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November 27th 2008 Minutes

Johnstone Community Council

Minutes of the ordinary meeting of Johnstone Community Council held on Thursday 27 11 2008 at 6.30pm in Cochrane Castle Community Hall.


Robert Campbell, David Higginson, John Waters, Dennis Lavery, Elizabeth Cosgrove, Isabella Wishart, Valerie Reilly, Chris Gilmour, George Kennedy, Wilma Dean, Stewart Clark and David Ewan Finlay.

Also in attendance:-

Councillors McFee, McMillan, Hood, Bibby and Arthur

1. Apologies

Hugh Thomson, James Moorhead, Councillors McGee and Caldwell.

2. Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Proposed by David Higginson.

Seconded by Robert Campbell.

3. Presentation by Environmental Wardens.

Danny Rossiter, Senior Warden, gave a short presentation on behalf of the newly established Environmental Wardens, a revamp of the former Neighbourhood Wardens Scheme.

He outlined the normal patrol pattern, and emphasized that the wardens now had the power to issue fixed penalty fines for dog fouling and littering offences.

John Waters asked about the cost of the scheme and was told that the sum of £2.2million had been transferred from Housing to Environmental Services to fund it, and that the changes had been made in response to community requests.

Chris Gilmour asked if the money would not be better spent if given to the police.

Clr McFee replied that the Scheme addressed issues that would not normally be covered by the police.

It was pointed out that the Wardens would have an educational function in trying to persuade citizens not to drop litter in the first place, and in going into schools to get the message across.

The general consensus was that it was too soon to be critical of the new scheme and that the Community Council (JCC) should give them a period to ‘bed-in’ and see how they were doing.

4. Environmental Services presentation.

Andy Summers of Environmental Services explained how his department could be of assistance in helping JCC in attracting investment to public areas. Possible examples could be refurbishment of the bandstand or War Memorial or work in the Shanks Park. He explained that Renfrewshire Council is legally limited in what funding it can apply for, but that it is able to provide site and technical support as well as help in preparing bids for funding.

Chris Gilmour asked the CC if there was a willingness to go ahead in the attempt to access funds

George Kennedy said that research showed that the War Memorial Trust can give up to 75% of the cost of cleaning the monument. Clrs McFee and McMillan suggested contacting other neighbouring CCs who have been successful with similar bids (e.g. Howwood and Kilbarchan) for advice.

It was agreed to set up a sub-group to work on preparing three funding bids (Park, Bandstand and War Memorial) and that a priority should be to try and have work done on the War Memorial before Remembrance Day 2009.

5. Matters Arising

5.1 Booking arrangements for Community Council Meetings. Arrangements made for Cochrane Castle Community Hall on the last Thurs of each month until the end of June.

It was agreed that early in 2009 JCC should discuss further the advantages and disadvantages of a move to Johnstone Town Hall.

5.2 Representation on Local Area Committee Meetings.

The application has been accepted for Chris Gilmour as JCC Representative and for Denis Lavery as substitute.

Chris, George, Elizabeth and Denis attended the LAC meeting on Wed 19th November.

It was announced that our bid for £4015 for Shoplink radio scheme had been successful. Chris Gilmour recorded appreciation to the local councillors for their support in getting the go-ahead for this scheme.

5.3 Remembrance Day Parade.

Attended by Chris, Valerie, Wilma and Hugh, who laid a wreath on behalf of the JCC.

The entrance and grounds of High Church had been extensively tidied through much effort by community service offenders working under supervision. This had been arranged by the CC with the church session’s approval. Work continues now in the church gardens.

The CC offers thanks to Community Service manager Mike Connolly and his supervisors.

5.4 Town Centre walkabout progress report.

Houston Square has been extensively jet washed and the plinth and base of the bandstand cleaned.

A heavy accumulation of mud and weeds has been cleared from a tenement gutter.

Winter planting in Houston Square has been completed.

Pigeon spiking and other barriers have been completed.

5.5 Johnstone Town Centre Youth Project.

Chris Gilmour attended a photo shoot.

This project has seen some success, with the youth bus and football moving to West Johnstone.

The Project team is working on other possibilities including extending the project to other outlying schemes and the finding of an indoor location for the winter months - suggestions from the floor included the Mormon Church, the old town workshops in Gas Street, the Scout Hall and the old Spateston Library.

5.6 Roads - J.C.C. Sub Group and action plan. There are too many issues here to simply write a letter to Planning and Transport - this requires a properly presented agenda with facts and photographs in order to invite council officers to our meeting in January.

George Kennedy and Chris Gilmour have driven right round the town. George is willing to take photos but would like to be excluded from the sub group for which three or four volunteers are required to prioritise what requires to be done.

It was agreed that Ewan would chair a sub-group and that other members would be Elizabeth Cosgrove, Isobel Wishart and Denis Lavery.

Clr McFee informed the meeting that the cut-off date for bids for next year’s work would be 30th November, but that there should be some leeway given that JCC is so newly formed. George Kennedy reported that we are ready to respond.

Denis Lavery commented that JCC needs to represent all interests across the town and spread the benefits about with a rolling programme of priorities for work in future financial years.

5.7 Renfrewshire Community Council Forum.

This meeting was attended by Hugh Thomson and George Kennedy

Renfrewshire Youth Voice and Scottish Youth Parliament presentations were made.

There was also discussion on CC expenses, which have not increased since 2001.

The minutes of the meeting will be made available when received.

5.8 Public Toilets in Johnstone.

George Kennedy reported that he had written to RC to highlight some concerns with the existing provision of public toilets in the town.

Areas of concern raised were inspected by Health and Safety officers and Fire Safety officers. The occupiers of both commercial premises were being issued with guidance on risk assessment and current legislation.

He asked, if JCC agrees, that in light of our concerns we should press for more suitable provision to be made in the future.

This should be by writing to all who can make this happen and to attend any meetings where this is discussed. All of this should be a matter of record.

JCC agreed unanimously to take the matter of public toilet provision forward.

5.9 Planning Applications.

Ewan Finlay reported that, as yet, there had been no specific issues requiring attention.

6. Community Council Website.

Stewart Clark’s laptop presentation was not available. He briefly described the basic homepage with brief details of JCC and contacts. Links will be provided for agendas and minutes. The web address is:-

7. Treasurer’s Report.

David Higginson reported that an account had been set up with the Clydesdale Bank, and that the designated signatories had all been authorised.

The residue monies from the former JCC (£3,048.64) plus the expenses allowance from RC (£908) had been paid into the account. George Kennedy’s expenses of £177.39 (which includes the cost of public liability insurance) had been paid out.

8. Secretary’s Report.

Letters have been sent to Johnstone High, St. Benedict’s and Linwood High Schools regarding pupil representatives to JCC. A reply has been received from Alistair McDonald, headmaster of Johnstone High. It was hoped that it would be possible to build on this.

Wilma Dean asked why the primary schools had not been contacted. It was suggested that a special area of the website might be set up to cater for that age group, as it was agreed that it would be good to encourage their interest. One suggestion was a competition in 2009 to design a JCC Christmas card.

JCC now has membership of the Association of Scottish Community Councils (ASCC) and public liability insurance has been purchased. Additionally JCC has been registered with the Information Commissioner’s office.

A letter of thanks has been sent to Mrs Shona MacDougall, Director of Enviromental Services, for the help given to George Kennedy and JCC since May 2008.


9.1George Kennedy reported on a meeting with Mr. Eddie Syme of Planning and Transport at which, following months of trying, agreement was reached to open up and inspect the drainage channel in the Somerfield Arcade at the Houston Square outlet. The continual flooding here is a slip hazard and the neglect reflects badly on the town of Johnstone and all who represent it. He asked for JCC support in the continuing campaign to get work done to improve the Somerfield Arcade.

Clr. McFee agreed that it might be useful to put this onto the LAC agenda.

9.2 George Kennedy also reported on a meeting with the Graffiti Squad management, which had been very worthwhile and informative. A handout has been provided for all JCC members.

Comment was made on the problem of graffiti in various parts of the town, as well as illegal street signs (which wardens now have the power to remove). Other general problems mentioned included the lack of road cleaning by building contractors and the run-down appearance of the Quarry Street shops.

Councillor McFee advised that Housing should be contacted regarding Quarry Street.

9.3 It was commented that it was a matter of concern that no-one from the Police had attended the JCC meeting, particularly in light of the violent incidents that had occurred in the town the previous weekend.

Clr McFee reported that it was the view of the current Chief Constable that his officers should be out policing the streets, not sitting in meetings. At best we might get attendance from off-duty community police personnel.

Chris Gilmour replied that we have to ask to get police attendance at our meetings – regardless of the Chief Constable’s views.

John Waters commented that with 128 shoplifting incidents, 4 robberies,two

serious assaults and one attempted murder in recent months Johnstone was seemingly becoming lawless and that police foot patrols were required.

George Kennedy reported that he had made good contacts with local police during work on the Shoplink scheme and that he would contact the Inspector in charge at Johnstone to see what could be done.

9.4 John Waters raised concerns about underage drinking in the town.

George Kennedy replied that the police were very aware of this and were working hard to obtain proof of offences.

Clr McFee commented that police figures for the confiscation of alcohol in Johnstone were very high, but that was because of a rigorous clampdown. He reported that there was also a ‘test purchasing’ scheme in operation in the town.

9.5 Concern was expressed for the impact on Johnstone Town Centre if Woolworths was to close down leaving one of the largest shop units lying empty.

Clr McFee replied that the shop is in the ownership of the Woolworths Company and would doubtless be part of the liquidators’ settlement.

9.6 Ewan Finlay expressed concern regarding the state of Paton’s Mill. Clr McFee replied that the building was in private hands and that there was little that the Council could do.

Robert Campbell reported that he had recently talked to the Security Guard who had told him that two visitors from Eire had assessed the site the previous week and that there was now 24-hour security on the building. However, it seems unlikely that any development will take place on the site in the current financial climate.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

The next meeting will be held at Cochrane Castle Community Hall on Thursday 29th January 2009.

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