used previously?

C) That they were a good deterrent in the town centre – particularly against shoplifters.

D) That not enough was being done to address dog fouling and that Hagg Crescent was still being badly affected.

E) That they were visible in the town centre, but there were some concerns that the Warden Service was not currently addressing. The wardens need direct, quick communications to the police – not mobile phones ringing in to the general police desk number. Wardens can supply useful intelligence to the police and this could perhaps best be achieved if wardens worked in one locality rather than moving around all Renfrewshire.

F) That they are mostly seen sitting in cafes and there is still a lot of broken glass and dog dirt where children play.

G) That they are not as visible now as in the first couple of weeks of the scheme and that dog fouling was still a problem in the Boat Road area.

H) That litter is still a serious problem.

Cllr. McFee commented that the wardens are not police and it is not their job to intervene in running fights. The question about cars needs to be looked into. The wardens do have a separate line to the police and don’t have to use the general number. As far as dog fouling is concerned we need to keep reporting it and it will be cleaned up. However, in the last three months 78 people have been fined for litter and dog fouling where none had been fined in the last 20 years. It is intended that wardens will work locally once the service beds in. He recommended that our observations should be reported to the head of the warden service.

Some further discussion took place with some feeling that the wardens were concentrating too much in the town centres and are seldom seen in the schemes or the parks.

Some members expressed concern that the wardens might be ‘spying’ on members of the public and reporting to the public. However, it was pointed out that in cases of offences, wardens would give evidence in court where ordinary members of the public might be reluctant.

A requirement for more signage regarding dog fouling was noted.

It was agreed that the Secretary will write to Environmental Services noting our points and concerns.

4.2. There has been contact with Environmental Services regarding the projects on the Bandstand, the War Memorial and Shanks Park and the Paisley Partnership and others will help with applying for project funding.

4.3. There was a short discussion about the relative merits of Cochrane Castle and Johnstone Town Halls. Thanks were recorded for the good service we had received at Cochrane Castle but it was unanimously agreed that we needed a larger meeting space.

It was agreed that the Secretary would, as a matter of urgency, attempt to book suitable accommodation in Johnstone Town Hall commencing with the August 2009 meeting.

4.4. George Kennedy commented that the town centre ‘Comfort Zone’ scheme was still a matter of concern and that it has been placed on the pre-agenda as a matter for discussion at the next LAC meeting. A letter of support has been received from the Quarrelton Tenants and Residents Association.

4.5. George Kennedy tabled a report updating what progress had been made since the Town Centre walkabout in October 2008. Dog fouling was again mentioned as a prime concern.

Cllr McFee pointed out that on verges and in public open spaces, dog fouling is only an offence if there is a sign present. If CC’s know of such areas without signs we should apply for them to be erected.

4.6. George Kennedy reported that the Youth Bus and football field have been secured for Houston Square on Saturday evenings for another 12 weeks.

Now plans are in hand to establish a Youth Club for the town. This is hoped to be up and running for 10 to 16 year-olds in Brewery Street in February. An application will be made to the LAC for funds – a cost of £6,000 has been identified for equipment and staff. The cost is low as this project will ‘piggy-back’ on existing facilities.

It was unanimously agreed that the CC would support these efforts.

4.7. There was much heated discussion on the subject of the state of the roads in Johnstone, both on pot holes and general disrepair as well as lack of gritting in the residential streets during icy conditions.

Dennis Lavery submitted a report detailing which areas were seen as those requiring priority treatment.

George Kennedy reported that there was quite a history of reporting problems with little result. It was felt that a special public meeting on the topic was a necessity.

Carol McKenzie noted that her reason for coming onto the CC was precisely issues such as this, as she felt that Renfrewshire Council was neglecting Johnstone.

Cllr. McFee expressed doubts that a general public meeting would have the desired effect as it was likely to just turn into a shouting match with Council officials defending their positions rather than agreeing to assist. He suggested that a better course of action might be to take a top Roads dept.official around the town and show Him the problems so that he was briefed in advance of any meeting that was called.

Dennis Lavery pointed out that if we can set up a meeting then we should know what outcomes are desirable beforehand.

It was agreed that the Secretary should, in the first instance, write to all the Residents and Tenants Associations asking that copies of any letters they send to the Roads dept. are submitted to the CC so that support can be given.

4.8. As Ewan Finlay was not present the update on Planning Applications was held over.

4.9. George Kennedy reported that he speaks to the police on a regular basis and had received a report on crime statistics for johnstone Town centre. This noted that in a two month period from Nov. to Jan. there had been 172 recorded crimes. The five most numerous crimes were theft, vandalism, assault, breach of the peace and drinking offences. The most serious crime was attempted murder. Of these crimes 87 have been detected. It was also reported that since the institution of the ‘Shoplink’ scheme shoplifting was 30% down on the same period in the previous year.

It was generally felt that we do need to try and get the police to our meeting, perhaps every 3-4 months.

5. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported that a grant of £4,100 had been received for the ‘Shoplink’ scheme, of which £4,006.06 has so far been spent.

The current balance of CC funds stands at £3872.62p.

6. Secretary’s Report

George Kennedy reported on a number of issues:-

A) On anti-social behaviour at the closed public toilets there have been meetings with the police, Assist and the anti-graffiti squad.

B) On the ‘Shoplink’ scheme – the reduction in shoplifting has already been noted, but it was reported that while shop owners can use the link to track offenders as they move about the town, the police are not always in the radio reception area to respond quickly to actually catch them.

C) The problems over the Christmas lights will be taken up with the LAC.

D) A report had been submitted detailing the possible impacts on Johnstone of a Tesco superstore being opened in Linwood.

E) A letter had been received from Johnstone Elderly Forum (represented at this meeting by Edward McMillan and Ian MacDonald) inviting CC members to attend and learn of the activities of the Forum.

F) Music in summer. It was suggested that we should organize/financially support music and other events at the bandstand on Summer Saturdays. John Waters suggested that a “Johnstone’s Got Talent” competition should be organized.

It was agreed that the CC would support this initiative.

G) Thanks had been received from the Corporate Services dept. for our support in the renewal of their Charter Mark.

H) Little information had been received about the workings of the CCTV scheme. This would be pursued.

I) Water leaks in the roads have been reported and acted on timeously by Scottish water. Leaks within properties seem to take longer.

J) The next meeting of the Renfrewshire CC Forum will take place on Monday 9th February at 7pm. George Kennedy will attend, with Chris Gilmour as the possible second representative.

K) A letter has been received informing members that the St David’s School Polling Station will be replaced by a station in the new Shared Campus. No CC members expressed any concern about this change.

Chris Gilmour recorded thanks to the secretary for all the reports and follow-up work he had undertaken on behalf of the CC.


Dennis Lavery reported some historical facts about the bandstand which might be useful in our funding application.

Ewan Finlay had asked that a problem with Council lorries churning up a grassed area in the area of Auchengreoch Road should be raised.

Cllr. McFee reported that the scheme of relief from business rates had recently changed bringing many more businesses into the levels at which they could claim. He asked that any business people should share this news with colleagues.

John Waters queried why the Council House rents were being raised by 4% in the current economic climate.

Cllr. McFee explained that new standards meant that in 2015, 95% of Renfrewshire’s housing stock will be sub-standard. The Council has negotiated a Scottish Government grant of £148million, but that this is conditional on the council making 4% year-on-year rent rises.

John Waters also raised a case of a property in the Howwood Road scheme, which had originally been built to house the elderly, being let to a single young man. This had caused serious upset to his elderly neighbours and had also ended in the police being called to a firearms incident. The tenant is currently remanded to jail, but friends left in the property have vandalized it. Was there any way the tenant could be refused a return?

Cllr. McFee replied that it was now Council policy to evict tenants convicted of such offences, but it must be remembered that there was a statutory duty laid on the Council to house anyone in need.

Chris Gilmour, who is also a member of the Johnstone Festival Committee, asked for any assistance that the CC and its members might be able to lend, and suggested a JCC float or stall at the event.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

The next meeting will be held at Cochrane Castle Community Hall on Thursday 26th February 2009.

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